Kotlin json parse online

JSON Parser

Online JSON Parser helps to parse, view, analyze JSON data in Tree View. It’s a pretty simple and easy way to parse JSON data and share it with others.

This Parse JSON Online tool is very powerful.

  • This will show data in a tree view which supports image viewer on hover.
  • It also validates your data and shows errors in great detail.
  • It’s a wonderful tool crafted for JSON lovers who are looking to deserialize JSON online.
  • This JSON decode online helps to decode unreadable JSON. Sometimes it’s mistyped or read as «JASON parser» or «JSON Decoder».
  • Use this icon to restore the last JSON data from the browser’s local storage.
  • Enable Big Number switch if JSON has Big Number to retain numbers after formatting. Because JSON.parse() function will round the numbers.

Best and Secure Online JSON Parser work well in Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

This JSON Parse Online tool uses JSON.parse() internal method on the browser to Parsing JSON data. Without coding or any hassle, developers can parse JSON data.

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JSON.Parse() is javascript method for parsing JSON which converts to JavaScript objects.

let jsObj = JSON.parse(' <"name":"Geico","founded":1936, "country":"United States">');

JSON.parse() method compatible in all browsers including IE 10.

Reviver method object can be passed in JSON.parse() to return a modified object of JSON in case of custom logic requires to add and return the different values as JS object.

SyntaxError exception is thrown when JSON data is not based on specification.


Why JSON Parser?

How to use JSON Parser with URL?

Is login required to save JSON data?

No. It’s not required to save and share code. If JSON data is saved without login, it will become public. To make json data private please login and save the links.

Do we store any data while parsing of JSON Data?

  • No, we do not store any JSON data. It processes data on a browser, this tool uses JavaScript scripts libraries to parse the data.
  • In case if the user has provided a URL, which we use the server to fetch the URL data.
  • When the user uses Save Online functionality, this tool saves the data to the server’s database.


JSON to Kotlin

JSON Formatter is free to use tool which helps to format, validate, save and share your JSON data.

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  • SCSS to SASS
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  • SASS to CSS
  • SASS to LESS
  • SASS to SCSS
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  • JSON to Java
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  • JSON to Go
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  • JSON to Rust
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  • JSON to Crystal
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  • JSON to C++
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  • JSON to TypeScript
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  • JSON to JavaScript Proptypes
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  • JSON to Flow
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  • JSON to Kotlin
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  • JSON to Ruby
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  • JSON Formatter
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  • JavaScript Formatter
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  • C# Formatter
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Json to Kotlin Converter

Simple REST API endpoints with more than 10000 row dataset. This includes all the HTTP requests including GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH. with supporting Pagination.

Secured Fake Rest API

Same API which deployed for Fake REST API with Adding secure Layer with JWT Authentication.

Json to Java Converter

This converter could create a Java POJO using any kind of JSON input. Additionally It supports for Lombok project based annotations.

Json to Kotlin Converter

This converter could create a Kotlin Data class using any kind of JSON input.

Json to Groovy Converter

This converter could create a Groovy class using any kind of JSON input.

Json to C# Converter

This converter could create a C# class using any kind of JSON input.

Json to Swift Converter

This converter could create a Swift Codeable class using any kind of JSON input.

UUID Generator

Hosted Country Flags of Every Country in the World. All The Flags are available in PNG, SVG Formats and Can use in any web, mobile platform for Free.

UUID V5 Generator

Hosted Country Flags of Every Country in the World. All The Flags are available in PNG, SVG Formats and Can use in any web, mobile platform for Free.

UUID Validator

Hosted Country Flags of Every Country in the World. All The Flags are available in PNG, SVG Formats and Can use in any web, mobile platform for Free.

Empty UUID Generator

Hosted Country Flags of Every Country in the World. All The Flags are available in PNG, SVG Formats and Can use in any web, mobile platform for Free.

Country Flags

Hosted Country Flags of Every Country in the World. All The Flags are available in PNG, SVG Formats and Can use in any web, mobile platform for Free.


