Kernel kernelmedia cpp 95

Problem During Setup

I recently reinstalled bts after I started having xml problems whenever I tried to start the game. I uninstalled the game via the program option in the control panel. I also deleted any bts files found in the programs files folder directly on the C: drive. I restarted my computer after the uninstall and started up the setup.

I put the CD in and click the install option that pops up. I select the english option and it goes into the InstallShield Wizard.

InstallShield Wizard
Sid Meiers Civilization 4 — Beyond the Sword Setup is preparing the InstallShield Wizard, which will guide you through the rest of the setup process. Please wait.

Without getting progress into the bar, I get this popup error:
An error (-5005: 0x80070001) has occurred while running the setup.
Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: Firaxis Games. (

Error Information:
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>SetupNew\SetupDLL.cpp (1065)
PAPP:Sid Meier’s Civilization 4 — Beyond the Sword
PVENDOR:Firaxis Games (
@Windows Service Pack 1 (6001) IE 7.0.6001.18000

Ive tried the 2 solutions on the Civilization 4 website without any luck.

Corrupted Installation Files (from Macrovision support)

Error Code: -5009 : 0x8000ffff

1) Clean out the temp folder. The temp folder can be determined from the TEMP environment variable. Open command prompt and type «set temp» to see the value then go to that folder and delete all the files/folders within it.

2) Corrupt InstallShield files. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional\RunTime and delete or rename IsProBE.tlb then re-run the installer.

I had this game working before, so I doubt its due to old software or hardware issues.

Windows Vista Home Premium 6.0.6001
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3600
Video ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro


Repair Guy



Still having problems.
I tried uninstalling the original civilization 4 via control panel and came accross a similar error. I deleted the files program files folder and went back to uninstall from the control panel. Instead of giving me the usual «Windows cannot find setup infomation this program may already of been deleted. Do you want to remove from the list?» it just freezes up. I popped in the install disk and it still gave me the option to play. I deleted the civilization root folder in the registry, and got the option to install the game again.

However, Im having the same problems when I try to install.
Error Code: -5009 : 0x80029c4a
Error Information:
>Kernel\CABFile.cpp (384)
>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1526)
PAPP:Sid Meier’s Civilization 4
PVENDOR:Firaxis Games (
@Windows Service Pack 1 (6001) IE 7.0.6001.18000

I tried your suggestion and went into \program files\installshield installation information\ . I could not find the exact number combination you mentioned, so I deleted everything in that folder. No luck, error keeps on coming up.


Repair Guy

you really should go back and undelete all the stuff you deleted in that folder — if that is still in your trash bin.

now what games do you have? civ4 and bts? what about warlords?
it is possible that you’ll need to edit your windows registry — do you know how to do that?



I restored installshield files from the recycle bin.

I have Civilization 4 along with the bts expansion.

I know how to modify registry files and I am comfortable doing so.


Repair Guy

ok, first try following the routine I post below — that does not involve registry edits, if that does not work you’ll need to edit your registry:

install the most recent version of DirectX 9c from Microsoft

then do the following for a clean reinstall:

Uninstall and Reinstall Civ4 Warlords BtS :

Try to follow this order when doing stuff:
Use Control panel to uninstall Beyond the Sword then Civ4
Delete «. \documents and settings\\my documents\my games\sid meier’s civilization 4» manually
Delete «. \documents and settings\\my documents\my games\beyond the sword» manually
Delete «. \documents and settings\\application data\my games\sid meier’s civilization 4» manually
Delete «. \documents and settings\\application data\my games\beyond the sword» manually
Delete «. \documents and settings\\local settings\application data\my games\sid meier’s civilization 4» manually
Delete «. \documents and settings\\local settings\application data\my games\beyond the sword» manually
(note: application data is a hidden directory so you need to configure windows explorer to show hidden files, also these directories in application data are sometimes removed by the uninstall routine)
Delete «. \Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\» (Civ4)
Delete «. \Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\» (BtS)
(note: InstallShield Installation Information is a hidden directory so you need to configure windows explorer to show hidden files).
Install Civ4, immediately patch it to 1.61 (download it fresh from here)
Install Beyond the Sword, immediately patch to 3.17 (download it fresh from here).

before reinstalling and after deleting all the files posted above you could find — restart the computer.

if that does not work do the following:
use regedit and remove all keys that reference civilization and beyond the sword (best search for firaxis as well and remove those if you do not have any other firaxis games).

restart the computer and attempt a reinstallation afterwards



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стоит W7. Ноут VPCF13M1E. Т. е. скопировать папку, удалить её, а потом снова установить копию?



