Календарь событий для html

  1. 37 CSS Calendars
  2. Related Articles
  3. Author
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  5. Made with
  6. About a code
  7. Calendar UI
  8. Author
  9. Links
  10. Made with
  11. About a code
  12. Calendar
  13. Author
  14. Links
  15. Made with
  16. About the code
  17. CSS Calendar UI Design
  18. Author
  19. Links
  20. Made with
  21. About the code
  22. Calendar Mobile App UI
  23. Author
  24. Links
  25. Made with
  26. About the code
  27. Calendar Plan — Tasks Events App
  28. Author
  29. Links
  30. Made with
  31. About the code
  32. Light & Dark Calendar
  33. Author
  34. Links
  35. Made with
  36. About the code
  37. Simple Calendar
  38. Author
  39. Links
  40. Made with
  41. About the code
  42. Duotone Calendar
  43. Author
  44. Links
  45. Made with
  46. About the code
  47. Fluent Design: Calendar
  48. Author
  49. Links
  50. Made with
  51. About the code
  52. Calendar UI
  53. Author
  54. Links
  55. Made with
  56. About the code
  57. Calendar Mockup
  58. Author
  59. Links
  60. Made with
  61. About the code
  62. Windows Fluent Design Calendar
  63. Author
  64. Links
  65. Made with
  66. About the code
  67. Calendar UI
  68. Author
  69. Links
  70. Made with
  71. About the code
  72. Calendar
  73. Author
  74. Links
  75. Made with
  76. About the code
  77. Parallax Flipping Calendar
  78. Calendar
  79. It’s A Calendar Sort Of Thing
  80. Infinite Calendar
  81. Calendar
  82. Circular Calendar Display
  83. React Date Range Picker
  84. Calendar In ReactJs
  85. Date And Time Picker
  86. Calendar App
  87. jQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe
  88. Calendar And Clock
  89. CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept
  90. Calendar
  91. Haml Calendar
  92. Calendario
  93. Author
  94. 17+ Beautiful CSS calendars [Examples]
  95. Beautiful HTML+CSS Calendars You Can Use
  96. 1. Dark-themed Responsive Calendar
  97. 2. Event Based CSS Calendar
  98. 3. Full-Screen CSS Calendar Built Using Flexbox
  99. 4. Tailwind CSS Calendar Template
  100. 5. HTML and CSS Calendar
  101. 6. Fully Functioning Tailwind CSS and AlpineJS Calendar
  102. 7. Bootstrap Year Calendar
  103. 8. CSS Calendar Icon
  104. 9. Tailwind Calendar Icon
  105. 10. Year Based HTML and CSS Calendar
  106. 11. CSS and JavaScript Calendar
  107. 12. Colourful CSS Calendar
  108. 13. CSS Grid Based Calendar
  109. 14. Calendar With Flip Animation
  110. 15. Calendar Widget
  111. 16. Daily Calendar CSS Template
  112. 17. Calendar and Clock Icon
  113. 18. Material UI Based Calendar
  114. Related Articles
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37 CSS Calendars

C ollection of free HTML and CSS calendar code examples: simple, responsive, event, etc. Update of March 2019 collection. 6 new items.

Demo image: Calendar UI

  1. jQuery Calendars
  2. Tailwind Calendars


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About a code

Calendar UI

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Calendar


Made with

About a code


Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Calendar UI Design


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About the code

CSS Calendar UI Design

HTML calendar UI design with CSS Grid.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Calendar Mobile App UI


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About the code

Calendar Mobile App UI

Calendar mobile app UI in HTML and CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Calendar Plan - Tasks Events App


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About the code

Calendar Plan — Tasks Events App

Demo image: Light & Dark Calendar


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About the code

Light & Dark Calendar

Here is a light and dark version of a calendar planner page.

Demo image: Simple Calendar


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About the code

Simple Calendar

Clean and modern simple calendar.

Demo image: Duotone Calendar


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About the code

Duotone Calendar

Duotone image with SVG filter.

Demo image: Fluent Design: Calendar


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About the code

Fluent Design: Calendar

Based on the depth video concept from Microsoft’s Fluent Design.

Demo image: Calendar UI


Made with

About the code

Calendar UI

Calendar with events in HTML and CSS.

Demo image: Calendar Mockup


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About the code

Calendar Mockup

Demo image: Windows Fluent Design Calendar


Made with

About the code

Windows Fluent Design Calendar

Inspired by the preview of the Microsoft Fluent Design System calendar. I thought it looked really pretty so I made it for the web.

