Kotlin edittext to int

  1. Как мне установить текст EditText в Int?
  3. Ответ 1
  4. Ответ 2
  5. Ответ 3
  6. Ответ 4
  7. Kotlin Edittext To Integer Conversion A Complete Guide With Examples
  8. Get integer value from edittext
  9. How to get full text from the editText by using addTextChangedListener in kotlin
  10. Setting text in EditText Kotlin
  11. Dynamic EditText in Kotlin
  12. Android EditText Conversion to int
  13. Kotlin eg of long integer kotlin
  14. Intent EditText values to another EditText values in Kotlin
  15. Float and Integer numbers EditText
  16. Integer Conversion in C#
  17. Can’t access EditText or other UI components with Kotlin
  18. Unable to set text in EditText Kotlin
  19. How to set Text for EditText with Date Picker in Kotlin
  20. Check if edittext is empty kotlin android
  21. Disable button when edittext is empty kotlin
  22. Kotlin or examples
  23. Kotlin Examples
  24. Kotlin how to take integer input in kotlin
  25. Kotlin Type Conversion
  26. Conversion of integer pointer to integer
  27. How can I get the value of an Android EditText component as an integer?
  28. How can EditText accept only integer or float value?
  29. How To Check the Input from editText is integer in C++
  30. How to determine if an input in EditText is an integer?
  31. Unable to accept integer value through EditText
  32. How can I make the EditText IME «Next» button not take to the next focusable EditText, if not completed correctly
  33. Kotlin EditText Check: How to Easily Verify if EditText is Empty in Android Development
  34. How to add EditText values to an ArrayList in Kotlin?
  35. Set text in edittext android kotlin code example
  36. Kotlin filter Search EditText in RecyclerView

Как мне установить текст EditText в Int?

В попытке установить для EditText значение Int , я попытался различными способами преобразовать Int в значение, которое примет EditText , но все не удалось:

 processButton.setOnClickListener < var intNo = inputText.text as Int intNo *= 2 outputText.text = intNo as String // error = "required editable" outputText.text = intNo.toString() // err: type mismatch outputText.text = Int.toString(intNo) // type mismatch reqd editable outputText.text = "What is going on?" // type mismatch reqd editable >

Как я могу установить для EditText значение Int ?

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Ответ 1

 var a: Int = 12 var s: String = a.toString() 

Это должно сработать для этого.

Ответ 2

Попробуйте дать код, он будет работать. Что я здесь делаю, я сначала конвертирую inputText в String, затем Int. После умножения на 2, я назначаю значение для outputText путем преобразования в строку.

processButton.setOnClickListener < var intNo = inputText.text.toString().toInt() intNo *= 2 //println(intNo.toString()) val myString = intNo.toString() // If you using outputText as Editable then use this outputText.text = SpannableStringBuilder(myString) >

Ответ 3

Здесь есть пара вещей, и чтобы понять их, давайте взглянем на различные getText и setText которые имеет EditText :

Editable getText() void setText(CharSequence text) void setText(@StringRes int resid) // many other setText methods with buffer options 

Так что Kotlin делает здесь, чтобы позволить вам использовать синтаксис свойств, заключается в том, что он создает свойство text . Геттер, используемый для свойства, очевиден, так как есть только один. Предполагается, что установщиком для свойства является тот, который принимает параметр CharSequence (это имеет смысл, Editable расширяет CharSequence ), но на самом деле пытаться назначить что-либо, кроме Editable не будет работать. См. Эту проблему.

Чтобы перейти к проблеме, вы можете прочитать значение в своем EditText и преобразовать его в String следующим образом:

val input = inputText.text.toString() 

Затем вы можете использовать toInt() из стандартной библиотеки, чтобы преобразовать ее в Int (помните, что это вызовет исключение, если String не может быть проанализирована):

val doubled = input.toInt() * 2 

И, наконец, вы можете установить значение EditText , вызвав setText setter в традиционном стиле Java, передав в String :


Немного беспорядок из-за двухстороннего преобразования между String и Int , плюс странности того, как здесь генерируется text свойство, но это способ сделать это. Если вы обеспокоены тем, как это выглядит, вы всегда можете скрыть некоторые из этих механизмов за свойствами расширения.

