Конвертировать json в java

JSON to JAVA Converter

JSON to JAVA Converter: Convert JSON to JAVA POJO class with our easy-to-use JSON to JAVA object online converter. This JSON to JAVA converter automatically converts your JSON to JAVA class instantly. Simply paste your JSON code or upload JSON file then click on the “JSON to JAVA” button. It allows to download JAVA object class data.

  • The JSON to JAVA converter lets you convert your JSON code and file to JAVA data output.
  • Download JAVA converted data as JAVA file.
  • Once finished converting JSON to JAVA, download it as a JAVA file.
  • It has ability to store the last formatted JSON data locally and restore it by clicking on restore button in JSON to JAVA converter.
  • Use “choose a file” functionality to upload JSON file and download converted JSON to JAVA file by clicking on Download button.
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How to Use JSON to JAVA Converter

Easy steps to convert JSON to JAVA object online:

  • Step 1: Copy and paste the JSON code or upload your JSON file.
  • Step 2: Click on the “JSON to JAVA” button to convert JSON to JAVA object online.
  • Step 3: Click on the “Download” button to download the JAVA pojo class data as a file.

Try our useful JSON tools such as JSON formatter, JSON editor, JSON Viewer and JSON Validator. Also use JSON to CSV, JSON to XML and JSON to JAVA converters.

JSON to JAVA Converter Features

  1. Sample: Click on “sample” to get JSON sample data in editor.
  2. File: Click on “file” button to upload JSON file.
  3. Validate: Use this option to validate JSON string. It works as JSON lint.
  4. Structure View: It works as JSON viewer. Click on structure view button to see JSON in tree view.
  5. Download: Click on download button to download JSON to JAVA converted file.
  6. Auto Update: Check it to edit, view, validate and format JSON in real time.
  7. History: Click on history button to load previous JSON data from local storage.
  8. Copy: Use it to copy JSON input and converted JAVA output data.
  9. Delete: Use this option to delete data in editor.
  10. Full screen: Use it to view and edit JSON in full screen JSON editor.


Convert JSON to POJO Objects in Java Online

Convert any JSON object to a POJO JAVA class online. Check below panel on how to use this converter and how to deserialize using Jackson librairy.

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Oops! Houston we have a problem.

Looks like there’s an unhandled error or your input is not properly formatted. You can report it to the developer by clicking on the «Report To Dev» button. Or you can report it on Github using «Report An Issue».


How do you convert a JSON string to POJO objects and deserialize using Jackson ?

 JSON to JAVA POJO converter

Here’s how you can convert your JSON string to JAVA objects, we will be using the converter and external libraries like Jackson objectmapper to parse our object.

You can find the source code for this example: HERE

1. Copy and paste your JSON in the first code editor and click «Convert»

Make sure that your JSON object is not large (over 5MB) and is formatted. You can use any JSON format validator online.

You can choose from the settings to format the POJOs into properties (get, set methods) or keep it as fields. This step will not affect our deserialization process.

Let’s set an example JSON and work with it during the steps:

< "Test":< "id":4, "userid":"user_id_value", "object": , "created_at":"2012-06-02 23:33:90", "updated_at":"2013-06-02 23:33:90", "users":[ < "id":"2", "name":"Test" >, < "id":"6", "name":"Test Child 1" >] >, "Test2" : < "Prop2" : "SomeVal2" >>

2. Click on «Copy to Clipboard» when the JAVA object classes appear in the second window

This will copy the classes to the clipboard. Here are the classes returned:

public class Object < public int prop1; public String prop2; >public class User < public String id; public String name; >public class Test < public int id; public String userid; public Object object; public String created_at; public String updated_at; public List users; >public class Test2 < @JsonProperty("Prop2") public String prop2; >public class Root

You’ll notice that there’s a » JsonProperty » attribute on some fields that contains the original property name as in the JSON object. This is to tell our fellow Jackson that this field in the java class is named differently than in the JSON object.

Note that we will be using the «Root» class to deserialize our JSON child elements. This will take into consideration that you might have two root notes in your JSON object.

3. Import Jackson libraries

Assuming that you have your favorite IDE opened, your next step is to import the Jackson packages and create the classes returned from the tool.

You will need three Jackson packages:

The «jackson-annotations-2.11.1» is used to add the «JsonProperty» attributes. The «jackson-databind-2.11.1» is used to create the ObjectMapper class which will help us in reading the JSON and map it to our Root Object.

Here’s a LINK to the Jackson maven repositories. You can import them manually or using maven whichever you prefer. Note that we will not cover how to import packages into your source code in this article.

4. Create POJO classes to map your JSON string

We then create our classes and add any imports needed:


5. Create ObjectMapper class and deserialize into a Root class

Here, we’re just creating an ObjectMapper class and calling the «readValue» method. Notice that i’m reading the JSON string from a file system, in your case you might be returning a JSON string from an API or a client.

We then supply the class object of our «Root» class by doing «Root.class».


When debugging, you’ll notice that our objects have been filled accordingly:

 Java Debugging

You can find the source code for this example: HERE

Code Converters


JSON to Java

JSON Formatter is free to use tool which helps to format, validate, save and share your JSON data.

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