Javascript save xml file

How To Create XML File Using Nodejs xmlbuilder2

This tutorial help to create an XML file using nodejs. We’ll use the xmlbuilder2 npm package to create a new file using nodejs.

xmlbuilder2 is a wrapper around DOM nodes which adds chainable functions to make it easier to create and work with XML documents.

How To Create A New XML File

Let’s create an XML file with nodes and attributes using xmlbuilder2.We’ll cover following functionality into this tutorial:

  • Install & import package
  • Created a root element
  • Generate an XML file
  • write and save in a XML file

The target XML file

Create an XML file that has the following content. We’ll create a main.js file and stored into the c:/workspace/create_xml/ folder.

  post-request jsc://post-request.js 

How To Install xmlbuilder2

You can install the npm packages by running the following command:

npm install xmlbuilder2 npm install fs

if you want to save into package.json

npm install xmlbuilder2 --save npm install fs --save

How To Install xmlbuilder2

At the top of the main.js file, and added below code into this file to import packages:

const < create >= require('xmlbuilder2'); const fs = require('fs');

Generate Xml File

We’ll generate xml file using following script:

let req_name = post-request; const root = create(< version: '1.0', encoding: "UTF-8", standalone: "yes" >) .ele('Javascript', < async: 'false', continueOnError: "false", enabled: "true", timeLimit: "200", name:req_name>) .ele('DisplayName').txt(req_name).up() .ele('Properties').up() .ele('ResourceURL').txt('jsc://'+req_name+'.js').up() .up(); const xml = root.end(< prettyPrint: true >); console.log(xml);

Write and Save XML File

Let’s write a file using fs module writeFileSync method and saved into the current directory.

let full_file_name = "./" + req_name + ".xml"; fs.writeFileSync(full_file_name, xml, function(err) < if (err) throw err; >);

The full Source:

The following is the full source code to create an XML file and save it into the current directory path.

const < create >= require('xmlbuilder2'); const fs = require('fs'); let req_name = 'post-request'; const root = create(< version: '1.0', encoding: "UTF-8", standalone: "yes" >) .ele('Javascript', < async: 'false', continueOnError: "false", enabled: "true", timeLimit: "200", name:req_name>) .ele('DisplayName').txt(req_name).up() .ele('Properties').up() .ele('ResourceURL').txt('jsc://'+req_name+'.js').up() .up(); const xml = root.end(< prettyPrint: true >); console.log(xml); let full_file_name = "./" + req_name + ".xml"; fs.writeFileSync(full_file_name, xml, function(err) < if (err) throw err; >);


  post-request jsc://post-request.js 

The create() function generates and returns a blank XML document node, while the ele function generates and returns an element node, and the up function returns its parent element node. You can think of up as the element node’s ending tag. The doc function returns the XML document’s document node. The end function finally converts the XML document to its string representation.


how to save xml files using Javascript?

I tried to use method save() to do 2). After my failure, I checked ms site and they said save() is not supported.

could some one enlighten me how to do the save?


W3Schools Internal Note


seems this is related to security issue. I appologize to those experienced programmers for my putting this question in a rush because it seems a newbie question.


Your problem is: javaScript does not have an input/output ( I/O ) API as it is a client-side scripting language and consequently has no access to the file system via the server. You would need to use a server-side scripting language to save data to a server. There may be hacks to solve your problem client-side, but they are probably either unsave or otherwise buggy. (btw: what api is the save method member of? Did you make that up?)

What you can do is save data temporarily to any DOM element (e.g. window, or a javaScript) object. There is however no way to make these changes permanent.

In your case, looking in to PHP scripting might be the best way to go.

The following will work in all major browsers, including IE 6:

var parseXml; if (typeof window.DOMParser != "undefined") < parseXml = function(xmlStr) < return ( new window.DOMParser() ).parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml"); >; > else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject != "undefined" && new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) < parseXml = function(xmlStr) < var xmlDoc = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = "false"; xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlStr); return xmlDoc; >; > else
var xml = parseXml("Stuff"); alert(xml.documentElement.nodeName); 
var parseXml; if (typeof window.DOMParser != "undefined") < parseXml = function(xmlStr) < return ( new window.DOMParser() ).parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml"); >; > else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject != "undefined" && new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) < parseXml = function(xmlStr) < var xmlDoc = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = "false"; xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlStr); return xmlDoc; >; > else < throw new Error("No XML parser found"); >var xml = parseXml("Stuff"); document.body.innerHTML = "Root element: " + xml.documentElement.nodeName;

Readium Foundation just released Readium Web Components: see (code: )

Alternatively, you might want to have a look at FuturePress: (code: )

Finally, TEA also has something you might find interesting:

You want tagName , which is the name of the element. (Sorry about that, for Element s, tagName and nodeName are the same.)

The problem is that the first child of your myParent element isn’t the myChild element, it’s a text node (containing whitespace). Your structure looks like this:

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