Learning java by patrick niemeyer

Learning Java, 6th Edition

Learning Java, 6th Edition

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Book description

Ideal for working programmers new to Java, this best-selling book guides you through the language features and APIs of Java 21. Through fun, compelling, and realistic examples, author Marc Loy introduces you to Java fundamentals, including its class libraries, programming techniques, and idioms, with an eye toward building real applications.

This updated sixth edition expands the content to cover lambdas and streams, and shows you how to use a functional paradigm in Java. You’ll learn about the latest Java features introduced since the book’s fifth edition, from JDK 15 through 21. You’ll also take a deep dive into the virtual threads introduced as Project Loom in Java 19 and become familiar with the public release of JDK 21 LTS.

  • Learn the structure of the Java language and Java applications
  • Write, compile, and execute Java applications
  • Understand the basics of Java threading and concurrent programming
  • Learn Java I/O basics, including local files and network resources
  • Create compelling interfaces with an eye toward usability
  • Learn how functional features have been integrated in Java
  • Keep up with Java developments as new versions are released
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Learning Java

Publication date 2002 Topics Java (Computer program language), Java (Langage de programmation) Publisher Sebastopol, CA : O’Reilly Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks Digitizing sponsor The Arcadia Fund Contributor Internet Archive Language English

«Covers Java 2 SDK 1.4»—Cover

«Help for new Java developers»—Cover

«Java software development kit standard edition v1.40 for Solaris, Windows, or Linus; NetBeans IDE v3.3.1 and NetBeans extra binary files; Ant v1.4.1; Tomcat v4.0.3; and BeanShell v1.2»—Disc

[WorldCat (this item)]

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Learning Java, 5th Edition

Learning Java, 5th Edition

Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial.

O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers.

Book description

If you’re new to Java—or new to programming—this best-selling book will guide you through the language features and APIs of Java 11. With fun, compelling, and realistic examples, authors Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, and Daniel Leuck introduce you to Java fundamentals—including its class libraries, programming techniques, and idioms—with an eye toward building real applications.

You’ll learn powerful new ways to manage resources and exceptions in your applications—along with core language features included in recent Java versions.

  • Develop with Java, using the compiler, interpreter, and other tools
  • Explore Java’s built-in thread facilities and concurrency package
  • Learn text processing and the powerful regular expressions API
  • Write advanced networked or web-based applications and services

