Lombok java getter setter

Lombok @Getter и @Setter — больше не нужно писать геттеры и сеттеры

Вы можете добавить аннотацию @Getter и/или @Setter к любому полю, чтобы lombok автоматически сгенерировал методы получения и установки значения.
Метод получения значения по умолчанию просто возвращает значение поля и имеет имя getFoo, если поле имеет имя foo (или isFoo, если поле логического типа). Метод установки нового значения по умолчанию имеет имя setFoo, если поле имеет имя foo, возвращает void, и имеет один параметр с тем же типом, что и само поле. Этот метод просто устанавливает значение в поле.

Сгенерированные методы получения/установки значения имеют модификатор доступа public, если вы не укажете явно AccessLevel, как показано в примере ниже. Доступные уровни доступа: PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PACKAGE и PRIVATE.

Вы также можете указать аннотацию @Getter и/или @Setter для класса. В этом случае это будет так же, как будто вы указали эти аннотации для всех нестатических полей класса.

Вы можете также вручную запретить генерацию метода получения/установки для любого поля с помощью AccessLevel.NONE. Это позволяет вам переопределить поведение аннотаций @Getter, @Setter или @Data для класса.

Чтобы добавить аннотации к сгенерированному методу, используйте onMethod = @__ ( < @AnnotationsHere >) ; . Чтобы добавить аннотации только к параметру сгенерированного метода установки значения, используйте onParam = @__ ( < @AnnotationsHere >) . Но будьте осторожны! Это экспериментальная возможность.

НОВОЕ в v1.12.0: javadoc у поля теперь копируется на сгенерированные методы получения и установки значений. Обычно весь текст копируется, @return перемещается в метод получения значения, а строки @param перемещаются в метод установки значения. Перемещаются означает, что удаляются из JavaDoc поля. Также возможно определить уникальный текст для метода получения значения и метода установки значения. Для этого создайте секцию GETTER и/или SETTER. Секция — это линия в javadoc, содержащая два или более минуса (дефиса), затем текст «GETTER» или «SETTER», затем два или более минуса (дефиса) и больше ничего в линии.Если вы используете секции, то @return и @param больше не разделяются (переместите @return или @param внутрь секции).

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С помощью Lombok


@Getter and @Setter

Never write public int getFoo() again.


You can annotate any field with @Getter and/or @Setter , to let lombok generate the default getter/setter automatically.
A default getter simply returns the field, and is named getFoo if the field is called foo (or isFoo if the field’s type is boolean ). A default setter is named setFoo if the field is called foo , returns void , and takes 1 parameter of the same type as the field. It simply sets the field to this value.

The generated getter/setter method will be public unless you explicitly specify an AccessLevel , as shown in the example below. Legal access levels are PUBLIC , PROTECTED , PACKAGE , and PRIVATE .

You can also put a @Getter and/or @Setter annotation on a class. In that case, it’s as if you annotate all the non-static fields in that class with the annotation.

You can always manually disable getter/setter generation for any field by using the special AccessLevel.NONE access level. This lets you override the behaviour of a @Getter , @Setter or @Data annotation on a class.

To put annotations on the generated method, you can use onMethod=@__() ; to put annotations on the only parameter of a generated setter method, you can use onParam=@__() . Be careful though! This is an experimental feature. For more details see the documentation on the onX feature.

NEW in lombok v1.12.0: javadoc on the field will now be copied to generated getters and setters. Normally, all text is copied, and @return is moved to the getter, whilst @param lines are moved to the setter. Moved means: Deleted from the field’s javadoc. It is also possible to define unique text for each getter/setter. To do that, you create a ‘section’ named GETTER and/or SETTER . A section is a line in your javadoc containing 2 or more dashes, then the text ‘GETTER’ or ‘SETTER’, followed by 2 or more dashes, and nothing else on the line. If you use sections, @return and @param stripping for that section is no longer done (move the @return or @param line into the section).

