Javascript radio which checked

How to check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

In the HTML, the radio buttons allow developers to create multiple options for a choice. Users can select any option, and we can get its value and know which option users have selected from the multiple options.

So, it is important to check which radio button the user selects to know their choice from multiple options. Let’s understand it via real-life examples. When you fill out any form and ask to choose a gender, you can see they give you three options, and you can select only one.

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In this tutorial, we will learn two approaches to checking whether a radio button is selected using JavaScript.

Using the checked property of the radio button

We can access the radio element in JavaScript using various methods. After that, we can use its checked property to check whether the selected radio button is checked. If the value of the checked property is true, it means the radio button is selected; otherwise, it’s not selected.


Users can follow the syntax below to check whether the radio button is selected using the checked property of the radio element.


In the above syntax, we have accessed the radio button using its id and used the checked attribute to check whether the radio button is selected in the if-statement.


In the example below, we have created three radio buttons containing different values, such as male, female, and others. In JavaScript, we have accessed each radio button by its id and checked the value of every radio button’s ‘checked’ property.

When the user selects any radio button and clicks on the button, they see a message showing the value of the selected radio button.


Using the checked property of the radio button to check whether a radio button is selected.



The example below is almost the same as the one above, but the difference is that we are accessing all radio buttons using their name at once. The getElementByName() method returns all radio elements with the name radio.

After that, we used the for-of loop to iterate through the array of radio buttons and check for every radio button using the ‘checked’ property whether the radio button is selected.


Using the checked property of the radio button to check whether a radio button is selected


Use the querySelector() method to check whether a radio button is selected

Programmers can use JavaScript’s querySelector() method to select any HTML element. Here, we have used the querySelector() method to select only the checked radio button. If no radio button is selected, it returns a null value.


Users can follow the syntax below to use the querySelector() method to check whether the radio button is selected.

var selected = document.querySelector('input[name="year"]:checked');

In the above syntax, ‘year’ is the name of the group of radio buttons, and it returns any radio button which belongs to the ‘year’ group and is checked.


In the example below, we created three radio buttons providing three different choices to the users. When users click on the Check selected year button, it invokes the getSelectedRadio() function, which uses the querySelector() method to select the radio button with the name ‘year’ and is checked from the DOM.

Users can click the button without selecting any radio button and observe the output.


Using the querySelector() method to check whether a radio button is selected.


Users learned two different methods to get the checked radio buttons using JavaScript. The best way to do this is to use the querySelector() method, as we need to write only a single line of code.


Input Radio checked Property

The checked property sets or returns the checked state of a radio button. This property reflects the HTML checked attribute.

Browser Support


Property Values

Technical Details

Return Value: A Boolean, returns true if the radio button is checked, and false if the radio button is not checked

More Examples


Find out if a radio button is checked or not:


Use a radio button to convert text in an input field to uppercase:


Several radio buttons in a form:

var coffee = document.forms[0];
var txt = «»;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < coffee.length; i++) if (coffee[i].checked) txt = txt + coffee[i].value + " ";
document.getElementById(«order»).value = «You ordered a coffee with: » + txt;

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How to Check Whether a Radio Button is Selected With JavaScript

Radio buttons, an essential part of HTML forms, allow users to select one of the multiple options. They can be created by simply using the tag of type “radio”. Radio buttons are used in a group of two or more buttons with a common name. This makes it easier to fetch them into a single object and check their status. The status of a radio button can be checked by using two different methods which will be discussed in this write-up.

The first step of both these methods is the same which is to create a form containing radio buttons:

Setting up an HTML Form

We’ll just create a simple HTML form with a few radio buttons:

In the above code we first used a simple tag to give a heading so the user can easily understand the purpose of our form which is to choose a favourite colour. We then used the tag to create a form, inside which we have used tags to create three radio buttons which give different options to the users.

We have also used the tags to label our radio buttons. We then used a couple of tags to give ourselves a few line breaks so the whole form looks nice and evenly spaced. The form was ended with a tag which can be used to submit our form. The calls the checkValue() function when it is clicked.

Now we will write the JavaScript code to define the checkValue() function to check which radio button has been selected:

Method 1: Using the getElementsByName()

We can use the .checked() property to check whether a radio button has been selected or not:

function checkValue ( ) {
var radios = document.getElementsByName ( «colour» ) ;
for ( const radio of radios ) {
if ( radio.checked ) {
alert ( radio.value + » is your favourite colour» ) ;
break ;

Inside the checkValue() function we have first declared a variable named radios which receives a nodelist of all the radio buttons with the name colour. We then iterate over the nodelist and check the status of each radio button. If a radio button has been selected we use the alert() method to display which colour has been selected.

