- ByteArray
- Constructors
- Properties
- size
- Functions
- get
- iterator
- set
- Extension Properties
- indices
- lastIndex
- Extension Functions
- all
- any
- asIterable
- asSequence
- associate
- associateBy
- associateByTo
- associateTo
- associateWith
- associateWithTo
- asUByteArray
- average
- binarySearch
- component1
- component2
- component3
- component4
- component5
- contains
- contentEquals
- contentHashCode
- contentToString
- count
- distinct
- distinctBy
- drop
- dropLast
- dropLastWhile
- dropWhile
- elementAtOrElse
- elementAtOrNull
- filter
- filterIndexed
- filterIndexedTo
- filterNot
- filterNotTo
- filterTo
- find
- findLast
- first
- firstOrNull
- flatMap
- flatMapIndexed
- flatMapIndexedTo
- flatMapTo
- fold
- foldIndexed
- foldRight
- foldRightIndexed
- forEach
- forEachIndexed
- getCharAt
- getDoubleAt
- getFloatAt
- getIntAt
- getLongAt
- getOrElse
- getOrNull
- getShortAt
- getUByteAt
- getUIntAt
- getULongAt
- getUShortAt
- groupBy
- groupByTo
- Kotlin byte array init
- What is INIT in Kotlin?
- What is the difference between init and constructor?
- How do you initialize a constructor in Kotlin?
- What is __ init __ In OOP?
- What does __ init __ means?
- Is __ init __ constructor?
- What is the point of init?
An array of bytes. When targeting the JVM, instances of this class are represented as byte[] .
For Native
Creates a new array of the specified size, where each element is calculated by calling the specified init function.
Creates a new array of the specified size, with all elements initialized to zero.
Returns the number of elements in the array.
Returns the array element at the given index. This method can be called using the index operator.
Creates an iterator over the elements of the array.
Sets the element at the given index to the given value. This method can be called using the index operator.
Extension Properties
Returns the range of valid indices for the array.
Returns the last valid index for the array.
Extension Functions
Returns true if all elements match the given predicate.
Returns true if array has at least one element.
Returns true if at least one element matches the given predicate.
Creates an Iterable instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.
Creates a Sequence instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.
Returns a Map containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to elements of the given array.
Returns a Map containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key returned from keySelector function applied to each element.
Returns a Map containing the values provided by valueTransform and indexed by keySelector functions applied to elements of the given array.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function applied to each element of the given array and value is the element itself.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function and and value is provided by the valueTransform function applied to elements of the given array.
fun < K , V , M : MutableMap < in K , in V >> ByteArray . associateByTo (
destination : M ,
keySelector : ( Byte ) -> K ,
valueTransform : ( Byte ) -> V
) : M
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to each element of the given array.
Returns a Map where keys are elements from the given array and values are produced by the valueSelector function applied to each element.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array, where key is the element itself and value is provided by the valueSelector function applied to that key.
Returns an array of type UByteArray, which is a view of this array where each element is an unsigned reinterpretation of the corresponding element of this array.
Returns an average value of elements in the array.
Searches the array or the range of the array for the provided element using the binary search algorithm. The array is expected to be sorted, otherwise the result is undefined.
Returns 1st element from the array.
Returns 2nd element from the array.
Returns 3rd element from the array.
Returns 4th element from the array.
Returns 5th element from the array.
Returns true if element is found in the array.
Returns true if the two specified arrays are structurally equal to one another, i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.
Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.
Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is List.
Returns the number of elements in this array.
Returns the number of elements matching the given predicate.
Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.
Returns a list containing only elements from the given array having distinct keys returned by the given selector function.
Returns a list containing all elements except first n elements.
Returns a list containing all elements except last n elements.
Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given predicate.
Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given predicate.
Returns an element at the given index or the result of calling the defaultValue function if the index is out of bounds of this array.
Returns an element at the given index or null if the index is out of bounds of this array.
Returns a list containing only elements matching the given predicate.
Returns a list containing only elements matching the given predicate.
