Javascript tolowercase not a function

Javascript’s ToLowerCase Function: Is It Not Working?

To locate a string in an array without knowing the exact case, you can incorporate a step in the chain. However, keep in mind that toLowerCase() is only applicable to strings and not arrays. Therefore, try utilizing the given example as a static code and then modify it to suit your needs. In case you encounter an error while running the code, it might be challenging to identify the issue.

ToLowerCase in javascript «not a function»?

I’m attempting to achieve a task similar to this.

if (pathArray.toLowerCase().indexOf("blah") != -1<> 

While utilizing the console for debugging, the error message «pathArray.toLowerCase is not a function» appears. What is the reason for this message being displayed?

The string method toLowerCase enables you to search for a string in an array without case sensitivity. To incorporate this feature, simply add the map step to the chain. < return s.toLowerCase(); >).indexOf('blah') !== -1 

It seems that your «pathArray» is an array which cannot be converted to lowercase using the toLowerCase() method that is exclusively meant for strings.

> 'hello'.toLowerCase() 'hello' > ['hi', 'bye'].toLowerCase() TypeError: undefined is not a function 

Do you want to verify the presence of «blah» in your array, regardless of its case sensitivity?

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The String function prototype offers the toLowerCase method. Considering the name, pathArray is likely an Array rather than a String. If this is the case, you may find the following code beneficial.

pathArray.forEach(function(item, index) < if(item.toLowerCase().indexOf("blah") != -1)< >>); 

The code suggested by dfsq may come in handy depending on the extent of indexOf function you wish to carry out. If you’re like me, you’ll be performing search scanning through every string to locate the starting index of the sub string «blah». However, in dfsq’s code, you’ll be searching for the array index that holds the complete string «blah».

Given that it’s an array, it’s understandable why it wouldn’t function. My objective is to implement a case-insensitive version of the indexOf method.

if (pathArray.some(function(v) < return v.toLowerCase() === 'blah';>)) 

The function identified by Array#some() will yield true provided that the callback returns true for at least one element.

Why isn’t the method toLowerCase(); working in my code?, It doesn’t work because strings are immutable. You need to reassign: s = s.toLowerCase (); The toLowerCase () returns the modified value, it doesn’t modify the value of the instance you are calling this method on. Share. Improve this answer. answered Dec 12, 2010 at 15:53. Darin Dimitrov. 998k 265 3247 2909.

Typeahead TypeError: it.toLowerCase is not a function

Greetings. Kindly review my script beforehand.

$(document).ready(function()< $("#outlet").typeahead(< source: function(query, process) < $.ajax(< url: 'graph/outletlists', data: , type: 'POST', dataType: 'JSON', success: function(data) < process(data); console.log(data); >>); >, minLength: 2 >); >); 
function outletlists() < extract(populateform()); $hasil = $this->modelmodel->showdata("SELECT Outlet from transaksi where outlet like '%".$outlets."%' group by Outlet"); echo json_encode($hasil); > 

I am encountering an error in Bootstrap3-typeahead, as shown by the code snippet above.

Having obtained my desired outcome from console.log(data) , I am facing two issues: the absence of suggestions and encountering an error message while utilizing firebug .

return ~it.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase()); 

Upon entering AR , the resulting output is as follows.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Please excuse my poor English.

I attempt to replicate the example found on

var states = ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming' ]; $(document).ready(function() < $("#outlet").typeahead(< autoSelect: true, minLength: 2, delay: 400, source: states >); >); 

After sending a POST request to http://localhost:84/new_store/graph/outletlists, a 200 OK response was received in 375ms. The headers, post response, HTML, and cookies were handled by jquery-. min.js on line 4.

The following outlets are included in the list — K-AR3, K-AR4, K-ARN2, and K-ARN3.

The function call b.toLowerCase is causing a TypeError.

This function performs the action of displaying text based on an input parameter «a». The text is then converted to lowercase and the function checks if the query is present in the text using the «~» operator.

In line 1, column 2903 of the bootstr. min.js file.

Attempting to modify my bootstrap3-typeahead.js to bootstrap3-typeahead.min.js resulted in the occurrence of the following error.

The error «TypeError: b.toLowerCase is not a function» occurred while trying to execute the code. The function «toLowerCase()» was used on the variable «b», which was expected to be a string, but it turned out not to be. The code was attempting to find the index of the query string (which was also converted to lower case) within the lower-cased «b» string.

Based on console.log() , it appears that you have obtained the desired outcome.

so try to change your controller to

function outletlists() < extract(populateform()); $hasil = $this->modelmodel->showdata("SELECT Outlet from transaksi where outlet like '%".$outlets."%' group by Outlet"); $data = array(); foreach ($hasil as $hsl) < $data[] = $hsl->Outlet; > echo json_encode($data); > 

Despite the presence of a valid solution, I would like to provide an alternative response since the previous one did not address my issue. I discovered that a null value was present in one of my array elements. Therefore, I modified my data query to exclude null values.

Utilize the given sample code as a static version, then transform it into a dynamic one. Refer to the typeahead.js examples available at

Node.js — Typeerror:name.tolowercase is not function in, Typeerror:name.tolowercase is not function in javascript — unresolved. Ask Question Asked 2 years ago. Modified 2 years ago. Viewed 331 times 0 Am new to Javascript ,Please help me resolve the below issue . I have the below function

Uncaught TypeError: «text.toLowerCase() Is not a function»

Upon executing the code below, an error message is displayed.