Demo image: Calendar UI


Made with

About the code

Calendar UI

Monthly calendar UI in HTML and CSS.

Demo image: Calendar


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About the code


Demo image: Parallax Flipping Calendar


Made with

About the code

Parallax Flipping Calendar

Flipping calendar with HTML, CSS and little JS.

Demo Image: Calendar


A calendar that tells you how many events happened on a particular date.
Made by Benjamin
March 31, 2017

Demo Image: It

It’s A Calendar Sort Of Thing

Calendar with nice animations & interactions.
Made by Jack Thomson
March 19, 2017

Demo Image: Infinite Calendar

Infinite Calendar

A liquid & ‘light-weight’ calendar. There’s no libraries in this exercise, it’s really hand-crafted.
Made by Tadaima
January 31, 2017

Demo Image: Calendar


Calendar with HTML, CSS and JS.
Made by Dali
October 18, 2016

Demo Image: Circular Calendar Display

Circular Calendar Display

A circular calendar and clock display, with and added weather and daily activity widget mock-ups.
Made by Matthew Juggins
September 25, 2016

Demo Image: React Date Range Picker

React Date Range Picker

Date picker in React, you can select a range of dates.
Made by Rob Vermeer
August 29, 2016

Demo Image: Calendar In ReactJs

Calendar In ReactJs

Calendar using ReactJs (beginner level).
Made by Ricardo Barbosa
August 16, 2016

Demo Image: Date And Time Picker

Date And Time Picker

Date and time picker directive.
Made by Jarom Vogel
June 10, 2016

Demo Image: Calendar App

Calendar App

This is a calendar application. It allows for browsing dates and selecting individual dates. You can schedule events on future days.
Made by Joey Lea
May 31, 2016

Demo Image: jQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe

jQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe

Simple styling of the jQuery UI datepicker.
Made by Håvard Brynjulfsen
May 13, 2016

Demo Image: Calendar And Clock

Calendar And Clock

Calendar and clock with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by mselmany
February 17, 2016

Demo Image: CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept

CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept

Click on the arrows (when enabled) and the highlighted date to see the effect. You can also go back in your browser to navigate between scenes, or click the left arrow in the schedule view. Works in all modern browsers.
Made by David Khourshid
November 9, 2015

Demo Image: Calendar


Calendar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by Mark
November 8, 2015

Demo Image: Haml Calendar

Haml Calendar

HTML and CSS calendar.
Made by Katy DeCorah
August 6, 2015

Demo Image: Calendario


A flexible calendar plugin.
Made by Romswell Roswell Parian Paucar
May 22, 2015

Demo image: Flat CSS Calendar



17+ Beautiful CSS calendars [Examples]

Calendars are extremely useful for so many things. We see them all the time in our email accounts, booking an appointment and scheduling meetings. As with some HTML inputs, there isn’t a default one for a fully working calendar, so you have to build one yourself with HTML and CSS.

Fortunately, in this article, we have prepared an amazing list of pre-built CSS calendars for you. You may use them for free and adapt them how you see fit. This is a collection of HTML and CSS calendars with varying features and styles.

List of Beautiful CSS Calendar Examples

Beautiful HTML+CSS Calendars You Can Use

Everything is structured using HTML, some examples focus on different solutions than others, so expect to find simple and more complex CSS calendars. Some even use JavaScript for added functionality.

1. Dark-themed Responsive Calendar

A nice dark-themed CSS calendar that has some functionality to it, thanks to the added JavaScript.

You can switch between the months of the year and hover over each day in the month. It even increases in years as you switch through the months and you can go back and forth.

The CSS also has its own named variables, so it will be easy to edit the style and colors if you need to have them match your own branding.

2. Event Based CSS Calendar

An «upcoming event» based HTML and CSS calendar, this has some cool features to it. Firstly, the calendar has enough space to show 3 months overall, you can switch between another 3 months using the arrows and there are some example events that have been set.

By navigating to the next few months, you can see some example events in the calendar, select them to see the event details appear at the bottom. One day even has multiple events.

It is easy to read the JavaScript and see how you can add more of your own events programmatically and how the calendar itself is generated.

3. Full-Screen CSS Calendar Built Using Flexbox

This CSS calendar is much bigger than a lot of the examples here, nearly full-screen and it looks stunning. Obviously, you could change the gradient background for something else or just take the calendar itself.

Not so much functionality on this one as others but the structure and format are there for you to use and would pair great with your own JavaScript functionality.

4. Tailwind CSS Calendar Template

This calendar is based on a very popular and flexible CSS framework called Tailwind. From the example, you can see there is only a clean HTML structure and all the styling is done directly inline, using the Tailwind CSS classes.

