Line number variable php

PHP function: find argument’s variable name, and function calls line number

This isn’t something you can easily do, as the function parameter is an expression which is evaluated before the function is called. Thus, the function can only see the value of that expression, and not the expression itself.

If you really want to do this, you could use debug_backtrace to find the file and line number of the caller, extract that line from the source file, then parse out the expression from the function call. Here’s a proof-of-concept:

function dump($value) < $trace=debug_backtrace(); $expr=""; if (isset($trace[0]['file'])) < $lines=file($trace[0]['file']); $line=$lines[$trace[0]['line']-1]; $expr=$line; $expr=preg_replace('/\s*dump\(/i','', $expr); $expr=preg_replace('/\);\s*/', '', $expr); >echo "$expr is $value\n"; > //examples. $a=10; dump($a); dump($a+10); 

Clearly nuts. But it works 🙂 You could of course simply pass the name in along with the variable!

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You cannot get variable name.

Though you can make it just

Your Common Sense 155649

The problem with this is that the variable should have a unique value 🙁

function log_var($var, $line) < $var_name = 'unknown'; foreach($GLOBALS as $var_name =>$value) if ($value === $var) $var_name = $var_name; $line--; $filepath = 'log-' . date('Y-m-d'). '.txt'; $message = "$line, $var_name = $var\n"; $fp = fopen($filepath, "a"); fwrite($fp, $message); fclose($fp); @chmod($filepath, 0666); return TRUE; > $a = 'hello'; log_var($a, __LINE__); 

Clarification: you should NOT try to do things like this. it’s not recommend and there are probably better ways to do what you want.

Similar Question and Answer

I don’t know if it can be done, that you get the line number of where the variable is set, what you can do:

function log_var($var, $var_name) < $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $line = $backtrace[0]['line']; // get's the line of the call for log_var $line--; $filepath = 'log-' . date('Y-m-d'). '.txt'; $message = "$line, $var_name = $var\n"; $fp = fopen($filepath, "a"); fwrite($fp, $message); fclose($fp); @chmod($filepath, 0666); return TRUE; >
23 $a = 'hello'; 24 log_var($a,'$a'); 25 $b = 'bye'; 26 log_var($b,'$b'); 

and the output will, look like this:

I don’t believe you can get it any better. But if someone knows how to get it, i’m willing to learn

jigfox 17852

You might be able to do something close with Reflection. Aside from that, though, there’s not much else.

I played with the function provided by Paul Dixon (accepted answer) and got it into the shape really doing what I want. This could act as a poor-man’s debugger, and I hope it will be useful to someone.

Here is the function and example usage/output:

function dump($value) < $trace=debug_backtrace(); $expr=""; if (isset($trace[0]['file'])) < $myline = $trace[0]['line']; $myline--; $lines=file($trace[0]['file']); $line=$lines[$trace[0]['line']-1]; $expr=$line; $expr=preg_replace('/\s*dump\(/i','', $expr); $expr=preg_replace('/\);\s*/', '', $expr); >$handle = @fopen(__FILE__, "r"); if ($handle) < for ($l=1; $l < $myline+1; $l++) < $buffer = fgets($handle); >> fclose($handle); $message = "$myline \t $buffer \t $expr = $value \n\n"; $filepath = 'log.txt'; $fp = fopen($filepath, "a"); fwrite($fp, $message); fclose($fp); @chmod($filepath, 0666); return TRUE; > 

And here is sample usage (numbers represent line numbers in actual code):

41 //examples. 42 $a='hello'; 43 dump($a); 44 45 $b = 'bye'; 46 dump($b); 47 48 $c = date('y-m-d'); 49 dump($c); 50 51 $c = $a . ' and then ' . $b; 52 dump($c); 

The example will produce this output in the log file:

42 $a='hello'; $a = hello 45 $b = 'bye'; $b = bye 48 $c = date('y-m-d'); $c = 10-05-20 51 $c = $a . ' and then ' . $b; $c = hello and then bye 

Majid Fouladpour 28248

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Получает номер текущей строки для заданного XML-анализатора.

Список параметров

Ссылка на анализатор XML для получения номера строки.

Возвращаемые значения

Функция возвращает номер строки согласно текущему положению указателя анализатора.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.0.0 Параметр parser ожидает экземпляр XMLParser ; ранее ожидался корректный xml ресурс ( resource ).

Смотрите также

  • xml_get_current_column_number() — Получает от XML-анализатора номер текущего столбца
  • xml_get_current_byte_index() — Получает текущий для XML-анализатора байтовый индекс

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