Javascript radio set checked

Input Radio checked Property

The checked property sets or returns the checked state of a radio button. This property reflects the HTML checked attribute.

Browser Support


Property Values

Technical Details

Return Value: A Boolean, returns true if the radio button is checked, and false if the radio button is not checked

More Examples


Find out if a radio button is checked or not:


Use a radio button to convert text in an input field to uppercase:


Several radio buttons in a form:

var coffee = document.forms[0];
var txt = «»;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < coffee.length; i++) if (coffee[i].checked) txt = txt + coffee[i].value + " ";
document.getElementById(«order»).value = «You ordered a coffee with: » + txt;

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JavaScript Tutorial: Set Checked Status for Radio Buttons

Learn how to set the checked status for radio buttons using JavaScript. Access radio buttons, set their checked status, check if a radio button is selected, get the value of the selected radio button, and dynamically check or uncheck radio buttons.

  • Accessing Radio Buttons in JavaScript
  • Setting the Checked Status for Radio Buttons
  • How To Get a Value From a Radio Button with JavaScript
  • Checking if a Radio Button is Selected
  • Getting the Value of the Selected Radio Button
  • Dynamically Checking or Unchecking Radio Buttons with jQuery
  • Other helpful code examples for setting the checked status for radio buttons in JavaScript
  • Conclusion
  • How do I set my radio button to check?
  • How to get radio button checked value in JavaScript?
  • How to check if radio button is checked in JavaScript?
  • How do you make a radio button checked dynamically?

Radio buttons are an essential part of any web form, allowing users to choose one option from a list of options. JavaScript provides a straightforward way to set the checked status for radio buttons dynamically, and this article will guide you through the process.

Accessing Radio Buttons in JavaScript

Before setting the checked status for a radio button, you need to access it using JavaScript. The document.querySelector() and document.getElementById() methods are the most common ways to access radio buttons.

For example, to access a radio button with the name “option” that is currently checked, use the following code:

const radioBtn = document.querySelector('input[name="option"]:checked'); 

Setting the Checked Status for Radio Buttons

Once you have accessed the radio button, you can set its checked status using the checked property.

To set the checked status of a radio button to true, use the following code:

Conversely, to set the checked status of a radio button to false, use the following code:

How To Get a Value From a Radio Button with JavaScript

Transcript · Javascript — How To Get Value Of selected radio button In JS [ with source Duration: 4:10

Checking if a Radio Button is Selected

You can use the checked property along with the document.getElementById(‘id’).checked method to check if a radio button is selected or not.

For example, to check if a radio button with the id “option1” is selected, use the following code:

const isChecked = document.getElementById('option1').checked; 

This will return true if the radio button is checked, and false otherwise.

Getting the Value of the Selected Radio Button

To get the value of the selected radio button, you can create a user-defined function that uses the checked property to find the selected button and return its value.

For example, to get the value of the selected radio button with the name “option”, use the following code:

function getSelectedValue() < const radioBtn = document.querySelector('input[name="option"]:checked'); if (radioBtn) < return radioBtn.value; >> 

This function will return the value of the selected radio button, or undefined if no radio button is selected.

Dynamically Checking or Unchecking Radio Buttons with jQuery

If you’re using jQuery, you can use the prop() method to dynamically check or uncheck a radio button.

For example, to check a radio button with the name “option”, use the following code:

$('input[name="option"]').prop('checked', true); 

This will set the checked status of the radio button to true.

Other helpful code examples for setting the checked status for radio buttons in JavaScript

In javascript, javascript radio button value if checked code example

//alert(document.querySelector('input[name = "comp"]:checked').value);$test=document.querySelector('input[name = "comp"]:checked').value;if($test="silver") < amount=50; >else if($test="gold") < amount=90; >else

In javascript, javascript is radio button checked code example

//get radio Buttons (other ways to do this too) let radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll("input[name=myRadioName]");//annoyingly the "change" event only fires when a radio button is clicked //so it does not fire when another one is clicked and it gets unchecked //so you have to put change listener on all radio buttons //and then detect which one is actually selected for (let i = 0; i < radioButtons.length; i++) < radioButtons[i].addEventListener('change', function() < if (radioButtons[i].checked == 1)< alert("checked") ; >else < alert("not checked") >>); >//html look like this: 

In javascript, radio javascript checked code example



Setting the checked status for radio buttons using JavaScript is a straightforward process, and it’s an essential skill for any web developer.

