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- Convert Int, Short, UInt, . etc to bytes or byte array in Kotlin
- Convert Int, Short, UInt, . etc to bytes or byte array in Kotlin
- Convert large bytesarray to file in kotlin
- Kotlin/Native: How to convert cArrayPointer to Array
- Convert Set<Int> to varargs efficiently in Kotlin
- [Solved]-How can I convert an Int to a ByteArray and then convert it back to an Int with Kotlin?-kotlin
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Simple Kotlin, Java library for easy work with numeric types converting to bytes array and vice versa.
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Simple Kotlin, Java library for easy work with numeric types converting to bytes array and vice versa.
Support for all Number types.
Convert integer to byte array
val source = -343 val bytes = source.toByteArray()
Convert byte array to short
val bytes = byteArrayOf(-18, 41) val result: Short = bytes.toShort()
Convert byte array to hex string
val bytes = byteArrayOf(-12, 32, 12, 0, 32, -73, 94, 120, -54, 34, 93, -107) val hexString = value.toHexString()
result: f4200c0020b75e78ca225d95
You can pass true to function toHexString(true) for upper case letters.
Convert hex string to byte array
val hexString = "a0f33402" val bytes = hexString.fromHexStringToByteArray()
Convert integer to byte array
int source = -343; byte[] bytes = LowLevelExtensionsKt.toByteArray(source);
Convert byte array to long
byte[] bytes = < 34, -2, 13, 34, 23, -3, 43, 102 >; long result = LowLevelExtensionsKt.toLong(bytes);
Convert byte array to hex string
byte[] byteArray = < -12, 32, 12, 0, 32, -73, 94, 120, -54, 34, 93, -107 >; String hexString = LowLevelExtensionsKt.toHexString(byteArray, false);
result: f4200c0020b75e78ca225d95
You can pass true to method toHexString(byteArray, true) for upper case letters.
Convert hex string to byte array
String hexString = "a0f33402"; byte[] byteArray = LowLevelExtensionsKt.fromHexStringToByteArray(hexString);
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Simple Kotlin, Java library for easy work with numeric types converting to bytes array and vice versa.
Convert Int, Short, UInt, . etc to bytes or byte array in Kotlin
Question: I am using java nio ByteBuffer in my project in Android with Kotlin, I need to convert all primitive types into bytes so that I can put them into the ByteBuffer, specially the Unsigned types because Java NIO does not support Unsigned types like UInt, UShort, . etc. I have used only Integers here but there are extension functions for other data-types too.
Convert Int, Short, UInt, . etc to bytes or byte array in Kotlin
I am using java nio ByteBuffer in my project in Android with Kotlin, I need to convert all primitive types into bytes so that I can put them into the ByteBuffer, specially the Unsigned types because Java NIO does not support Unsigned types like UInt, UShort, . etc. I know this kind of questions should have been asked before but I could not find it.
In Kotlin, you can try below extension functions:
println(12.toUInt()) println((-12).toUInt()) println(12.toUInt().toByte()) println((-12).toUInt().toByte())
I/System.out: 12 I/System.out: 4294967284 I/System.out: 12 I/System.out: -12
PS.: I have used only Integers here but there are extension functions for other data-types too.
Kotlin transform file to array of int Code Example, Queries related to “kotlin transform file to array of int” java read integer from text file into array scanner; reading a file into an arraylist of objects java; how to read a file into ana arraylist; insert a numbers from a file to an array in java; how to read a text file into an arraylist; java program to split line from file and read it
Convert large bytesarray to file in kotlin
hi i have a large bytesarray and i want to convert to file in sdcard i used this code but crash sometimes what is the best way to convert bytesarray to file in kotlin?
