- Turn HTML into APK For FREE
- Make an Android APK file from your HTML code in less than 1 minute
- Absolutely Free For Use
- Easy & Fast to Make APK
- Ready for Distribution
- Convert HTML to APK with Features
- How to Create HTML File in Android Phone For Free?
- Build an APK from HTML code in 5 simple steps
- Convert HTML to APK with Free App Converter
- Turn HTML to Android App in less than 1 minute!
- AppsGeyser — Free APK Converter
- Making, downloading and sharing ANDROID APPS is free!
- Google Play Store Ready
- Detect Installs
- Convert your Website or HTML5 to Android Apps.
- Your own branding
- Monetize with AdMob
- Pull to Refresh
- Navigation Drawer
- 21 Material Colors
- Push Notifications
- No Annoying Ads
- Your own Keystore
- Easy to Use
- No Coding Required
- Native JavaScript APIs
- Google Play Compatible
- Can work Offline
- Fair Pricing
- What more you get with the software?
- Testimonials
- Конвертировать HTML в APK
- Программы для конвертирования файлов HTML в APK
- Windows
- Конвертирование файла с расширением HTML в другой формат
- Популярные расширения файлов
- Последнее обновление
- Getting Started
- Examples
- How to
- Other Services
- Questions?
- Future Features
- About
- Privacy & Security
Turn HTML into APK For FREE
Make an Android APK file from your HTML code in less than 1 minute
Convert HTML code to an Android App just by copy-pasting your code in the form. Make an apk from HTML with no coding.
Absolutely Free For Use
Making a mobile app from HTML isn’t expensive anymore. Create an Android APK from your HTML code for free without Android coding. Downloading and sharing APK files is free as well.
Easy & Fast to Make APK
Making an APK from HTML takes less than 5 minutes! Just copy and paste your HTML code into the form of the Converter, name your app and upload the icon. No mobile coding is needed.
Ready for Distribution
You will get an Android APK with your HTML code inside ready for publication on app markets right away. You can share it on Google Play, Amazon App Store and other app markets.
Convert HTML to APK with Features
Light APK to load an app within a few seconds. Works with offline content.
Join the Monetization program to show banner ads inside your app and get an extra income.
Send push notifications with news, update, special offers and any other information!
Suitable for any version of Android OS. Ready for Google Play and other app markets publication right away.
How to Create HTML File in Android Phone For Free?
Build an APK from HTML code in 5 simple steps
Click the «Create App Now» button. Or visit AppsGeyser.com and find the HTML App template on Business Tab.
Copy — paste your HTML code. Check if you copied it correctly. Click on Preview to see if the app works well. You can convert HTML pages and websites into apk.
Write the name of your app. Add keywords to make your app more searchable for Android users on app markets.
You can download your APK file and publish it on Google Play or any other app market for Android. Share your apk with Android users all over the world!
Convert HTML to APK with Free App Converter
You can make an APK from any online and offline content.
Convert HTML code, text, PDF files, images, websites, social media links, blogs to apk. AppsGeyser turns any content into Android apps without coding and fees just with html to website converter.
Turn HTML to Android App in less than 1 minute!
AppsGeyser — Free APK Converter
Making, downloading and sharing ANDROID APPS is free!
Free App HTML to App Converter is helping to make Android app development accessible and easy for everyone. You don’t need to know how to code or design to make mobile apps. AppsGeyser offers more than 35 ready-to-use app templates for Android with free features.
- Up to 5 minutes to make an APK form HTML code
- Free and simple to use
- No Android coding required
- Instant access to APK file
- Monetization program
- Push notifications
Convert your HTML / JS / CSS files into a mobile App for Android &iOS.
Google Play Store Ready
Publish your App to the Google Play Store and to any other APK store.
Detect Installs
The App Maker of WebIntoApp.com also allows you to convert your HTML / Javascript / CSS project files into a mobile App for Android and iOS, online.
Any App that made with HTML / JS / CSS that can work on your local device can be used as a stand alone App for Android & iOS. Just upload your project files under a zip file and hit the Make App button, the App Maker will add your files to a WebView App with all the Extra Features.
You can use the Extra Features section of our App Maker in order to set the Icon, the Ownership and the look and the behavior of your App.
The App Maker supports the Firebase SDK by default, you can easily add your JSON / PLIST settings then use the Messaging (Push Notifications) and the Analytics services of Firebase from your App.
You can convert your HTML / JS / CSS project file into a mobile App for Android for Free and test the results, upgrading to a dedicated App can be done at any time in the future.
Follow the next steps in order to convert your HTML / JS / CSS into a mobile App:
The HTML/CSS/JS project files should be under the main directory of a ZIP file, while the index.html file is the entry point of your App.