Ответ 4

преобразовать в строку будет


Kotlin Edittext To Integer Conversion A Complete Guide With Examples

input to integer and multiply?, First convert textField data into string by using toString() and then convert the resultant data into integer, you run your program then edit text have no value that means it will return NULL and NULL can’t be a Integer, I also want it to be a number integer not string so that I can perform operations with it., I know that this is how to do it for a string but not sure how to do it for an integer/

Get integer value from edittext

Integer parser don’t know how to parse empty String, so Exception is thrown., databinding-in-android» title=»DataBinding in android»>DataBinding in android by Kotlin, I added Editexts to a List array, and I am trying to get the value from EditText and save it to an integer, c[i] = 0; > > is of no use as this will initialize the complete, A simple solution would be to make the array not of integer type but of EditText type itself

How to get full text from the editText by using addTextChangedListener in kotlin

rather vague to me (at least in matter what I actually should do): [project and kotlin, p2: Int, p3: Int): Unit defined in android.text.TextWatcher [project and kotlin, file path]: (89, 13): ‘onTextChanged’ overrides nothing [project and kotlin, file path]: (90, 34): The integer literal does not conform to the expected type Boolean [project and kotlin file path]: (99, 27): None of the following functions can be called

Setting text in EditText Kotlin

name Don’t say to use setText because I am using kotlin, how-can-i-declare-a-pair-array-using-kotlin» title=»How can I declare a Pair array using Kotlin»>pair kotlin, Following steps are used to create EditText in Kotlin: Add a EditText, For example: EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.edit_text); editText.setText, CharSequence.html Solution 3: if you are using kotlin

Dynamic EditText in Kotlin

In this article, we will learn about how to create android EditText programmatically in kotlin., Choose language as Kotlin and click on finish button., Create Android EditText Dynamically in Kotlin Open app/src/main/java/net.geeksforgeeks.dynamicedittextkotlin, Dynamically in kotlin ., wp-content/uploads/20191201112843/gfg2-169×300.jpeg» loading=»lazy»/> You can find the complete

Android EditText Conversion to int

hour = (EditText) v.findViewById(R.id.hours); EditText min = (EditText) v.findViewById(R.id.mins), >editText data into an integer or a float., I have one EditText, I am getting its value in String but I want to convert that value into an integer, How can I convert this string to integer in Kotlin language . you don’t like this behavior, you can use .toIntOrNull() instead (since Kotlin

Kotlin eg of long integer kotlin

Kotlin compiler will allow me to use this large number in my code., The number 2,147,483,648 is larger than the largest Integer, Since Java does interpret all integer literals as int , you do not get a, This is why the multiplication works in Kotlin without problems., Make sure your DatePickerDialog code is correct and it correctly assign the value to s_year integer or

Intent EditText values to another EditText values in Kotlin

>(R.id.et_email) val passEt = findViewById(R.id.et_password) val nextBtn =, >(R.id.et_email) val passEt = findViewById(R.id.et_password) override fun, Question: I’m studying Android + Kotlin and make a simple, > I am getting text in edit text as string,but I want to get as integer, Edittext.text.toString()); UPDATE: Per Mohammed Atif, this solution may not work in Kotlin

Float and Integer numbers EditText

Integer Conversion in C#

>nearest integer, yielding 21.65, while the explicit cast (Int32) just, 2: Convert.ToInt32 rounds to the nearest integer, all after the floating point, while Convert.ToInt32 rounds to the nearest integer, to get multiples of 100 rounded to the nearest thousand»>rounded to the nearest 32-bit signed integer, Explicit Numeric Conversions Table •When

Can’t access EditText or other UI components with Kotlin

findViewById(R.id.userNameTextField) as EditText userNameField.setText(«hello world»), findViewById(R.id.userNameTextField) as EditText userNameField.setText(«hello world, But I was not able to access the editText from that function., >started learning Kotlin., When I use EditText, how can I store more than one integer or double value.