Tailwind is a frontend CSS framework that is fantastic for building UI and styling different elements, as you can see from this example, it looks very professional.

Pair it with some JavaScript functionality and you have yourself a working calendar that looks amazing. There are a few hover effects on some elements, which is nice.

5. HTML and CSS Calendar

A pure HTML and CSS calendar only. No functionality, but it has some cool effects to which you can add functionality. Such as the hover effects on the numbers and the fact that you can actually select and deselect numbers as well.

You can get other ideas for the hover effects by checking these 10 CSS Button Hover Effects.

As an example, the number 18 is selected and you can see this by the surrounding circle, but you can also select it again as well.

The arrows to switch the months don’t work but they have subtle hover effects on them which is nice to see.

6. Fully Functioning Tailwind CSS and AlpineJS Calendar

Based on Tailwind and AlpineJS, here we have a really lovely example of a functioning CSS calendar, with lots of great features already built-in for you.

For starters, you can switch between the months, the current day is preselected for you, showing you which is the current day. By clicking on a number, you can create a new event for that day.

Upon event creation, it is saved into the HTML and displayed as an event. No edit button but you could easily add this. And it would not take much to extract the event data and send it off to a server.

7. Bootstrap Year Calendar

Bootstrap is a popular CSS UI framework and here we have a fantastic example of what you can do with it.

A year based calendar which is using the whole screen to display everything. The years can be switched between using the main arrows and there are some example events that you can hover over to see a short description.

Each date has a hover effect but there isn’t any JavaScript functionality on the click. However, you could easily add JavaScript to this one.

8. CSS Calendar Icon

Something a little different but very useful and interesting. Still a type of calendar but it only shows the date and the month.

This type of CSS calendar is useful for displaying at the start of a blog post or article, using it as a way to show the date posted. It is very easy to change the date and month in the HTML.

9. Tailwind Calendar Icon

A CSS calendar icon based on the Tailwind CSS framework.

Very useful for showing a date in a specific area on a page, this one even has a nice section to show the time for an event and it looks very modern and minimal.

10. Year Based HTML and CSS Calendar

A year based calendar in pure HTML and CSS. Great for displaying a whole year in a big format.

Each year is displayed as its own section, scroll down to see more years. Has some JavaScript for rendering purposes.

11. CSS and JavaScript Calendar

Obviously, there is HTML being used here but it is all rendered using JavaScript. The table that is rendered is generated by the JavaScript code upon page load.

An interesting way to approach this but, you can clearly see how the JS class generates the tables and turns the calendar into a yearly calendar. A great resource to learn from!

12. Colourful CSS Calendar

A wonderful and very colourful calendar built with only HTML and CSS.

It has some very cool features and effects, transitions, and sliding animations between some of the months.

Overall, it is very impressive that this is only using CSS animations to pull all the effects off, no extra JavaScript is needed. Click the dates and see a list of hourly events for that given day.

13. CSS Grid Based Calendar

A beautiful column-based calendar that is using CSS grid as the solution to display this compared to something like CSS flexbox.

The layout is great here and it resembles something like Gmail and its calendar, no JavaScript functionality but, you can easily add that in, at least you have the layout/template you can work from.

The CSS even has nice variables that you can use to change the styling and colors of the elements.

14. Calendar With Flip Animation

A cool semi-working calendar with a flip animation that transitions to a view and you can add a calendar event.

This needs some extra functionality added to it, like saving the new event and displaying it on the calendar but the template and structure are there.

15. Calendar Widget

A widget looking calendar that has a compact size. Easily edit the styling options in the CSS with the variables to match your branding.

Not fully functional but a good template, click the dates and a nice little text box slides out which could be used to add an event.

16. Daily Calendar CSS Template

No functionality at all but this is such a great template and UI that you can add functionality to. It has many elements laid out that you can add functionality to, like the year switcher, the day’s event indicator, and all the information on the left side.

Overall, a nice template you can use and add your own JavaScript functionality to.

17. Calendar and Clock Icon

A modern and slick-looking calendar icon, great for blogs and at the start of an article.

This example is even a working clock as well, hover over the date and then click it and hold to see the time.

Neat and fully working, which is nice to see.

18. Material UI Based Calendar

Modern and minimal calendar with some fancy CSS animations.

Click the month switching arrows and watch the smooth animation change between the months, clicking the dot in the middle goes back to the current date and month.

Luke Embrey is a full-stack developer, BSc in Computer Science and based in the UK.
You can find out more about him at https://lukeembrey.com/

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