Как получить код символа java

Class Character

The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object. An object of class Character contains a single field whose type is char .

In addition, this class provides a large number of static methods for determining a character’s category (lowercase letter, digit, etc.) and for converting characters from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.

Unicode Conformance

The fields and methods of class Character are defined in terms of character information from the Unicode Standard, specifically the UnicodeData file that is part of the Unicode Character Database. This file specifies properties including name and category for every assigned Unicode code point or character range. The file is available from the Unicode Consortium at http://www.unicode.org.

Character information is based on the Unicode Standard, version 13.0.

The Java platform has supported different versions of the Unicode Standard over time. Upgrades to newer versions of the Unicode Standard occurred in the following Java releases, each indicating the new version:

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Shows Java releases and supported Unicode versions
Java release Unicode version
Java SE 15 Unicode 13.0
Java SE 13 Unicode 12.1
Java SE 12 Unicode 11.0
Java SE 11 Unicode 10.0
Java SE 9 Unicode 8.0
Java SE 8 Unicode 6.2
Java SE 7 Unicode 6.0
Java SE 5.0 Unicode 4.0
Java SE 1.4 Unicode 3.0
JDK 1.1 Unicode 2.0
JDK 1.0.2 Unicode 1.1.5

Variations from these base Unicode versions, such as recognized appendixes, are documented elsewhere.

Unicode Character Representations

The char data type (and therefore the value that a Character object encapsulates) are based on the original Unicode specification, which defined characters as fixed-width 16-bit entities. The Unicode Standard has since been changed to allow for characters whose representation requires more than 16 bits. The range of legal code points is now U+0000 to U+10FFFF, known as Unicode scalar value. (Refer to the definition of the U+n notation in the Unicode Standard.)

The set of characters from U+0000 to U+FFFF is sometimes referred to as the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Characters whose code points are greater than U+FFFF are called supplementary characters. The Java platform uses the UTF-16 representation in char arrays and in the String and StringBuffer classes. In this representation, supplementary characters are represented as a pair of char values, the first from the high-surrogates range, (\uD800-\uDBFF), the second from the low-surrogates range (\uDC00-\uDFFF).

  • The methods that only accept a char value cannot support supplementary characters. They treat char values from the surrogate ranges as undefined characters. For example, Character.isLetter(‘\uD840’) returns false , even though this specific value if followed by any low-surrogate value in a string would represent a letter.
  • The methods that accept an int value support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters. For example, Character.isLetter(0x2F81A) returns true because the code point value represents a letter (a CJK ideograph).

In the Java SE API documentation, Unicode code point is used for character values in the range between U+0000 and U+10FFFF, and Unicode code unit is used for 16-bit char values that are code units of the UTF-16 encoding. For more information on Unicode terminology, refer to the Unicode Glossary.

This is a value-based class; programmers should treat instances that are equal as interchangeable and should not use instances for synchronization, or unpredictable behavior may occur. For example, in a future release, synchronization may fail.


How to get the ASCII value of a character in Java

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What are ASCII values?

ASCII assigns letters, numbers, characters, and symbols a slot in the 256 available slots in the 8-bit code.

Character ASCII value
a 97
b 98
A 65
B 66

Cast char to int

Cast a character from the char data type to the int data type to give the ASCII value of the character.


In the code below, we assign the character to an int variable to convert it to its ASCII value.

public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
char ch = 'a';
int as_chi = ch;
System.out.println("ASCII value of " + ch + " is - " + as_chi);

In the code below, we print the ASCII value of every character in a string by casting it to int .

public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
String alphabets = "abcdjfre";
for(int i=0;ichar ch = alphabets.charAt(i);
System.out.println("ASCII value of " + ch + " is - " + (int)ch);

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Class Character

The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object. An object of class Character contains a single field whose type is char .

In addition, this class provides a large number of static methods for determining a character’s category (lowercase letter, digit, etc.) and for converting characters from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa.

