Line Breaks

HTML New Line Using br and pre

Have you ever wanted to add a new line onto your web page? You cannot just add a new line using the enter character. Instead, you need to use one of the HTML tags built for the purpose of creating new lines.

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By continuing you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and you consent to receive offers and opportunities from Career Karma by telephone, text message, and email.

In this tutorial, we’re going to discuss the HTML
and tags. Both tags let you add new lines into your HTML text. Without further ado, let’s get started.

HTML New Line:

Sometimes when we are writing HTML, we need to add line breaks or white space to the UI. These spaces will make the web page more readable. There are two ways to add a new line in HTML:

  • tag: Creates a line break.
  • tag: Formats text exactly as it is written in your editor.


We can add a new line to our text using the
tag. This tag, known as the break return element, inserts a new line after the previous element.

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The syntax for this tag is:

tag adds a new line after the word “Test”. This tag does not have a closing tag, Instead, you only need to add
to any place where you want a new line. Let’s look at a more detailed example:

Here it is used after each line in an address:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima, veritatis. Soluta pariatur nesciunt voluptatum id incidunt minus ratione obcaecati laborum unde? Voluptatibus officia quia ducimus odio labore atque aperiam sint. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque dolores provident animi deserunt maxime. Officiis explicabo odit vitae. Doloremque nemo nobis voluptates ducimus aperiam libero maiores accusamus earum ipsam voluptate! Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea nostrum commodi et exercitationem, maiores eum facere dicta repellendus laborum voluptatibus amet ipsam animi repellat distinctio deleniti quis? Dicta, aperiam nobis.

123 Main St
Hometown, USA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos tempora modi eius omnis provident sit itaque vel ad porro nulla vero sequi ullam aperiam placeat consectetur, assumenda in autem dolorum! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Et, cumque tenetur quos sit assumenda consectetur voluptas veritatis soluta. Alias accusamus similique odio iste. Laudantium vitae exercitationem illum suscipit assumenda enim! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Dignissimos architecto deleniti debitis alias recusandae, optio ab nihil in neque nam impedit at a corporis delectus quas! Aliquid, modi earum. Quidem.

In this code, we use the
tag after each HTML tag in the tag. This adds a new line to each part of the address.

The HTML tag embeds preformatted text into your code. This tag will insert text exactly as we input it in the markup. So, any line breaks in the text will appear in the final code.

Unlike the
tag, the element has an opening and closing tag. Here is the syntax for the tag in HTML code:

This code formats the text “This is a sentence” exactly as it appears between the tags.

The quirk with the tag is that everything is entered exactly as you write it in the editor.

Copy/pasted text does not have any break returns. So, copy/pasted text may not appear as you expect. The compiler is reading it as one long continuous line of text. By adding some physical returns (by hitting the return or enter key), the expected behavior will happen.

Let’s take a look at a more detailed example of the tag:


Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ut temporibus dolores iure molestias porro, esse, ducimus provident ipsam voluptas rerum veniam vero inventore tempora molestiae error sapiente veritatis, neque eligendi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus soluta ipsam eligendi nesciunt hic explicabo vel doloremque quod eaque minima. Fugit enim fugiat neque quos, eligendi commodi sint architecto repellendus? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam, saepe ipsam! Fugiat id quod esse obcaecati vitae at commodi distinctio, praesentium labore eveniet corporis aut, sint qui nostrum iure in!

2345 Main St. Hometown, Anywhere, USA 12345-3456

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque assumenda, explicabo aspernatur odit saepe a dicta eveniet accusamus laudantium, molestiae quae sunt cumque iusto? Tenetur eligendi architecto atque tempora. Placeat? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ullam sit libero quibusdam, ex ut, possimus iure non architecto doloremque consectetur quam eligendi repellat facere vero omnis officiis aperiam modi ea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto quas, autem impedit, ratione enim porro illum fugit natus voluptatem sunt error non accusamus nulla blanditiis aspernatur nemo repudiandae sequi reiciendis!

We add a tag immediately after the tag in our code. All the text within the tag — our HTML paragraph tags and tag — is formatted as it appears in the text editor.

We do not need to use
tags in the address. This is because we have inserted new lines using the enter key in our text editor.

Usually, this would not let us add new lines to our document. Because we have used the tag, our new lines created with the enter key appear in the final document.


There are two ways to insert line breaks into HTML: and . The
tag is useful if you want to add a single new line in a specific position. is better if you have a block of text that you want to appear as it is in your text editor.

Do you want to learn more about coding in HTML? We have a How to Learn HTML guide that lists top courses and resources you can use to advance your knowledge.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication.


A Href on a new line

For having the text in the same row as the a we have some possibilities: Change the style with CSS class, via the ID or set with style = «display: inline;» Example Benefit of a different tag Example:Solution 2: If I understood your question correctly you should only have to include the link in the paragraph. Solution 1: The tag p stands for paragraph.

A Href on a new line


Nandi Hills are currently undergoing a multi-crore development, including a one crore renovation of the Tipu Fort, via private-public partnership to transform the hills into a tourist hub. The Department of Horticulture is setting up a food court modeled after one in Singapore at a cost of nearly one crore at the hill station.Various varieties of vegetarian and continental food, beverages, bakery products, ice-creams and fresh fruit juices will be available.

How can I make my \\n a new Line in HTML, 2 Answers. As a side note: since Java 8 to represent in regex different line separators like \r\n sequence or \r we can use \R like replaceAll («\\R»,»
«). You can also solve this problem without having to replace any newlines by using CSS. Just add white-space: pre-line; to the style attribute as follows:

How do i add a new line in html format in android?

b.setText(Html.fromHtml("" + st + "" + "
" + cursor.getString(1)));

Rather than using HTML to format your text (which is relatively slow) you could use Spans which give you much tighter control, and are more efficient. I wrote a blog post about the use of spans which may help you to get started.

How to add a new line to HTML text using JavaScript?, To add string to a new line, you need the \n in your string. For example: var string = ‘This is the first line \nThis is the second line’ console.log (string) This would output. This is the first line This is the second line. Share. answered Aug 30, 2016 at 2:23. davidhu.

The paragraph is going onto a new line after the link in HTML

The tag p stands for paragraph. So it makes sense that the text in the p stands in a new line and fills the whole width of the parent. By default, p has the property «display: block».

For having the text in the same row as the a we have some possibilities:

 Click to go to google 

This should appear next to the link, instead of the next line

 Click to go to google This should appear next to the link, instead of the next line 

If I understood your question correctly you should only have to include the link in the paragraph.

Click to go to google This should appear next to the link, instead of on the next line

Html — Links on New Line, Line break tag does not require a closing tag. For increasing the gap between the lines of text use CSS margin property. • margin-bottom: 0 • margin-left: 0 • margin-right: 0 • margin-top: 0. Use the
tag to break the row. But with this solution you’ll have to modify the css, as the next is no longer a child.

To your CSS and the problem will be solved.

That’s because of h2 display property which is block .

at the beginning of your file (enclosed by tags) or in your stylesheet file.

See Typical default display properties here

Alternatively replace «h2» with for example «span» and the links will be on the same line.

Home Hills Pupil Tailored Website

Putting all the links within one h2 tag instead of using one for each link.

How to add horizontal line in HTML, In this article, we will see how to add the Horizontal line in HTML. For this, there are 2 approaches: By using the

tag. By using the CSS Properties. We will discuss both approaches sequentially to add the horizontal line. Adding the Horizontal Line using

tag: The Horizontal Rule tag (

) is used for the …


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