Load css with ajax

jQuery: Load CSS with AJAX (all browsers)

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I was recently looking for a solution for loading style sheets dynamically into a web page, but I was also after knowing when the style sheet was loaded so I could stop showing my custom loading bar.

I decided the best way to do this was to load the file with jQuery Ajax, which would give me the “success” call-back and allow me to pick up on failures and etc.

This is the code I originally implemented:


However the above code will not work in IE6 – IE7 –IE8 – Safari and probably more browsers, which is definitely NO GOOD! Especially when it does not work in the latest Safari!

I managed to find a work around, which in my opinion does EXACTLY THE SAME THING, but what makes all the browsers happy, makes me happy:


This works in all the following browsers I have tested it in:

  • Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Safari (latest)
  • Google Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Opera (latest)

Please drop a comment if this helped you or if you have found a browser it is not compatible with.

Author: Dean Williams I’m a Web Developer, Graphics Designer and Gamer, this is my personal site which provides PHP programming advice, hints and tips


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