Publisher resources

Table of contents

  1. Preface
    1. Who Should Read This Book
    2. New Developments
      1. New in This Edition (Java 11, 12, 13, 14)
      1. Enter Java
        1. Java’s Origins
        2. Growing Up
        1. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify…
        2. Type Safety and Method Binding
        3. Incremental Development
        4. Dynamic Memory Management
        5. Error Handling
        6. Threads
        7. Scalability
        1. The Verifier
        2. Class Loaders
        3. Security Managers
        1. The Past: Java 1.0–Java 11
        2. The Present: Java 14
        3. The Future
        4. Availability
        1. Java Tools and Environment
          1. Installing the JDK
          2. Installing OpenJDK on Linux
          3. Installing OpenJDK on macOS
          4. Installing OpenJDK on Windows
          5. Configuring IntelliJ IDEA and Creating a Project
          6. Running the Project
          7. Grabbing the Learning Java Examples
          1. Classes
          2. The main() Method
          3. Classes and Objects
          4. Variables and Class Types
          5. HelloComponent
          6. Inheritance
          7. The JComponent Class
          8. Relationships and Finger-Pointing
          9. Package and Imports
          10. The paintComponent() Method
          1. Instance Variables
          2. Constructors
          3. Events
          4. The repaint() Method
          5. Interfaces
          1. JDK Environment
          2. The Java VM
          3. Running Java Applications
            1. System Properties
            1. javap
            2. Modules
            1. File Compression
            2. The jar Utility
            3. The pack200 Utility
            1. Text Encoding
              1. Javadoc Comments
              1. Primitive Types
              2. Reference Types
              3. Inferring Types
              4. Passing References
              5. A Word About Strings
              1. Statements
              2. Expressions
              1. Array Types
              2. Array Creation and Initialization
              3. Using Arrays
              4. Anonymous Arrays
              5. Multidimensional Arrays
              1. Classes
                1. Declaring and Instantiating Classes
                2. Accessing Fields and Methods
                3. Static Members
                1. Local Variables
                2. Shadowing
                3. Static Methods
                4. Initializing Local Variables
                5. Argument Passing and References
                6. Wrappers for Primitive Types
                7. Method Overloading
                1. Constructors
                2. Working with Overloaded Constructors
                1. Garbage Collection
                1. Importing Classes
                2. Custom Packages
                3. Member Visibility and Access
                4. Compiling with Packages
                1. Subclassing and Inheritance
                2. Interfaces
                3. Inner Classes
                4. Anonymous Inner Classes
                1. Exceptions
                  1. Exceptions and Error Classes
                  2. Exception Handling
                  3. Bubbling Up
                  4. Stack Traces
                  5. Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
                  6. Throwing Exceptions
                  7. try Creep
                  8. The finally Clause
                  9. try with Resources
                  10. Performance Issues
                  1. Enabling and Disabling Assertions
                  2. Using Assertions
                  1. Overview
                  2. Logging Levels
                  3. A Simple Example
                  4. Logging Setup Properties
                  5. The Logger
                  6. Performance
                  1. Collections
                    1. The Collection Interface
                    2. Collection Types
                    3. The Map Interface
                    1. Containers: Building a Better Mousetrap
                    2. Can Containers Be Fixed?
                    1. Talking About Types
                    1. Erasure
                    2. Raw Types
                    1. Why Isn’t a List a List?
                    1. Converting Between Collections and Arrays
                    2. Iterator
                    1. Strings
                      1. Constructing Strings
                      2. Strings from Things
                      3. Comparing Strings
                      4. Searching
                      5. String Method Summary
                      1. Parsing Primitive Numbers
                      2. Tokenizing Text
                      1. Regex Notation
                      2. The java.util.regex API
                      1. The java.lang.Math Class
                      2. Big/Precise Numbers
                      1. Local Dates and Times
                      2. Comparing and Manipulating Dates and Times
                      3. Time Zones
                      4. Parsing and Formatting Dates and Times
                      5. Parsing Errors
                      6. Timestamps
                      1. Introducing Threads
                        1. The Thread Class and the Runnable Interface
                        2. Controlling Threads
                        3. Death of a Thread
                        1. Serializing Access to Methods
                        2. Accessing Class and Instance Variables from Multiple Threads
                        1. Thread State
                        2. Time-Slicing
                        3. Priorities
                        4. Yielding
                        1. The Cost of Synchronization
                        2. Thread Resource Consumption
                        1. Buttons and Sliders and Text Fields, Oh My!
                          1. Component Hierarchies
                          2. Model View Controller Architecture
                          3. Labels and Buttons
                          4. Text Components
                          5. Other Components
                          1. Frames and Windows
                          2. JPanel
                          3. Layout Managers
                          1. Mouse Events
                          2. Action Events
                          3. Change Events
                          4. Other Events
                          1. Message Dialogs
                          2. Confirmation Dialogs
                          3. Input Dialogs
                          1. SwingUtilities and Component Updates
                          2. Timers
                          1. Menus
                          2. Preferences
                          3. Custom Components and Java2D
                          4. JavaFX
                          1. Streams
                            1. Basic I/O
                            2. Character Streams
                            3. Stream Wrappers
                            4. The java.io.File Class
                            5. File Streams
                            6. RandomAccessFile
                            1. FileSystem and Path
                            2. NIO File Operations
                            1. Asynchronous I/O
                            2. Performance
                            3. Mapped and Locked Files
                            4. Channels
                            5. Buffers
                            6. Character Encoders and Decoders
                            7. FileChannel
                            1. Clients and Servers
                            2. The DateAtHost Client
                            3. A Distributed Game
                            1. Uniform Resource Locators
                            2. The URL Class
                              1. Stream Data
                              2. Getting the Content as an Object
                              3. Managing Connections
                              4. Handlers in Practice
                              5. Useful Handler Frameworks
                              1. Using the GET Method
                              2. Using the POST Method
                              3. The HttpURLConnection
                              4. SSL and Secure Web Communications
                              1. The Servlet Life Cycle
                              2. Servlets
                              3. The HelloClient Servlet
                              4. The Servlet Response
                              5. Servlet Parameters
                              6. The ShowParameters Servlet
                              7. User Session Management
                              8. The ShowSession Servlet
                              1. Configuration with web.xml and Annotations
                              2. URL Pattern Mappings
                              3. Deploying HelloClient
                              1. Java Releases
                                1. JCP and JSRs
                                1. Retrofitting Your Code
                                1. Grabbing the Main Code Examples
                                2. Installing IntelliJ IDEA
                                  1. Installing on Linux
                                  2. Installing on a macOS
                                  3. Installing on Windows

                                  Product information

                                  • Title: Learning Java, 5th Edition
                                  • Author(s): Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck
                                  • Release date: March 2020
                                  • Publisher(s): O’Reilly Media, Inc.
                                  • ISBN: 9781492056270

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