Unicode Conformance

The fields and methods of class Character are defined in terms of character information from the Unicode Standard, specifically the UnicodeData file that is part of the Unicode Character Database. This file specifies properties including name and category for every assigned Unicode code point or character range. The file is available from the Unicode Consortium at http://www.unicode.org.

Character information is based on the Unicode Standard, version 15.0.

The Java platform has supported different versions of the Unicode Standard over time. Upgrades to newer versions of the Unicode Standard occurred in the following Java releases, each indicating the new version:

Shows Java releases and supported Unicode versions
Java release Unicode version
Java SE 20 Unicode 15.0
Java SE 19 Unicode 14.0
Java SE 15 Unicode 13.0
Java SE 13 Unicode 12.1
Java SE 12 Unicode 11.0
Java SE 11 Unicode 10.0
Java SE 9 Unicode 8.0
Java SE 8 Unicode 6.2
Java SE 7 Unicode 6.0
Java SE 5.0 Unicode 4.0
Java SE 1.4 Unicode 3.0
JDK 1.1 Unicode 2.0
JDK 1.0.2 Unicode 1.1.5

Variations from these base Unicode versions, such as recognized appendixes, are documented elsewhere.

Unicode Character Representations

The char data type (and therefore the value that a Character object encapsulates) are based on the original Unicode specification, which defined characters as fixed-width 16-bit entities. The Unicode Standard has since been changed to allow for characters whose representation requires more than 16 bits. The range of legal code points is now U+0000 to U+10FFFF, known as Unicode scalar value. (Refer to the definition of the U+n notation in the Unicode Standard.)

The set of characters from U+0000 to U+FFFF is sometimes referred to as the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Characters whose code points are greater than U+FFFF are called supplementary characters. The Java platform uses the UTF-16 representation in char arrays and in the String and StringBuffer classes. In this representation, supplementary characters are represented as a pair of char values, the first from the high-surrogates range, (\uD800-\uDBFF), the second from the low-surrogates range (\uDC00-\uDFFF).

  • The methods that only accept a char value cannot support supplementary characters. They treat char values from the surrogate ranges as undefined characters. For example, Character.isLetter(‘\uD840’) returns false , even though this specific value if followed by any low-surrogate value in a string would represent a letter.
  • The methods that accept an int value support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters. For example, Character.isLetter(0x2F81A) returns true because the code point value represents a letter (a CJK ideograph).

In the Java SE API documentation, Unicode code point is used for character values in the range between U+0000 and U+10FFFF, and Unicode code unit is used for 16-bit char values that are code units of the UTF-16 encoding. For more information on Unicode terminology, refer to the Unicode Glossary.

This is a value-based class; programmers should treat instances that are equal as interchangeable and should not use instances for synchronization, or unpredictable behavior may occur. For example, in a future release, synchronization may fail.


Convert Character to ASCII Numeric Value in Java

Convert chartacter to ascii in java

You can simply get char from String using charAt() and cast it to int.
Here is an example:

You can even directly assign char to int, but it is good idea to explicitly cast it for readabiliy.
You can change highlighted code to below line and program will still work:

Using toCharArray()

You can simply use index with toCharArray() to get ASCII value of character in the String.
Here is an example:

Using String’s getBytes()

You can convert String to byte array using getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) and this byte array will contain character’s ASCII values. You can access individual value by accessing byte array by index.
Here is an example:

Using String’s char() [Java 9+]

You can convert String to IntStream using String’s chars() method, use boxed() to convert it to Stream of wrapper type Integer and collect to the list. Result list will contain all the ascii value of the characters and you can use index to access individual ASCII value of character.
Here is an example:

Convert a String of letters to an int of corresponding ascii

If you want to convert entire String into concatenated ASCII value of int type, you can create StringBuilder from String’s ASCII values and convert it to BigInteger.
Here is an example:

That’s all about Convert Character to ASCII in Java

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Как получить код символа в java

Получить код символа можно преобразовав символ в число с помощью getNumericValue() :

public class App  public static void main(String[] args)  int n = Character.getNumericValue('a'); System.out.println(n); // => 10 > > 


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