Linking Pages in HTML
In this topic, we are going to learn about Linking Pages in HTML. Syntax of Linking Pages in HTML Let’s see how actually linking of pages can be done using HTML is as follows: Syntax: In the above syntax , the anchor tag helps to define and open a new targeted page or document using a defined attribute like the target link.
Linking Pages in HTML
Introduction to Linking Pages in HTML
Link is simply defined as text, which is clickable, so it helps to move from one page to another whenever this text has been clicked. You give the link to any element like page, image, or website to move from one page to another. HTML link uses tag with href attribute which is having path were actually want to jump. Any link included in HTML code by default shown in blue color. If this link is already visited by the user previously, it will be shown in purple. We can able to change the color of this link by using CSS too. In this topic, we are going to learn about Linking Pages in HTML.
Syntax of Linking Pages in HTML
Let’s see how actually linking of pages can be done using HTML is as follows:
In the above syntax , the anchor tag helps to define and open a new targeted page or document using a defined attribute like the target link.
This exactly works like the Absolute file path as we earlier have seen in HTML file path content.
We can also open a particular page or portion from the website by defining the simple path of that content using the same syntax.
If we have to open a specific page, then it’s also possible by using Relative file path like
We can do one more interesting thing using an HTML link because we can open a blank browser window or open our web page into a new window using syntax.
If we want to open our webpage in the parent window, then it’s also possible using the syntax as follows:
How to link the page by using the HTML?
As earlier, we have seen how to link web pages, images, and other documents by using an anchor tag with a href attribute, which is by defining both file path like Absolute and Relative.
We are also familiar with how to deal with targets for the link to do functionalities like opening new blank windows, opening the webpage in the parent window, opening page in the self window like by default we are using this, opening the document in a full browser window using _top attribute and many more things.
Link to create a bookmark
Let’s see how to create bookmark anchors using the link in HTML. These features work as a bookmark for our web page; whenever we want to find something from large page data, then simply define some text or document as a link to jump directly to this targeted location.
To define bookmark, we have to add id as an attribute to a specific element to where we actually want to jump than its value by passing a sign called ‘#’, which is included in href within the tag . This is as shown below:
Homepage This code works as a bookmark, so can jump directly to the home Section by clicking on link
One can also directly open a particular section from another page simply defining that page’s url into the anchor tag with href attribute; this is as follows:
Link to download the document
With the help of linking in HTML, we can also create links that help us to download documents. It has the same thing defining text as a link and just adds the destination file’s path as a URL, so whenever we are clicking this link, the connected documents or webpage automatically gets downloaded. So we can download files types like PDF, zip, jpg, etc.
This will download file in PDF format This will download file in zip Format This will download file as a Image
Image as an HTML Link: One more feature of an HTML link is to consider the image as a link in an HTML document; this can be defined as follows:
Button as a link: One can define a button as a link in HTML, too; additionally, we have to add some javascript code with it. So whenever a click event has occurred, it will open the linked page.
Examples of Linking Pages in HTML
Here are the following examples mention below
Example #1
In this example, we are adding a simple HTML link to one for the website, and another is a webpage that is locally stored in our system.
HTML Page Link
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Open another webpage by linking pages in HTML
To browse new webpage click Here
For the first link, it will open the website
For the second link, it will open a webpage stored at local system
Example #2
This is the example saying that we are using the link to open the webpage in a new tab whenever it clicked and Image As A Link to open a new document.
linking Pages in HTML
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HTML Image as Page Link
As we discussed we can give link to the image, so are giving link to the image here which will open another page.
The first link to open another page in the new target window:
Example #3
In this example, we are using Button as a link.
Linking Pages in HTML Using Button as a Link
Most important thing we can do give the link to the button to open another page.
Whenever we are going to click on the button, it will work as a link to open another page:
Finally, linking pages in HTML can be done by using tag with a href attribute. This element is useful in various features To create a bookmark, open the document in the target blank tab, the same thing in parent tab, self tab, create the image as a link, and create a button as a link and many more others.
