Как объявить строку php

Strings in PHP

A string is a series of characters that is used to store and modify text data. Letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces can all be included in a string. Strings in PHP are surrounded by single or double quotes. In this article we discuss the most common PHP strings functions.

$greeting = "Hello World"; $name = 'John Doe'; $age = "30";

$greeting, $name, and $age are all strings in the above example. The first two are surrounded by double quotations, whereas the final is surrounded by single quotes.

Strings can be concatenated using the concatenation operator(.) and edited with string functions such as str_replace, str_split, strpos, and many others.

$name = "John"; $lastname = "Doe"; $fullname = $name." ".$lastname; 

In the above example, $name and $lastname are strings that are concatenated to generate the variable $fullname using the concatenation operator.

PHP provides a variety of built-in string functions that make common operations like concatenation, substring extraction, and replacement straightforward.

  1. String Concatenation:
  • The concatenation operator (.) is used to join two or more strings together.
$string1 = "Hello"; $string2 = " World"; $string3 = $string1 . $string2; echo $string3; // "Hello World" 

The .= operator can be used to append a string to the end of an existing string.

$string1 = "Hello"; $string1 .= " World"; echo $string1; // "Hello World" 

The implode() method joins an array of strings into a single string by specifying a delimiter.

$array = array("apple", "banana", "orange"); $delimiter = ", "; $string = implode($delimiter, $array); echo $string; // "apple, banana, orange" 
  1. String Length and Substring:
  • To determine the length of a string, use the strlen() method.
$string = "Hello World"; $length = strlen($string); echo $length; // 11 

To extract a substring from a string, use the substr() function. It requires three parameters: the string, the beginning location, and the substring length.

$string = "Hello World"; $substring = substr($string, 


Q: What is a string in PHP?

A: In PHP, a string is a sequence of characters used to represent text. It can contain any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters and can be contained in single or double quotations.

Q: How do I make a string?

A: In PHP, a string is produced by surrounding a sequence of characters in single or double quotes.

$string1 = "Hello, World!"; $string2 = 'Hello, World!';

Q: How can I concatenate two strings in PHP?

A: The concatenation operator can be used to join two strings.( . ).

$string1 = "Hello, "; $string2 = "World!"; $string3 = $string1 . $string2; // "Hello, World!"

Q: How can I find the length of a string in PHP?

A: The built-in function strlen in PHP may be used to determine the length of a string. () .

$string = "Hello, World!"; $length = strlen($string); // 13

Q: How can I find a specific character within a string in PHP?

A: The built-in function strpos can be used to find specific characters inside a string(). The location of the first occurrence of a specified character inside a string is returned by this method.

$string = "Hello, World!"; $position = strpos($string, "W"); // 7

Q: How can I replace a specific part of a string in PHP?

A: The built-in function str_replace can be used to replace specific elements of a string(). This function replaces all instances of a given value within a string with a different value.

$string = "Hello, World!"; $new_string = str_replace("World", "PHP", $string); // "Hello, PHP!" 

Q: How can I convert a string to uppercase or lowercase in PHP?

A: A string can be converted to uppercase using the built-in function strtoupper() , and to lowercase using the built-in function strtolower() .

$string = "Hello, World!"; $uppercase = strtoupper($string); // "HELLO, WORLD!" $lowercase = strtolower($string); // "hello, world!"

Q: How can I check if a string starts or ends with a specific character in PHP?

A: You can use strpos() to see whether a string begins with a given character and substr() in conjunction with strpos() to see if a string finishes with a specific character.

$string = "Hello, World!"; $startsWith = strpos($string, "H") === 0; // true $endsWith = strpos($string, "!") === strlen($string)-1; // true 

Q: How can I split a string into an array of substrings in PHP?

A: The built-in function explode() may be used to break a text into an array of substrings. This function divides a string into an array using the delimiter supplied.


  1. How do you find the length of a string?
  2. How do you find the position of a substring in a string?
  3. How do you replace a substring in a string?
  4. How do you convert a string to uppercase or lowercase?
  5. How do you compare two strings?
  6. How do you trim whitespace from a string?
  7. How do you split a string into an array?
  8. How do you concatenate strings?


  1. The length of a string can be found using the strlen() function. For example: strlen(“hello world”);
  2. The position of a substring in a string can be found using the strpos() function. For example: strpos(“hello world”, “world”);
  3. A substring in a string can be replaced using the str_replace() function. For example: str_replace(“world”, “PHP”, “hello world”);
  4. A string can be converted to uppercase or lowercase using the strtoupper() or strtolower() function. For example: strtoupper(“Hello World”);
  5. Two strings can be compared using the strcmp() function. For example: strcmp(“Hello”,”hello”);
  6. Whitespace can be trimmed from a string using the trim() function. For example: trim(” Hello World “);
  7. A string can be split into an array using the explode() function. For example: explode(” “, “Hello World”);
  8. Strings can be concatenated using the concatenation operator (.). For example: “Hello” . ” ” . “World”; or using the function implode()


PHP String

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about PHP strings and how to manipulate strings effectively.

Introduction to PHP strings

In PHP, a string is a sequence of characters. PHP provides you with four ways to define a literal string, including single-quoted, double-quoted, heredoc syntax, and nowdoc syntax. This tutorial focuses on the single-quoted and double-quoted strings.

To define a string, you wrap the text within single quotes like this:

 $title = 'PHP string is awesome';Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Or you can use double quotes:

 $title = "PHP string is awesome";Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

However, you cannot start a string with a single quote and ends it with a double quote and vice versa. The quotes must be consistent.

Single-quoted strings vs. double-quoted strings

Suppose you have a variable $name .

 $name = 'John';Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

And you want to show a message that displays the following:

To do it, you can use the concatenate operator ( . ) to concatenate two strings:

 $name = 'John'; echo 'Hello ' . $name;Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

However, if you use a double-quoted string, you can place the $name variable inside the string as follows:

 $name = 'John'; echo "Hello $name";Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

When evaluating a double-quoted string, PHP replaces the value of any variable that you place inside the string. This feature is called variable interpolation in PHP.

An alternative syntax is to wrap the variable in curly braces like this:

 $name = 'John'; echo "Hello ";Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Note that PHP doesn’t substitute the value of variables in the single-quoted string, for example:

 $name = 'John'; echo 'Hello ';Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The output will be like this:

Hello Code language: PHP (php)

Besides substituting the variables, the double-quoted strings also accept special characters, e.g., \n , \r , \t by escaping them.

It’s a good practice to use single-quoted strings when you don’t use variable interpolation because PHP doesn’t have to parse and evaluate them for double-quoted strings.

Accessing characters in a string

A string has a zero-based index. It means that the first character has an index of 0. The second character has an index of 1 and so on.

To access a single character in a string at a specific position, you use the following syntax:

$str[index]Code language: PHP (php)
 $title = 'PHP string is awesome'; echo $title[0];Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Getting the length of a string

To get the length of a string, you use a built-in function strlen() , for example:

 $title = 'PHP string is awesome'; echo strlen($title);Code language: HTML, XML (xml)


  • A string is a sequence of characters surrounded by single quotes or double quotes.
  • PHP substitutes variables embedded in a double-quoted string.
  • A string is a zero-based index. Therefore, you can access a character at a specific position in a string using the square brackets [] .
  • Use the strlen() function to get the length of the string.


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