Login page design in html css

  1. 36 CSS Login Forms
  2. Related Articles
  3. Author
  4. Links
  5. Made with
  6. About a code
  7. Hacker Login Form
  8. Author
  9. Links
  10. Made with
  11. About a code
  12. Finance Mobile Application-UX/UI Design Screen One
  13. Author
  14. Links
  15. Made with
  16. About a code
  17. Login Form
  18. Author
  19. Links
  20. Made with
  21. About a code
  22. Glassmorphism Login Form
  23. Author
  24. Links
  25. Made with
  26. About a code
  27. Sign Up / Login Form
  28. Author
  29. Links
  30. Made with
  31. About a code
  32. Creative and Customizable Registration Form
  33. Author
  34. Links
  35. Made with
  36. About a code
  37. eCommerce Registraion Form
  38. Author
  39. Links
  40. Made with
  41. About a code
  42. Registration Form #18
  43. Author
  44. Links
  45. Made with
  46. About a code
  47. Sign Up Form #26
  48. Author
  49. Links
  50. Made with
  51. About a code
  52. Sign Up Form #7
  53. Author
  54. Links
  55. Made with
  56. About a code
  57. Glassmorphism Login Form
  58. Author
  59. Links
  60. Made with
  61. About the code
  62. Sign Up Modal
  63. Author
  64. Links
  65. Made with
  66. About the code
  67. Double Slider Sign In/Up Form
  68. Author
  69. Links
  70. Made with
  71. About the code
  72. Login Form
  73. Author
  74. Links
  75. Made with
  76. About the code
  77. Simple Registration Form
  78. Author
  79. Links
  80. Made with
  81. About the code
  82. Login Modal Form
  83. Author
  84. Links
  85. Made with
  86. About the code
  87. Cube Login Form
  88. Author
  89. Links
  90. Made with
  91. About the code
  92. Login Form with Floating Labels
  93. Author
  94. Links
  95. Made with
  96. About the code
  97. Prismatic Forms
  98. Author
  99. Links
  100. Made with
  101. About the code
  102. Login Form Animation
  103. Author
  104. Links
  105. Made with
  106. About the code
  107. Login/Sign Up Form Animation
  108. Author
  109. Links
  110. Made with
  111. About the code
  112. Form UI Animation
  113. Author
  114. How to Create Login Page in HTML?
  115. Pre-requisites
  116. What Are We Creating?
  117. Creating the Login Page Structure with HTML
  118. Styling the Login Page with CSS
  119. Conclusion
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36 CSS Login Forms

Discover a collection of stylish and functional CSS login forms for your website from CodePen, GitHub, and other resources. Our update includes eight new items that will enhance your website’s user experience and improve the login process.

In today’s world, where most interactions take place online, creating a user-friendly and functional login form is crucial for any website or application. In this collection, we will explore some of the best pure CSS login forms available for free on the web, along with their features and benefits. Whether you’re a web developer or designer, these login forms are sure to inspire and help you create a seamless login experience for your users.

Demo image: Hacker Login Form

  1. Bootstrap Login Forms


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About a code

Hacker Login Form

The Hacker Login Form is a unique and creative login form designed to resemble a hacker’s terminal. Overall, the Hacker Login Form is a fun and engaging login form that can add a unique touch to any website or application.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Finance Mobile Application-UX/UI Design Screen One


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About a code

Finance Mobile Application-UX/UI Design Screen One

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Login Form


Made with

About a code

Login Form

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Glassmorphism Login Form


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About a code

Glassmorphism Login Form

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About a code

Sign Up / Login Form

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Creative and Customizable Registration Form


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About a code

Creative and Customizable Registration Form

The form is fully customizable, allowing you to add or remove fields as per your requirements. You can also change the color scheme and fonts to match your brand’s identity. The form is easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for users.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: eCommerce Registraion Form


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About a code

eCommerce Registraion Form

The form’s modern design and responsive layout make it a great addition to any website looking to improve its user experience.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Registration Form #18


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About a code

Registration Form #18

A modern and stylish registration form template that can be easily customized to fit any website. With its clean design and user-friendly interface, this form is perfect for collecting user information and creating a seamless registration process. It includes fields for name, email, password, and more.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Sign Up Form #26


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About a code

Sign Up Form #26

A modern and stylish registration form template that can be used for various purposes. It features a clean and minimal design with a beautiful color scheme that can be customized to match your brand. The form includes fields for name, email, password, and confirmation, as well as a submit button. The template is fully responsive and can be easily integrated into your website or application.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Sign Up Form #7


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About a code

Sign Up Form #7

Instead of getting one free creative signup form template, this bundle offers you two lovely alternatives to play with.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Glassmorphism Login Form


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About a code

Glassmorphism Login Form

The form has a transparent glass-like effect with a blurred background, giving it a sleek and elegant look. The form has a username and password input field with attractive focus effect, making it easy for users to interact with.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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About the code

Sign Up Modal

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Dependencies: bootstrap.css, jquery.js, bootstrap.js, popper.js


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About the code

Double Slider Sign In/Up Form

Double slider login form in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Login Form

