- Как перевести char в int java
- Преобразование между char и int в Java
- 1. Преобразование char в int
- 1. Неявное преобразование
- 2. Использование String.getBytes() метод
- 3. Использование Character.digit() метод
- 2. Преобразование int в char
- 1. Использование кастинга
- 2. Использование Character.forDigit() метод
- 4 ways to convert char to int in Java [Practical Examples]
- Using ASCII Values
- Using Integer.parseInt() method
- Using Character.getNumericValue() method
- Subtracting ‘0’
- Examples Showing conversion of char to int
- Example 1 : Evaluating expression stored in String
- Example 2 : Find the summation of numbers stored in the String
- Example 3 : Find the product of numbers stored in the String
- Example 4 : Convert the multi digit numbers stored in String to int
- Summary
- References
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- Java Tutorial
- Java Convert char to int with examples
- Java char to int – implicit type casting
- Java char to int conversion using Character.getNumericValue()
- Java char to int using Integer.parseInt() method
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Как перевести char в int java
Чтобы привести символ char к целому числу int в Java, можно использовать статический метод getNumericValue() из класса Character . Этот метод возвращает числовое значение символа:
Character.getNumericValue('5'); // 5 Character.getNumericValue('0'); // 0
Буквы A-Z будут иметь числовое значение от 10 до 35
Character.getNumericValue('a'); // 10
Если символ не имеет числового представления, вернется -1
Character.getNumericValue('?'); // -1
Преобразование между char и int в Java
В этом посте будет обсуждаться преобразование между char и int в Java.
1. Преобразование char в int
Чтобы преобразовать символ в целое число, вы можете использовать любой из следующих методов:
1. Неявное преобразование
Простое решение — воспользоваться преимуществом неявного преобразования компилятором, когда значение char присваивается целому числу, как показано ниже:
2. Использование String.getBytes() метод
Строка может быть преобразована в последовательность байтов с помощью getBytes() метод, который возвращает массив байтов. Чтобы сделать это для одного символа, используйте как:
3. Использование Character.digit() метод
Если вам нужно числовое значение, представленное символом в указанной системе счисления, вы можете использовать Character.digit() метод. Например,
2. Преобразование int в char
Чтобы преобразовать целое число в символ, вы можете использовать любой из следующих методов:
1. Использование кастинга
Если ваше целое число представляет диапазон символов ASCII, вы можете просто преобразовать его в символ без потери точности.
Чтобы получить соответствующее символьное представление указанной цифры, вы можете сделать следующее:
2. Использование Character.forDigit() метод
Стандартное решение для получения символьного представления для конкретной цифры в указанной системе счисления использует Character.forDigit() метод.
Чтобы преобразовать указанный символ (кодовая точка Unicode) в его представление UTF-16, вы можете использовать Character.toChars() метод, который возвращает массив символов.
Это все о преобразовании между char и int в Java.
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4 ways to convert char to int in Java [Practical Examples]
In Java, the char and an int are a primitive data types. In real life applications, many times we will need to convert the value of one type to the other type. So, Java provides the mechanism for this conversion. As we know, the char type in java can hold a single character whereas an int type holds the numbers without decimal. Here, we will see several ways to convert a char to its equivalent int.
- Using ASCII Values
- Using Integer.parseInt() method
- Using Character.getNumericValue() method
- Subtracting ‘0’
Using ASCII Values
This is the simplest approach to convert char to int in Java. Here, there are two ways to accomplish this task. The first way is through an implicit type conversion, where we assign the value of char variable to int variable. So, it stores the equivalent ASCII value in int type. The other way is explicit type conversion, where we do not use int variable but we write a int in the bracket for type conversion.
Example : In this example, we are showing both implicit and explicit type conversions.
// Program to convert char to int public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Initializing the variables char a = '1'; char b = '2'; // Implicit type conversion int a1 = a; int b1 = b; System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + a + " is " + a1); System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + b + " is " + b1); // Explicit type conversion a = '5'; b = '6'; System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + a + " is " + (int) a); System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + b + " is " + (int) b); >>
The ASCII value of 1 is 49 The ASCII value of 2 is 50 The ASCII value of 5 is 53 The ASCII value of 6 is 54
Using Integer.parseInt() method
In this approach, we are using the static method parseInt of Integer wrapper class. It takes one parameter of string type and converts it to integer. So, we would need to convert char to string in order to use parseInt function.