Final thoughts
This is a guide to Linking Pages in HTML. Here we discuss how to link the page by using the HTML along with the examples. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –
Why we use tag although my website runs, The closest thing we have to a way to specify the HTML version is the Doctype Declaration, which appears at the top of the document before any tags. Encryption on the web is handled on the transport layer, not the document layer, so that isn’t impacted by the presence (or lack) of an HTML start tag (and no …
Deprecated HTML Tags
What does «deprecated» mean?
Generally, «deprecated» means something disapproved. In IT, deprecated elements are those elements that are allowed, but not recommended and are being replaced by newer ones. So, a «deprecated code» means that it is not recommended to use as there is a better alternative in that software to use instead.
Deprecated HTML Tag List
HTML5 — Deprecated Tags & Attributes, Some attributes from HTML4 are no longer allowed in HTML5 at all and they have been removed completely. Following is the table having removed attributed and their corresponding impacted tags (elements) ie. elements from which those attributes have been removed permanently −. Removed Attributes. From the …
Using <Link> to designate a default folder
Okay so here’s the question: in HTML is it possible to, using the link tag in the head , set a default folder location? For example, say I break up my files on my server by page and have one called baseball and in the baseball folder I’ve got one called images. Baseball is a page in this example, and all the images I’m using for that page are coming form \baseball\images so in this example I want to do this
link href = "\baseball\images\"
so later on when I need to pull an image from that folder all I have to type is:
img src = "\baseball\images\Pitcher.jpg"
Is there a way to do that, maybe not with link , but let’s say a is done in the head part of the document?
The HTML element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document.There is maximum one element in a document.
HTML Links
In this tutorial you will learn how to create links to other pages in HTML.
Creating Links in HTML
A link or hyperlink is a connection from one web resource to another. Links allow users to move seamlessly from one page to another, on any server anywhere in the world.
A link has two ends, called anchors. The link starts at the source anchor and points to the destination anchor, which may be any web resource, for example, an image, an audio or video clip, a PDF file, an HTML document or an element within the document itself, and so on.
By default, links will appear as follows in most of the browsers:
- An unvisited link is underlined and blue.
- A visited link is underlined and purple.
- An active link is underlined and red.
However, you can overwrite this using CSS. Learn more about styling links.
HTML Link Syntax
Links are specified in HTML using the tag.
A link or hyperlink could be a word, group of words, or image.
Anything between the opening tag and the closing tag becomes the part of the link that the user sees and clicks in a browser. Here are some examples of the links:
The href attribute specifies the target of the link. Its value can be an absolute or relative URL.
An absolute URL is the URL that includes every part of the URL format, such as protocol, host name, and path of the document, e.g., , , etc. While, relative URLs are page-relative paths, e.g., contact.html , images/smiley.png , and so on. A relative URL never includes the http:// or https:// prefix.
Setting the Targets for Links
The target attribute tells the browser where to open the linked document. There are four defined targets, and each target name starts with an underscore( _ ) character:
- _blank — Opens the linked document in a new window or tab.
- _parent — Opens the linked document in the parent window.
- _self — Opens the linked document in the same window or tab as the source document. This is the default, hence it is not necessary to explicitly specify this value.
- _top — Opens the linked document in the full browser window.
Try out the following example to understand how the link’s target basically works:
Tip: If your web page is placed inside an iframe, you can use the target=»_top» on the links to break out of the iframe and show the target page in full browser window.
Creating Bookmark Anchors
You can also create bookmark anchors to allow users to jump to a specific section of a web page. Bookmarks are especially helpful if you have a very long web page.
Creating bookmarks is a two-step process: first add the id attribute on the element where you want to jump, then use that id attribute value preceded by the hash sign ( # ) as the value of the href attribute of the tag, as shown in the following example:
Jump to Section A Section A
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