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Simple Registration Form

Simple HTML and CSS registration form with validation.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Login Modal Form

HTML and CSS modal login form with little JavaScript.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Cube Login Form


Made with

About the code

Cube Login Form

Pure CSS cube buttons and inputs for login form with gradien styles.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Login Form with Floating Labels


Made with

About the code

Login Form with Floating Labels

Pure CSS login form with floating labels.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Prismatic Forms


Made with

About the code

Prismatic Forms

Prismatic login, sign up and other forms.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Login Form Animation


Made with

About the code

Login Form Animation

Login page animation template created with CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript DOM elements. Will surely try to upgrade it with more better animation effects.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Login/Sign Up Form Animation


Made with

About the code

Login/Sign Up Form Animation

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


Made with

About the code

Form UI Animation

Form transitions UI based on Dominik Markušić dribble.



How to Create Login Page in HTML?

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

We’ll design a login page using HTML and CSS. A login page in HTML collects information from the user and has a submit button to send the details for server-side operations. However, our objective here is to design a login page and not to deal with the backend tasks.


To begin with the login page in HTML, we need to know the following:

What Are We Creating?

The login page uses HTML and CSS for the structuring and styling. We’ll first create the simple structure with HTML and then move to make it look great with CSS. This is what our final output will look like:

login page using HTML and CSS

login form uses HTML and CSS

At first, we’ll go through the HTML code for the login page and then switch to CSS to make it look better.

Creating the Login Page Structure with HTML

Basically, we are going to make use of the tag in HTML. Forms are readily available in HTML to gather information from a user.

You can provide server-side operations as well with the action attribute, but this is beyond the scope of our discussion. You can learn more about forms here.

Let’s just start with writing the basic HTML structure in the first place.

Creating the login page structure with HTML


As already mentioned, we are designing the login page without any server-side operations, so the action attribute will be left empty. Following it will be the container that collects and lets the user submit their username and password. The form container will be styled later, but the initial structure shall be provided first.

There will be two elements; one contains the form headings and another for collecting information from the user.

Creating the signin page structure with HTML


Although the div containers aren’t visible, you’ll soon notice the changes once we add input fields in the form.

Inside the main container, tags will be used to define the input for the user. In our case, we need input types such as text (for username) and password. To define these input fields, we’ll use tags but make sure that the contains the same name as the name attribute of its tag. It is because any form control (input fields) can be associated with only one element. It is important to provide the same name to bind the and elements together.

For the username, the input type is text , and we’ll put because the user must put their username and password.

sign in using username password


input must be provided to the input fields


another sub-container to keep a checkbox

Since we used the required attribute, it ensures that the input must be provided to the input fields when we the Login button.

Inside the main container, there will be another sub-container to keep a checkbox and forgot password link at the same level. For the same, the basic use of flexbox is needed.

final structure of login form

Output This is our final structure.

However, it doesn’t look good yet. Since we are done with the HTML code for the login page, we’ll now cover the styling part in the next section.

Styling the Login Page with CSS

We’ll create a separate style sheet for the login page. So, we need to link this new stylesheet with the HTML login page. The link can be added inside the tag.

Styling the login page with CSS

Here’s a screenshot provided for reference.

linear-gradient in CSS

Let’s get a linear-gradient background for the entire login page. Here’s a link to another page if you want to learn more about it.

Styling the login page with CSS output


We also want the form to comprise only 35 relative units of its root element. Plus, it should be placed at the center horizontally, which can be done with margin: auto; .

Since we have used two tags (for username and password), we can style them as follows:

box-sizing has been set to border-box because we need to restrict the input’s width inside the total width of the form container.

Now let’s style the button according to the page. You can choose your own background-color and the color of the text. Additionally, on hovering the button, the opacity (transparency) of the button will be set to 0.6, and the mouse cursor will be shown as a pointer.

By far, this is our CSS code (along with styling the button).

Styling the login page with CSS with a good translucent look


Let’s give the form a good translucent look.

another Styling the login page with CSS


Shouldn’t the elements inside the form have a little space between them and the form’s extreme ends? We’ll need to provide padding for that.

another style of the login page with CSS


For the sub-container, we need display: flex; and the elements inside it need to be aligned in a row ( flex-direction: row; ). To center them vertically, align-items: center; will be used, and they should be put at both ends of the form, so justify-content: space-between; will be used.

Styling the login page with CSS 2


You can use the following code for stylings links.

stylings links


To make the page responsive, we need to use media queries that make the page adaptive according to the screen resolution. This makes the page useful for not only a desktop but a mobile phone as well. We just want the form to shrink horizontally with the decreasing width of the screen.

So, we are now at the final stage of our code for the login page. Also, let’s just provide a bit more padding to the main container.

final style of the login page witn css


responsive style of the login page witn css

Moreover, the page has also become responsive.


  • In this article, we created a simple login form in HTML.
  • Additionally, we can also handle the events by integrating JavaScript code along with HTML and CSS.
  • We have used concepts like flexbox and media queries in CSS to make the page adapt to different screen resolutions.
  • The tag has been majorly used to create the login page in HTML with CSS code.


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