With Lombok

import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class GetterSetterExample <
* Age of the person. Water is wet.
* @param age New value for this person’s age. Sky is blue.
* @return The current value of this person’s age. Circles are round.
@Getter @Setter private int age = 10 ;

* Name of the person.
* — SETTER —
* Changes the name of this person.
* @param name The new value.
@Setter ( AccessLevel.PROTECTED ) private String name;

@Override public String toString () <
return String.format ( «%s (age: %d)» , name, age ) ;

Vanilla Java

public class GetterSetterExample <
* Age of the person. Water is wet.
private int age = 10 ;

* Name of the person.
private String name;

@Override public String toString () <
return String.format ( «%s (age: %d)» , name, age ) ;

* Age of the person. Water is wet.
* @return The current value of this person’s age. Circles are round.
public int getAge () <
return age;

* Age of the person. Water is wet.
* @param age New value for this person’s age. Sky is blue.
public void setAge ( int age ) <
this .age = age;

* Changes the name of this person.
* @param name The new value.
protected void setName ( String name ) <
this .name = name;

Supported configuration keys:

lombok.accessors.chain = [ true | false ] (default: false) If set to true , generated setters will return this (instead of void ). An explicitly configured chain parameter of an @Accessors annotation takes precedence over this setting. lombok.accessors.fluent = [ true | false ] (default: false) If set to true , generated getters and setters will not be prefixed with the bean-standard ‘ get , is or set ; instead, the methods will use the same name as the field (minus prefixes). An explicitly configured chain parameter of an @Accessors annotation takes precedence over this setting. lombok.accessors.prefix += a field prefix (default: empty list) This is a list property; entries can be added with the += operator. Inherited prefixes from parent config files can be removed with the -= operator. Lombok will strip any matching field prefix from the name of a field in order to determine the name of the getter/setter to generate. For example, if m is one of the prefixes listed in this setting, then a field named mFoobar will result in a getter named getFoobar() , not getMFoobar() . An explicitly configured prefix parameter of an @Accessors annotation takes precedence over this setting. lombok.getter.noIsPrefix = [ true | false ] (default: false) If set to true , getters generated for boolean fields will use the get prefix instead of the default is prefix, and any generated code that calls getters, such as @ToString , will also use get instead of is lombok.accessors.capitalization = [ basic | beanspec ] (default: basic) Controls how tricky cases like uShaped (one lowercase letter followed by an upper/titlecase letter) are capitalized. basic capitalizes that to getUShaped , and beanspec capitalizes that to getuShaped instead.
Both strategies are commonly used in the java ecosystem, though beanspec is more common. lombok.setter.flagUsage = [ warning | error ] (default: not set) Lombok will flag any usage of @Setter as a warning or error if configured. lombok.getter.flagUsage = [ warning | error ] (default: not set) Lombok will flag any usage of @Getter as a warning or error if configured. lombok.copyableAnnotations = [A list of fully qualified types] (default: empty list) Lombok will copy any of these annotations from the field to the setter parameter, and to the getter method. Note that lombok ships with a bunch of annotations ‘out of the box’ which are known to be copyable: All popular nullable/nonnull annotations.

Small print

For generating the method names, the first character of the field, if it is a lowercase character, is title-cased, otherwise, it is left unmodified. Then, get/set/is is prefixed.

No method is generated if any method already exists with the same name (case insensitive) and same parameter count. For example, getFoo() will not be generated if there’s already a method getFoo(String. x) even though it is technically possible to make the method. This caveat exists to prevent confusion. If the generation of a method is skipped for this reason, a warning is emitted instead. Varargs count as 0 to N parameters. You can mark any method with @lombok.experimental.Tolerate to hide them from lombok.

For boolean fields that start with is immediately followed by a title-case letter, nothing is prefixed to generate the getter name.

Any variation on boolean will not result in using the is prefix instead of the get prefix; for example, returning java.lang.Boolean results in a get prefix, not an is prefix.

A number of annotations from popular libraries that indicate non-nullness, such as javax.annotation.Nonnull , if present on the field, result in an explicit null check in the generated setter.

Various well-known annotations about nullability, such as org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull , are automatically copied over to the right place (method for getters, parameter for setters). You can specify additional annotations that should always be copied via lombok configuration key lombok.copyableAnnotations .

You can annotate a class with a @Getter or @Setter annotation. Doing so is equivalent to annotating all non-static fields in that class with that annotation. @Getter / @Setter annotations on fields take precedence over the ones on classes.

Using the AccessLevel.NONE access level simply generates nothing. It’s useful only in combination with @Data or a class-wide @Getter or @Setter .

@Getter can also be used on enums. @Setter can’t, not for a technical reason, but for a pragmatic one: Setters on enums are an extremely bad idea.


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