private fun writeBytesToFileClassic( bFile: ByteArray, fileDest: String ) < var fileOuputStream: FileOutputStream? = null try < fileOuputStream = FileOutputStream(fileDest) fileOuputStream.write(bFile) >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >finally < if (fileOuputStream != null) < try < fileOuputStream.close() >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >> > > fun ExtractPdf(byteArray: ByteArray, filename: String) < var fileInputStream: FileInputStream? = null val file: File = File(UPLOAD_FOLDER()) if (!file.exists())< file.mkdir() >try < //save bytes[] into a file writeBytesToFileClassic(byteArray, UPLOAD_FOLDER() + filename) >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >finally < if (fileInputStream != null) < try < fileInputStream.close() >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >> > >
you can use apache commons-io library
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(File, ByteArray)
You can use the writeBytes function:
fun File.writeBytes(array: ByteArray)
Java: Reading integers from a file into an array, You might have confusions between the different line endings. A Windows file will end each line with a carriage return and a line feed. Some programs on Unix will read that file as if it had an extra blank line between each line, because it will see the carriage return as an end of line, and then see the line feed as another end of line.
Kotlin/Native: How to convert cArrayPointer to Array
How can I convert cArrayPointer to a simple Array/List when using c-interop?
val myArray: Array = memScoped < val cArray = allocArray(5) fill(cArray) cArray.toSimpleArray()
I'd recommend to make it somehow like this:
val myArray: Array = memScoped < val length = 5 //cause I don't know how to get C-array size val cArray = allocArray(length) (0 until length).map < cArray[it] >.toTypedArray() >
As one can see in the documentation, carrayPointer is nothing but a typealias of CPointer. So, I suppose there can't be anadditional functionality, like one you desire.
Kotlin Program to Convert File to byte array and Vice-Versa, Kotlin Program to Convert File to byte array and Vice-Versa. In this program, you'll learn to convert a File object to byte [] and vice-versa in Kotlin. Before we convert a file to byte array and vice-versa, we assume we have a file named test.txt in our src folder. Here's the content of test.txt. This is a Test file.
Convert Set<Int> to varargs efficiently in Kotlin
I want to convert a Set of ints into a varargs (array of strings) and vice-versa.
Is there a more efficient way (than the code below) to achieve that in kotlin?
// SET -> VARARGS // intIds: Set val stringIds = intIds.toTypedArray().map < i ->i.toString() >.toTypedArray() //to get varargs, use *stringIds // SET -> SET // val stringIds: Set val intIds = stringIds?.stream()?.map < i ->i.toInt() >?.collect(Collectors.toSet())
val stringIds = intIds.map < it.toString() >.toTypedArray() //to get varargs, use *stringIds // SET -> SET // val stringIds: Set val intIds2 = stringIds.map < it.toInt() >.toSet()
val stringIds = arrayOfNulls(intIds.size) intIds.forEachIndexed < idx, it ->stringIds[idx] = it.toString() > stringIds as Array // assert no null elements here // ^^ or you can create your own `mapToArray` extension val intIds = stringIds.mapTo(HashSet(), String::toInt)
Java ArrayList to Kotlin Array, Immutable or not isn't a very strong argument for arrays versus a read only Kotlin list. A stronger argument is for using a List because it has more functionality easily available to it, more API's accepts lists than arrays (Jetbrains did statistical analysis on array usage at one point), and there isn't any real performance benefit of an array for this use case.
[Solved]-How can I convert an Int to a ByteArray and then convert it back to an Int with Kotlin?-kotlin
Denis 4068
fun intToBytes(i: Int): ByteArray = ByteBuffer.allocate(Int.SIZE_BYTES).putInt(i).array() fun bytesToInt(bytes: ByteArray): Int = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).int
0cd 1570
Here is an one liner that will give you a ByteArray:
fun numberToByteArray (data: Number, size: Int = 4) : ByteArray = ByteArray (size) (data.toLong() shr (i*8)).toByte()>
Optionally setting the number of bytes (size), you can convert Shorts, Ints, Longs.
var yourByteArray = numberToByteArray (yourNumberHere)
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