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Из Program Files удалил. Из Программ и компонентов удалить не получается. Пишет:

Код ошибки: -5005 : 0x80070002

@Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (7601) Non IE/Netscape 38096.68

Скачал по ссылке VAIO_Care_6.2.2.07150.exe. При установке пишет, на компьютере установлена обновленная программа. И не устанавливает её.

PS. Прошу извинить за бестолковость и спасибо за помощь.


P3D v2.5 and Traffic360

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Check-In Staff

Check-In Staff

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I’ve been trying to get Traffic360 to run again with P3D but keep getting a api.dll crash after about 15 minutes flying GA in the UK.

I’ve uninstalled Traffi360 but found another entry for it in Programs and Feature dated 22/08/2014 when I was operating FSX. On trying to unistall this entry I get an error panel up:-

Just Flight -Traffic 360-InstallShield Wizard
An error (-5005:0X80070002) has occured while running this setup.

Error Code: -5005 : 0x80070002
Error Information:
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>SetupNew\setup.cpp (817)
PAPP:Just Flight — Traffic 360
PVENDOR:Just Flight (
@Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (7601)
IE Version: 9.11.9600.17843

Now this is left over from a previous install and I cannot get rid of and this is also causing me the present problems. I’ve looked through the Registry but cannot find any JustFlight entries.

Can anyone help solve my problem to delete this entry in Programs and Features?

Expect the unexpected.Intel i5-2500K@3.30GHz Sandy Bridge
ASROCK Q77M vPRO Motherboard
8GB DDR3 Ram,ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, OCZ 750 watt PSU, Windows 10 Home 64bit

Chief Pilot

Chief Pilot

Thanks (0)


I don’t have the answer, but suggest this .

Start by doing a Google search for the following:

Error Code:-5001 : 0xffffec75

You’ll get lots of hits/results. Do some reading, but don’t take any action on your PC just yet. This kind of error is «generic» and you need to build up an understanding of what can cause it which should then help you to work out why YOU might be seeing it on YOUR machine. If you blindly dive in, following the first instructions that you see, then you might make your own issue worse.

Many of the hits/results from that initial Google search talk about temporarily disabling your Anti-Virus software and doing a «clean boot» of your PC, before trying to run the install (or in your case the UNinstall). Some also mention checking to see if the Windows Installer Service is running and provide details about how to do that.

Now, after doing some initial reading from that initial Google search, expand that search to other terms from the error message. For example, search for .

Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
and then
SetupNew\setup.cpp (817)

By doing more and more searches, and more and more reading, you will start to build a general idea of what might be happening. Once you get a general idea, you can then make an INFORMED decision about how to proceed on YOUR computer.

First Officer
First Officer

Thanks (0)


Quote: «Can anyone help solve my problem to delete this entry in Programs and Features?»

Can you expand upon what you are saying here? What is «Programs and Features»? Is this a Folder containing files or a registry entry or what?

Check-In Staff

Check-In Staff

Thanks (0)


I deleted the leftover Just Flight Traffic360 entry in Control Panel/Programs and Features by using CCleaner and finding the entry by using Tools, did a full Registry clean, checked the entry in Programs and Features and the errant item has finally gone . I’m using Win7 Home Premium 64bit.

I also deleted all old and unused FS9 and FSX entries in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ and other addresses where Just Flight or JF were mentioned.

Now to test if Traffic360 will work! Thanks for you input anyway.

Expect the unexpected.Intel i5-2500K@3.30GHz Sandy Bridge
ASROCK Q77M vPRO Motherboard
8GB DDR3 Ram,ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, OCZ 750 watt PSU, Windows 10 Home 64bit

Chief Pilot

Chief Pilot

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Ray asked, «What is ‘Programs and Features’?«. C’mon Ray, surely you know about Control Panel — Programs and Features? It’s where you would go to uninstall programs. It’s the new name for what used to be called «Add Remove Programs».

Allenby, if I’d known you just wanted to «not see» the Traffic X entry in the Programs and Features list, then I would have simply directed you straight to that HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ registry key. My post was more along the lines of «let’s attempt to work out what’s going on and how to clean it up satisfactorily; left over files, folders, registry keys, and all«. Deleting a registry key (or keys) is one thing, but let’s hope there’s no other unexpected files or folders still left hanging around on your system that might cause some grief later.

Still, it may well just be as simple as deleting that key. Who knows?

So here’s hoping that Traffic 360 will now work! Fingers crossed for you.

First Officer
First Officer

Thanks (0)



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