Set the App details, such as the Icon, the Ownership, the Splash Screen and more, then click on the Next Button.
Make sure all the details of the App are correct, set the mode of your App (Free or Dedicated) then click on the Make App button. The App Maker will build your App online, this process may take up to 1 minute.
Your App is ready! You can download and install it on your local device and publish it to the Google Play Store (Free App) and to the Apple App Store (Dedicated App).
Convert your Website or HTML5 to Android Apps.
Apps keep itself always synchronized with latest content from your website. All changes refletcs live!
Your own branding
We do never put any branding of us, all the apps you create will be completely your own, white labelled with private branding.
Monetize with AdMob
You can use Banner or Interstitial AdMob ads and start earning through your apps instantly!.
Pull to Refresh
Swipe or Pull to refresh gesture within your app and make it feel more native.
Navigation Drawer
Simply put in the links and title in designer window, nav dwawer is ready for your app.
21 Material Colors
Colors says a lot, we have put built-in 21 different styles to make your choice.
Push Notifications
Sending Push notifications help your grow in the market, it keeps your users always engaged with latest content.
No Annoying Ads
Unlike other providers, we do never put annoying ads in apps that you create, only you configure what to include.
Your own Keystore
Sign your apps using your very own keystore, no dependencies on us, only you represents your app.
Easy to Use
Powerful set of tools that allows you to customize everything and create stunning apps out of your website.
No Coding Required
You NEVER need to learn coding, complete process is automated, you are a few clicks away from your app.
Native JavaScript APIs
Special JavaScript functions that allows you to interact with native android functions via your Web Applications.
Google Play Compatible
Latest API Level 33 and App Bundle Support to follow Google Play Developer recommendations.
Can work Offline
You can create Offline working app using your HTML files, no Internet connectivity required.
Fair Pricing
We believe in simple and fair pricing. Customer service is somewhat more important to us.
What more you get with the software?
- Community Forums
- Advanced PushAdmin Panel
- Related Documentation
- Google Play Related Support
- Live Chat with us.
- 24×7 Priority Support
The team is highly experienced and lovable, they will listen carefully and make the things elegantly, I’m regular client to this team, New feature Push message with admin panel is really awesome.Highly recommended!!
I’ve never seen such a perfect developer. Software, support, everything is absolutely wonderful. Always there, really a must to buy. I want nothing else than website2apk
2 years ago I bought this solution and never regret from it. They give a good service, with fast response and never let me down. Keep that way!!
Конвертировать HTML в APK
Как конвертировать Hypertext Markup Language Format (HTML) в Google Android Package Format (APK) с сохранением логического и структурного содержания информации. Для этого нужно использовать популярную специальную программу Website 2 APK Builder.
Добавьте в закладки и поделитесь этой страницей с другими:
- Закрепите его на Pinterest
- Поделиться через Facebook
- Поделиться в Twitter
- Share on WhatsApp
- Отправить Email
- Копировать ссылку
Программы для конвертирования файлов HTML в APK
- Website 2 APK Builder
Конвертация файла в другое расширение позволяет использовать другие программы для открытия и редактирования полученного файла APK. Если вы не получили желаемого результата конвертирования HTML файла. Вы можете попробовать найти в Интернете подходящую версию вашего файла, который был успешно преобразован в формат APK.
Конвертирование файла с расширением HTML в другой формат
Если вам не удалось получить рабочий файл APK, вы можете попробовать другие варианты конвертации файла HTML:
Перетащите сюда или загрузите файл, чтобы просмотреть сведения о файле. До 50 МБ.
Популярные расширения файлов
Последнее обновление
Convert your HTML5 project to a (Capacitor based) mobile app.
Getting Started
Download the Template Project to get started quickly.
How to
Other Services
Future Features
- [ ] Sharable download links.
- [x] QRCode scanning for downloads.
- [ ] Make all @capacitor and @capacitor-community plugins work.
- [ ] Create certificates online.
- [ ] Publish iOS app to apple connect.
- [x] Easily get iPhone/iPad UDID.
- [ ] Build and download from the CLI and CI/CD workflow.
I hope I can provide this service for free for ever.
I love HTML5 games and apps. I myself am also the author of enable3d and I love Phaser and three.js. Providing this service surely helps lots of developer bringing their HTML5 project to Android and iOS.
Privacy & Security
Besides providing a great service that «just works», privacy and security is most important to me. Absolutely NON private information are stored in the database. For the GitHub Login I only store a hash of your github id for identification.
Everything you do or upload will be deleted after 48h. Only the build credentials you upload, will remain (aes-256 encrypted) in the database for 1 year, with only you having the decrypt secret.
The whole app and infrastructure runs serverless with very strict and explicit access roles for each service.
Developed and maintained by @yandeu