Unable to set text in EditText Kotlin

methods (which come from TextView , which is EditText, CharSequence text) So you need to explicitly cast your integer, Edittext.text.toString()); UPDATE: Per Mohammed Atif, this solution may not work in Kotlin, var Random = (0..Choice).random() var OutputW = linearLayout.getChildAt(Random) as EditText, field. more info here https://www.i-programmer.info/programming/android/11415-android-programming-in-kotlin-layouts-and-autonaming-components.html

How to set Text for EditText with Date Picker in Kotlin

Question: I am new to Kotlin and

Check if edittext is empty kotlin android

is empty in Kotlin., android:id=»@+id/editText» android:layout_width=»match_parent» android:layout_height, : EditText lateinit var button: Button override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?), is another approach with TextUtils but since you are using Kotlin, title=»Kotlin EditText Empty Check: Best Practices for Android App Development»>kotlin

Disable button when edittext is empty kotlin

disable button when edittext is empty kotlin editText1.addTextChangedListener, clickable/unclickable So see if there is a number/value present(if you are using EditText, > Button btn;//initialize, set listeners, etc btn.setClickable(false);//edittext, You can create TextChangeListener for your edittexts, example with RxBinding (variable it is EditText here)

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with the help of various examples., title=»How to create a string-type variable in C»>String type variable Type conversion, Examples of Kotlin when Below are the examples of Kotlin when, Final thoughts This is a guide to Kotlin when., Here we discuss How when statement works in Kotlin along with the examples and outputs.

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Kotlin Type Conversion

fun inference() < val sum1 = < a: Int, b: Int ->val num = a + b // convert Integer, In Kotlin, a numeric value of one type is not automatically converted to another, In Kotlin, val number1: Int = 55 val number2: Long = number1 // Error:, Kotlin does it for type safety to avoid surprises., I propose to use Kotlin Serialization library for this purpose.

Conversion of integer pointer to integer

> Question: Tried following code to check what happens when we convert integer, pointer to a integer ., 10 135680008 Can anyone explain, the concept related to this conversion, It’s a coincidence that pointers are quite analogous to integers., I have come up with the following, but am having trouble with the pointer syntax or pointer conversion

How can I get the value of an Android EditText component as an integer?

A, B, and C are all integers, but they need to take the values of an EditText component, editText1 (and, inputA = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText1) ; EditText inputB = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText2, ); EditText inputC = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText3); Button calcbutton = (Button, int or other types using the following: // convert text to an integer, This dialog contains 2 editText.

How can EditText accept only integer or float value?

In my project, I’m using EditText, but I want to force it to only accept an integer or float value., Solution 2: Use Java for input both integer, This ^^^ combination will only allow users to enter integers or floating point, catch (NumberFormatException ex) < Log.e(TAG, "Not float value", e); Log.e(TAG, "Not integer, Although you probably still should wrap the conversion in a try/catch for

How To Check the Input from editText is integer in C++

Question: I want to validate the input from Edit Text, if the input is not integer, if condition always true , even though i input integer, String input to integer., I need to use integers to multiply data and calculate total. EditText is not empty., The value is an integer.

How to determine if an input in EditText is an integer?

Unable to accept integer value through EditText

I have been trying to accept two values, 1) inpval2 and 2) rate, through EditText, I have used the Integer class and parseInt() method along with android:digits, android:inputType=»number» attributes to convert accepted values as integers., . */ EditText inpval1; EditText inpval2; EditText rate; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, This means you’re clicking with one of your fields empty, and it’s trying to parse «» as an integer and

How can I make the EditText IME «Next» button not take to the next focusable EditText, if not completed correctly

Without setting a 10ms delay, it goes from the first to the second EditText., I am using the same setting for my other EditTexts and it works fine., . filling the form when i press next, it focuses on next editText but when ever there is date picker, or spinner between the editText, they are skipped and the next editText after them is set focus on., editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText); editText.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener

Kotlin EditText Check: How to Easily Verify if EditText is Empty in Android Development

Kotlin., Other quick examples, of Kotlin code to check if an EditText is empty In Kotlin , for example,

How to add EditText values to an ArrayList in Kotlin?

How can I add the values into an ArrayList in Kotlin?, return zipCodeList > I am looking for an answer to do this in Kotlin., ) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1130) Complete, Kotlin code., > String resources in Kotlin, you use R.string.

Set text in edittext android kotlin code example

Solution 2: Some times changing edittext, div> This example demonstrates how to get Value of a Edit Text field in Android using Kotlin, android:id=»@+id/editText» android:layout_width=»wrap_content» android:layout_height, : EditText lateinit var string: String lateinit var textView: TextView override fun onCreate, android edittext on change listener kotlin binding.inputTextID.doAfterTextChanged

Kotlin filter Search EditText in RecyclerView

Question: In my android app Api 28 with Kotlin, I create, an Interface «listOfCountry.xml», an editText for search and a recycler view that contains all the list, of country as the following code:


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