Example : In this example, char variables are converted to int using parseInt method and valueOf method.
// Program to convert char to int in Java public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Initializing the variables char c = '9'; char d = '5'; // Converting char to int and printing int i = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); System.out.println("Converting char to int : " + i); i = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(d)); System.out.println("Converting char to int : " + i); >>
Converting char to int : 9 Converting char to int : 5
Using Character.getNumericValue() method
In this approach, we will use getNumericValue() method which is a static method of Character wrapper class. This method returns an equivalent int value that the specified Unicode character represents.
Example : In this example, char variables are converted to int using getNumericValue method of Character class.
Converting character to int : 9 Converting character to int : 5
Subtracting ‘0’
In this approach, we are simply subtracting the character ‘0’ from the other character. That means, if we subtract ‘0’ (ASCII equivalent 48) from any character let’s say ‘2’ (ASCII equivalent 50), we will get 2 as a result. Which means, ‘2’-‘0’=2.
Example : In this example, char variables are converted to int by subtracting character ‘0’ from the other character.
Converting character to int : 9 Converting character to int : 5
Examples Showing conversion of char to int
Example 1 : Evaluating expression stored in String
In this example, we are evaluating the expression stored in the string after converting the numbers to equivalent int value.
public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Initializing the variables String e = "2+3"; char c; int first = 0, second = 0, result; // Iterating over the string for (int i = 0; i < e.length(); i++) < c = e.charAt(i); if (c >= '0' && c else < result = first + second; System.out.println("Result of Expression " + e + " is " + result); break; >> > >
Result of Expression 2+3 is 5
Example 2 : Find the summation of numbers stored in the String
In this example, we are finding the summation of the numbers after converting the numbers to equivalent int value.
Summation of the numbers 3455 is 17
Example 3 : Find the product of numbers stored in the String
In this example, we are finding the product of the numbers after converting the numbers to equivalent int value.
Product of the numbers 1248 is 64
Example 4 : Convert the multi digit numbers stored in String to int
In this example, we are converting the multi digit number stored in the string to its equivalent int value.
public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Initializing the variables String s = "4588"; char c; int i, num = 0, multiplier = 1; for (i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) < // Getting a character from the string c = s.charAt(i); // Converting character to int and multiplying with multiplier num = num + (Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)) * multiplier); // Printing the intermediate values System.out.println("character is " + c); System.out.println("\n Now the number is " + num); // reset the multiplier multiplier = multiplier * 10; >// Printing the result System.out.println("Equivalent number is " + num); > >
character is 8 Now the number is 8 character is 8 Now the number is 88 character is 5 Now the number is 588 character is 4 Now the number is 4588 Equivalent number is 4588
The knowledge of converting char value to a int in Java is very useful while working on real time applications. In this tutorial, we covered four different approaches to convert char to int in Java. As per the requirement of an application, we can choose an appropriate approach for conversion. We learned in detail about this approaches with an example. All in all, this tutorial, covers everything that you need to know in order to have a clear view on conversion of char value to a int value in Java.
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Java Convert char to int with examples
In this tutorial, we will see how to convert a char to int with the help of examples. Converting a character to an integer is equivalent to finding the ASCII value (which is an integer) of the given character.
Java char to int – implicit type casting
Since char is a smaller data type compared to int, thus we do not need to do explicit type casting here. A simple assignment of char value to an int variable would do the trick, compiler automatically convert the char to int, this process is known as implicit type casting or type promotion.
In the following example we are assigning char values to integer variables without any typecasting. Compiler automatically doing the conversion here, this only applies when we are assigning a smaller data type to larger data type else we have to do explicit type casting.
Java char to int conversion using Character.getNumericValue()
We can also use Character.getNumericValue(char ch) method to convert a char to an int. This method accepts char as an argument and returns equivalent int (ASCII) value after conversion.
Here we have two char variables ch and ch2 and we are converting them to integers num and num2 using Character.getNumericValue() method.
Java char to int using Integer.parseInt() method
Here we are using Integer.parseInt(String) method to convert the given char to int. Since this method accepts string argument we are converting char to String using String.valueOf() method and then passing the converted value to the method.
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I have 15 years of experience in the IT industry, working with renowned multinational corporations. Additionally, I have dedicated over a decade to teaching, allowing me to refine my skills in delivering information in a simple and easily understandable manner.