How to parse JSON in Android using Kotlin

We’re going to parse JSON without using any 3rd party library but using the java class JSONTokener.

With the JSONTokener, we can parse a JSON string into an object. These objects can be cast as JSONObject or as JSONArray. In that way, we’ll be able to read the JSON values.

I’ll cover 3 cases that may you face when you’re trying to parse JSON:

  • Simple JSON: Just a simple JSON without any complex structure
  • Array JSON: The JSON structure begins with an array and without a key
  • Nested JSON: Includes nested objects

Simple JSON

A simple JSON doesn’t have any complex structure, like arrays, nested objects, e.t.c, and it looks like that:

< "id": "1", "employee_name": "Jack Full", "employee_salary": "300800", "employee_age": "61" >Code language: Swift (swift)

After getting the response from the HTTP request, you parse the JSON string into JSONObject, to get the JSON values:

val jsonObject = JSONTokener(response).nextValue() as JSONObject // ID val >"id") Log.i("ID: ", id) // Employee Name val employeeName = jsonObject.getString("employee_name") Log.i("Employee Name: ", employeeName) // Employee Salary val employeeSalary = jsonObject.getString("employee_salary") Log.i("Employee Salary: ", employeeSalary) // Employee Age val employeeAge = jsonObject.getString("employee_age") Log.i("Employee Age: ", employeeAge)Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Array JSON

Sometimes, you might see a JSON start with an array and without having a key:

[ < "id": "1", "employee_name": "Tiger Nixon", "employee_salary": "320800", "employee_age": "61" >, < "id": "2", "employee_name": "Garrett Winters", "employee_salary": "170750", "employee_age": "63" >, // . ]Code language: Swift (swift)

After getting the response, you parse the JSON string into a JSONArray, and you’re looping through the array to get the JSON values.

val jsonArray = JSONTokener(response).nextValue() as JSONArray for (i in 0 until jsonArray.length()) < // ID val >"id") Log.i("ID: ", id) // Employee Name val employeeName = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("employee_name") Log.i("Employee Name: ", employeeName) // Employee Salary val employeeSalary = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("employee_salary") Log.i("Employee Salary: ", employeeSalary) // Employee Age val employeeAge = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("employee_age") Log.i("Employee Age: ", employeeAge) // Save data using your Model // Notify the adapter > // Pass adapter to the RecyclerView adapterCode language: Kotlin (kotlin)

Tip: If a key does not exist in some objects, you can set it as optional like this:
val >

Nested JSON

When a JSON object is inside another JSON object, it’s called ‘nested’ and will look like the following JSON structure:

< "data": [ < "id": "1", "employee": < "name": "Tiger Nixon", "salary": < "usd": 320800, "eur": 273545 >, "age": "61" > >, < "id": "2", "employee": < "name": "Garrett Winters", "salary": < "usd": 170750, "eur": 145598 >, "age": "63" > >, // . ] >Code language: Swift (swift)

After getting the response, you parse the JSON string into a JSONObject. Then you get the “data” as a JSONArray and loop it through the array.

val jsonObject = JSONTokener(response).nextValue() as JSONObject val jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data") for (i in 0 until jsonArray.length()) < // ID val >"id") Log.i("ID: ", id) // Employee val employee = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("employee") // Employee Name val employeeName = employee.getString("name") Log.i("Employee Name: ", employeeName) // Employee Salary val employeeSalary = employee.getJSONObject("salary") // Employee Salary in USD val employeeSalaryUSD = employeeSalary.getInt("usd") Log.i("Employee Salary in USD: ", employeeSalaryUSD.toString()) // Employee Salary in EUR val employeeSalaryEUR = employeeSalary.getInt("eur") Log.i("Employee Salary: ", employeeSalaryEUR.toString()) // Employee Age val employeeAge = employee.getString("age") Log.i("Employee Age: ", employeeAge) // Save data using your Model // Notify the adapter > // Pass adapter to the RecyclerView adapterCode language: Kotlin (kotlin)

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