The function call toLowerCase() cannot be performed on the variable ‘text’, resulting in an uncaught TypeError.

 const getVisibleExpenses = (expenses, < text, sortBy, startDate, endDate >) => < return expenses.filter((expense) =>< const startDateMatch = typeof startDate !== 'number' || expense.createdAt >= startDate; const endDateMatch = typeof endDate !== 'number' || expense.createdAt ); >; 

I’m unable to identify the issue at hand. Do you have any suggestions?

To resolve the error message, it is necessary to clearly define text . If text is an object lacking the toLowerCase() method, this could be the cause of the issue.

Reactjs — candidate.toLowerCase is not a function. (In, candidate.toLowerCase is not a function. (In ‘candidate.toLowerCase()’, ‘candidate.toLowerCase’ is undefined) How can i use any other data field except .title. the code is in Link. reactjs material-ui. Share. Follow asked Mar 26, 2021 at 9:01. Usama Abdul Razzaq Usama Abdul Razzaq.

Type error toLowercase is not a function

As a beginner in learning JavaScript, I am required to develop a basic rock, paper scissors game that can compete with the computer.

During the human’s turn in the program, they will be prompted to type either rock, paper or scissors. To validate the data, any letters entered by the human must be decapitalize.

In an attempt to accomplish this, I am utilizing the toLowercase method, as depicted in the second line of code.

As a result of my endeavors, the console is displaying the following.

The function call playerSelection.toLowercase results in a TypeError.

function playRound(playerSelection, computerSelection) < playerSelection = playerSelection.toLowercase(); var resultMessage = ""; if (playerSelection == "rock" && computerSelection == "paper") < resultMessage = "You Lose. Paper beats Rock"; >else if (playerSelection == "rock" && computerSelection == "scissors") < resultMessage = "You Win. Rock beats Scissors"; >else if (playerSelection == "paper" && computerSelection == "scissors") < resultMessage = "You Lose. Scissors beats Paper"; >else if (playerSelection == "paper" && computerSelection == "rock") < resultMessage = "You Win. Paper beats Rock"; >else if (playerSelection == "scissors" && computerSelection == "paper") < resultMessage = "You Win. Scissors beats Paper"; >else if (playerSelection == "scissors" && computerSelection == "rock") < resultMessage = "You Win. Scissors beats Rock"; >else < resultMessage = "Draw"; >return resultMessage; > console.log(playRound("rock",compPlay)); 

The term toLowerCase() does not refer to a case, as explained further under Camel case.

Javascript — message.content.ToLowerCase is not a, I’m a beginner developer. I’m currently working on a discord.js bot and I really need help. The command just crashes with this error: TypeError: message.content.ToLowerCase is not a function at


[Solved] TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function

If we call the toLowerCase() method on the value that is not of a string type, JavaScript will throw a TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function.

In this tutorial, we will look at what is TypeErrror: toLowerCase is not a function error and how to resolve them with examples.

What is TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function error?

Let us take a simple example to demonstrate this issue

// Declare and store the data into a variable const str = 123456 // Convert to LowerCase str.toLowerCase()
TypeError: str.toLowerCase is not a function 

In the above example, we have declared a variable and assigned the Number value into it.

In the next statement, we call the String. toLowerCase () method on the value of the type Number, and hence we get a TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function.

We can also check the variable type using typeof() to confirm the datatype.

// Declare and store the data into a variable const str = 123456 console.log("The data type is", typeof str) 

How to fix TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function error?

The String. toLowerCase () method can only be used on the string values and not on any other types.

There are two ways to fix this issue in JavaScript.

Solution 1: Use the toLowerCase () method on a valid string object

We can easily resolve the issue by using the toLowerCase() method on the valid string values.

If we know the value can be converted to a valid string, then we can use the toString() method in JavaScript that returns the string representing the object.

If we have a list of string values in an Array we can use which iterates over the each elements of an Array and perform the toLowerCase operation on each string values.

Let us take an example to resolve the issue using the toString() and methods.

// Declare and store the data into a variable const num = 12345 // Convert to string object const str = num.toString() console.log(str.toLowerCase()) // Valid string object const data = "HELLo WoRLD" console.log(data.toLowerCase()) // In case of Array const arr = ["MICROsOFT", "APPLE"] const output = => str.toLowerCase()); console.log(output)
12345 hello world [ 'microsoft', 'apple' ]

Solution 2 – Performing the type check

We can also perform a type check on the variable to check if it’s a string before calling the toLowerCase() method.

Example – Type check using if/else

// Declare and store the data into a variable const str = 12345 if (typeof num === 'string') < console.log(str.toLowerCase()) >else
The object is not of type string

Example – Type check using ternary operator

We can also perform a type check in single line using the Ternary operator as shown below.

// Declare and store the data into a variable const num = 12345 // Ternary opertor to check if variable is string const output = typeof num === 'string' ? num.toLowerCase() : 'The object is not of type string' console.log(output)
The object is not of type string


The TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function occurs if we call a toLowerCase() method on the value that is not of a type string. We can resolve the issue by calling the toLowerCase() method on a valid string or by converting the value into a valid string before calling the toLowerCase() method or by performing a type check; we can mitigate this error.


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