Appends all elements matching the given predicate to the given destination.
fun < C : MutableCollection < in Byte >> ByteArray . filterIndexedTo (
destination : C ,
predicate : ( index : Int , Byte ) -> Boolean
) : C
Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given predicate.
Appends all elements not matching the given predicate to the given destination.
fun < C : MutableCollection < in Byte >> ByteArray . filterNotTo (
destination : C ,
predicate : ( Byte ) -> Boolean
) : C
Appends all elements matching the given predicate to the given destination.
fun < C : MutableCollection < in Byte >> ByteArray . filterTo (
destination : C ,
predicate : ( Byte ) -> Boolean
) : C
Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if no such element was found.
Returns the last element matching the given predicate, or null if no such element was found.
Returns the first element.
Returns the first element matching the given predicate.
Returns the first element, or null if the array is empty.
Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if element was not found.
Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each element of original array.
Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each element and its index in the original array.
Appends all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each element and its index in the original array, to the given destination.
fun < R , C : MutableCollection < in R >> ByteArray . flatMapIndexedTo (
destination : C ,
transform : ( index : Int , Byte ) -> Iterable < R >
) : C
Appends all elements yielded from results of transform function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given destination.
Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from left to right to current accumulator value and each element.
Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from left to right to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.
Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.
Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation from right to left to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.
fun < R > ByteArray . foldRightIndexed (
initial : R ,
operation : ( index : Int , Byte , acc : R ) -> R
) : R
Performs the given action on each element.
Performs the given action on each element, providing sequential index with the element.
Gets Char out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets Double out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets Float out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets Int out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets Long out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Returns an element at the given index or the result of calling the defaultValue function if the index is out of bounds of this array.
Returns an element at the given index or null if the index is out of bounds of this array.
Gets Short out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets UByte out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets UInt out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets ULong out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Gets UShort out of the ByteArray byte buffer at specified index index
Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.
Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each element of the original array by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to the element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.
fun < K , V > ByteArray . groupBy (
keySelector : ( Byte ) -> K ,
valueTransform : ( Byte ) -> V
) : Map < K , List < V >>
Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.
fun < K , M : MutableMap < in K , MutableList < Byte >> > ByteArray . groupByTo (
destination : M ,
keySelector : ( Byte ) -> K
) : M
Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each element of the original array by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to the element and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.
fun < K , V , M : MutableMap < in K , MutableList < V >> > ByteArray . groupByTo (
destination : M ,
keySelector : ( Byte ) -> K ,
valueTransform : ( Byte ) -> V
) : M
Kotlin byte array init
What is INIT in Kotlin?
Kotlin init The code inside the init block is the first to be executed when the class is instantiated. The init block is run every time the class is instantiated, with any kind of constructor as we shall see next. Multiple initializer blocks can be written in a class. They’ll be executed sequentially as shown below.
What is the difference between init and constructor?
The constructor is called whenever you create a new object. Init method is called when the container loads the servlet for the first time. Init method is called only once when the servlet is loaded. The only similarity between constructer and init method is that they both are called only once.
How do you initialize a constructor in Kotlin?
The primary constructor is initialized in the class header, goes after the class name, using the constructor keyword. The parameters are optional in the primary constructor. The constructor keyword can be omitted if there is no annotations or access modifiers specified.
What is __ init __ In OOP?
The __init__ method is the Python equivalent of the C++ constructor in an object-oriented approach. The __init__ function is called every time an object is created from a class. The __init__ method lets the class initialize the object’s attributes and serves no other purpose. It is only used within classes.
What does __ init __ means?
«__init__» is a reseved method in python classes. It is called as a constructor in object oriented terminology. This method is called when an object is created from a class and it allows the class to initialize the attributes of the class.
Is __ init __ constructor?
What is __init__ in Python? The Default __init__ Constructor in C++ and Java. Constructors are used to initializing the object’s state. The task of constructors is to initialize(assign values) to the data members of the class when an object of the class is created.
What is the point of init?
init is short for initialization. It is a constructor which gets called when you make an instance of the class and it is not necessary. But usually it our practice to write init method for setting default state of the object.