The code for the entire webpage:

< button id = "submit" onclick = "checkValue()" >Submit

< script >
function checkValue ( ) {
var radios = document.getElementsByName ( «colour» ) ;
for ( const radio of radios ) {
if ( radio.checked ) {
alert ( radio.value + » is your favourite colour» ) ;
break ;

If we want to check for an individual radio button, we can give it a unique id and then use the getElementsById() method to store it in a variable. We can then use the checked() property to check if the button has been picked.

Method 2: Using the querySelectorAll() Method

The querySelectorAll() method takes a CSS selector as an argument and returns a nodelist of all the elements that match the given selector:

function checkValue ( ) {
var radios = document.querySelectorAll ( ‘input[name=»colour»]’ ) ;
for ( const radio of radios ) {
if ( radio.checked ) {
alert ( radio.value + » is your favourite colour» ) ;
break ;

The definition of the checkValue() function is almost the same in both the methods. The difference is of the method which gets the nodelist of radio buttons. Method 2 uses the querySelectorAll() method to get the nodelist.

< button id = "submit" onclick = "checkValue()" >Submit

< script >
function checkValue ( ) {
var radios = document.querySelectorAll ( ‘input[name=»colour»]’ ) ;
for ( const radio of radios ) {
if ( radio.checked ) {
alert ( radio.value + » is your favourite colour» ) ;
break ;


Radio buttons are used to get the user’s preference from a list of options. Groups of radio buttons can be formed by giving the same value to their name attributes. Only one radio button can be selected at a time. This post was about how we can use JavaScript to check whether a radio button is selected.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.


JavaScript урок12. Объектная модель документа (продолжение): идентификация в javascript checkbox и radio

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На уроке рассматриваются способы доступа в javascript к checkbox (флажкам) и radio (радио-кнопкам или переключателям). Разбирается принцип работы со свойством checked для осуществления проверки radio и checkbox

Объект javascript checkbox

form name="f1"> input type="checkbox" name="yourName" id="ch1"> Да /form>

Элемент checkbox идентифицируется:


Пример: По щелчку на элементе флажок (checkbox) выводить диалоговое окно с сообщением для подтверждения: «Номер люкс очень дорогой. Вы уверены?». Скрипт описать в качестве значения атрибута.

input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" value="Номер Люкс" onсlick=" confirm('Номер люкс очень дорогой. Вы уверены?')">Номер люкс

Свойство checked

Пример: По загрузке страницы устанавливать флажок (checkbox) отмеченным

1 способ (через name ):
В скрипте:

function check(){ document.f1.ch1.checked=true; }
body onload="check()"> form name="f1"> input type="checkbox" name="ch1">пункт1br> input type="checkbox" name="ch2">пункт2br> /form> …

2 способ (через id ):
В скрипте:

function check(){ ch1.checked=true; }
body onload="check()"> input type="checkbox" id="ch1">пункт1br> input type="checkbox" id="ch2">пункт2br>

checkbox javascript

Задание js12_1. Создать страницу проверки знаний учащегося с одним вопросом и тремя ответами на вопрос: два из них правильные и один неправильный. Осуществить проверку правильности отмеченных при помощи элементов формы checkbox ответов. Функцию проверки запускать по щелчку кнопки

Объект переключатель в javascript — radio и свойство checked

Элемент javascript radio предназначен для выбора только одного единственного варианта из нескольких.

Для того, чтобы несколько переключателей работали сгруппировано, т.е. чтобы при выборе одного radio все остальные бы отключались, необходимо для всех radio установить одинаковое значение атрибута name

Рассмотрим пример использования радиокнопок:

body> form name="f1"> Ваш пол:br> input type="radio" name="r1" id="id1"br> input type="radio" name="r1" id="id2"br> input type="button" onclick="fanc()"> /form> /body>

Группа радиокнопок (radio) идентифицируется в скрипте следующим образом:

function fanc(){ document.getElementById("id1").checked=true; // 1-й способ document.f1.r1[0].checked=true; // 2-й способ document.f1['r1'][0].checked=true; // 3-й способ }

Первый способ является наиболее предпочтительным.

Рассмотрим пример использования в javascript radio с checked свойством:

1 способ:

function fanc(){ idr1.checked=true; }
input type="radio" name="r1" id="idr1">пункт1br> input type="radio" name="r1" id="idr2">пункт1br> input type="button" onClick ="fanc()" value="отметить">

2 способ:

function fanc(){ document.f1.r1[0].checked=true; }
form name="f1"> input type="radio" name="r1">пункт1br> input type="radio" name="r1">пункт1br> input type="button" onClick ="fanc()" value="отметить"> /form>

radio в javascript

Задание js12_2.
Создать страницу проверки знаний учащегося с вопросом: «Какой заряд у электрона?» и двумя ответами: «положительный» (неправильный) и «отрицательный» (правильный). Осуществить проверку правильности отмеченного при помощи элемента формы radio ответа. Функцию проверки запускать по щелчку кнопки


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