Load image in frame html

HTML Iframes

An HTML iframe is used to display a web page within a web page.

HTML Iframe Syntax

The HTML tag specifies an inline frame.

An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document.


marginheight и marginwidth можно убрать отступы до содержимого внутри ифрейма -->

Резиновая картинка внутри растягивающегося iframe

Дополнительная страница

На дополнительной странице расположена картинка в теге img (можно применять стили CSS), в iframe — URL дополнительной страницы.


Атрибут srcdoc у iframe

Атрибут srcdoc поддерживается не всеми браузерами (нет IE). Он позволяет задавать содержимое фрейма в атрибуте. При его наличии, атрибут src игнорируется.

 .resize < width: 100%; position: relative; padding-top: 56.25%; >.resize iframe 
 .resize < width: 100%; position: relative; padding-top: 56.25%; >.resize iframe 

4 комментария:

Unknown скажите, а зачем картинку пихать в iframe? приведите пример такой ситуации NMitra Универсальная галерея для видео и картинок (это не моя идея, люди интересуются). Я подумала об iframe (меняешь URL и радуешься). Но с картинками вышла загвоздка. Дядя Женя Наталья, расскажите как встроить счётчик ливнет в код шаблона, в любое место, например в подвал, БЕЗ использования "Добавить гаджет" NMitra А в чём заключается трудность (не помню, есть ли там какие-то особенности)? У вас шаблон переработан и место для футера не определено. Можете добавить дополнительный div с кодом из http://www.liveinternet.ru/add после

Я на Метрику подсела, не мониторю произошли ли в Liveinternet какие-то изменения


How to use HTML <frame> tag with Images


The HTML <frame> tag defines a frame or a section in a web page, within the <frameset> tag. Every single <frame> can have its own attributes like scrolling, borders etc. You can show different pages separately in different frames. Similarly, you can show multiple images inside multiple <frame> tags within a single <frameset>.

Note: HTML5 does not support <frame> and <frameset> tag.

It is not a very popular element to use these days, you can still use the <frame> tag in your web page to show multiple images of different size separately.

Show images in two separate frames

For example, I have two images with different size (width and height) and I want to show the images using the <frame> tag. This is how I’ll do it.

<frameset cols="20%,50%"> <frame src="https://www.encodedna.com/images/theme/javascript.png"> <frame src="https://www.encodedna.com/images/hawa-mahal.jpg" scrolling="yes" noresize> </frameset>

First, I have defined the <frameset> tag and used the cols attribute to specify the number and size of columns. Since the first image is smaller, I have set 20% (pixel) and 50% for the second.

Note: Don’t use the <frameset> tag inside the <body> tag.

The second <frame> tag has scrolling attribute, with value "yes". The frame will show the scroll bars, since the image is big.

Below is a list of other attributes that you can use with <frame> tag.

src: This is required (compulsory). The value is the the Url of the image (or a web page, an object etc.) that you want to show in the frame.

frameborder: To add or remove borders in the frames. The value for this attribute can be 0 or 1 . You can also use yes (for 1) or no (for 0). Set the value as 1 (or yes) if you want to show the border on the frames. For example,

<frame src="https://www.encodedna.com/images/theme/javascript.png" frameborder ="1">

scrolling: You can use yes, no or auto values to show the scrollbars in a frame.

name: Specify a name to the frame. For example,

<frame src="https://www.encodedna.com/images/theme/javascript.png" name ="frm_first">

noresize: Use this attribute if you want to restrict the frames from resizing. By default you can resize the frame. However, you can prevent the frame from resizing like this.

<frame src="https://www.encodedna.com/images/hawa-mahal.jpg" noresize ="noresize">

Remember: The <frame> tag is different from the <iframe> tag. HTML5 supports <iframe>, but not the <frame> tag.

Well, that’s it. Thanks for reading. ☺



The tag creates an inline frame for embedding third-party content (media, applets, etc.). Although the content of the frame and the web page are independent, they can interact through JavaScript.

HTML iframe tag


The ) tags.

Example of an HTML Tag:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> iframe src="https://www.w3docs.com"> iframe> body> html>

To set the size of iframe, use the height and width attributes, or use CSS. The attribute values are set in pixels by default, but they can also be in percent.

Example of an HTML Tag With the Height and Width Attributes :

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> iframe src="https://www.w3docs.com" width="80%" height="300"> iframe> body> html>

By default, an iframe is surrounded by a border. To remove the border, you can use CSS border property.

Example of an HTML Tag With the CSS Border Property:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> iframe src="https://www.w3docs.com" width="80%" height="300" style="border: none"> iframe> body> html>

The new loading attribute

There is a new HTML loading attribute that allows deferring image and iframe loading until they are close to being shown. For this feature, the WHATWG has a pull request, and it is already a part of Chromium (as of v76).

Supported values for the loading attribute include:

  • "lazy", which defers the load until the image or iframe reaches a distance threshold from the viewport.
  • "eager", which loads the resource immediately.
  • "auto", which is the default behavior, eagerly load the resource.

You can use the lazy value to take advantage of browser-native lazy loading:

iframe src="video-player.html" loading="lazy">iframe>

Lazy loading is a set of techniques in web and application development that defers the loading of resources on a page to a later point in time when those resources are needed instead of loading them upfront. These techniques help in improving performance, better utilization of the device’s resources, and reducing associated costs.


Attribute Value Description
align left
Specifies how text is aligned and wrapped around the frame.
Not supported in HTML5.
allowfullscreen Defines that the frame can be opened in a full screen mode.
frameborder 1
Defines if the iframe border around the frame should be displayed or not.
Not supported in HTML 5.
height pixels Defines the height of the frame (default height 150 pix).
longdesc URL Defines a page which has a long description of the content.
Not supported in HTML 5.
marginheight pixels Defines the top and bottom margins of the frame.
Not supported in HTML 5.
marginwidth pixels Defines the left and right margins of the frame.
Not supported in HTML 5.
name text Defines the name of the frame.
Brings extra restrictions for the content inside the frame.
"" Applies all restrictions.
allow-forms Allows submission of forms or an embedded page.
allow-same-origin Considers the attached document as a document downloaded from the same source as the parent document.
allow-scripts Enables execution of scripts on a nested page.
allow-top-navigation Allows the contents of the attached document to access top-level elements (documents, windows).
scrolling yes
Defines whether the scroll bar should be displayed or not.
Not supported in HTML 5.
seamless seamless Specifies that the contents of the attached document should be displayed as part of the parent document.
src URL Specifies the address of the document whose contents will be loaded into the frame.
srcdoc HTML_code Stores the contents of the frame directly in the attribute.
width pixels Defines the width of the frame. (default width is 300px).


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