Use the checked property to set the radio button’s status to true or false, and use document.querySelector() or document.getElementById() methods to access them.

Create a user-defined function to get the value of the selected radio button, and use the jQuery prop() method to dynamically check or uncheck radio buttons. By following these steps, you can easily set the checked status for radio buttons and create dynamic web forms.


How to set radio button checked in javascript

Thus, will cause «buttonY» to be unchecked if the HTML looks like: edit Remember that «radio buttons» have that name because on old radios (not necessarily older than me) the station preset buttons were mechanically inter-linked such that exactly one button was pressed at all times. The problem with this function is that it will attempt to check all the radio buttons, so if they belong to a group (which is usually the case), only the last radio button from each group will be selected.

How do you change an HTML radiobutton selection from Javascript?

If you set the «checked» property to true on one radio button, the other button with the same name is automatically unchecked.

document.getElementById('buttonX').checked = true; 

will cause «buttonY» to be unchecked if the HTML looks like:

edit Remember that «radio buttons» have that name because on old radios (not necessarily older than me) the station preset buttons were mechanically inter-linked such that exactly one button was pressed at all times. Fiddling with the buttons to get them all to be un-pressed was a fun but risky pastime, as most adults didn’t appreciate the aesthetic appeal of a row of un-pressed radio buttons all neatly aligned.

Javascript — Set a radio button in an ng-repeat to checked, Evening all. Could anyone tell me how to set a radio button to checked in an ng-repeat when it loads? In the table below I have a list of prices with a sort function I created. It sorts from the lowest price down. Is there a way I can set the lowest price radio button to ‘checked’ each time the table loads?

Javascript check radio buttons automatically

Give your radio buttons «names» would make things a lot easier

  var elements = document.getElementsByName('myradios'); for (i=0;i > 

Working example :

getElementsByName doesn’t seem to be supported in all IE versions . so you could use the following based on your original example :

var allElems = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (i = 0; i < allElems.length; i++) < if (allElems[i].type == 'radio' && allElems[i].value == 'clean') < allElems[i].checked = true; >> 

Working example :

you might try setting the «checked» attribute instead.

var getElements = function() < var x = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); var oldname = ''; for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) < if(x[i].type == 'radio' && x[i].name != oldname && x[i].value == 'clean') < x[i].checked = true; oldname = x[i].name; >> >; 

The problem with this function is that it will attempt to check all the radio buttons, so if they belong to a group (which is usually the case), only the last radio button from each group will be selected. If that is your intention, then great, otherwise it bears thinking about how to decide which button is selected, and breaking the loop. You can see in the function above that I have decided to select only the first button in the group, by checking the name attribute of the element.

Another way to handle this, using jQuery, would be:

var getElements = function() < var oldname = ''; $.each($('input[type="radio"]'), function()< if($(this).attr('name') != oldname && $(this).val() == 'clean')< $(this).checked = true; oldname =; >>); >; 

How to change the style of a radio button with javascript, Ultimately, I would like to have the text of the radio button in each group change to bold and red when it is clicked. However, I’m not having any luck just changing the color of even one group. Below is the loop I was using to try to change one group of radio buttons.

Enable Radio Button Checked On Load

Working demo or

If I may recommend: Try keeping your change event outside. see this radioInput.prop(‘checked’, true).trigger(«change»);

The use of radioInput.prop(‘checked’, true) is kind of interesting which I wont encourage. 🙂 think that radio buttons are either / or i.e. one of the 2 will be selected at one point.

var ebuForm = < init : function() < ebuForm.showInput(); >, showInput : function(e) < var radioInput = $("input[type='radio']"), emailRadio = $("input[value='email']"); radioInput.change(function()< var emailInput = $('.email-input'), phoneInput = $('.phone-input'); if($(this).val() =="email") <; phoneInput.hide(); console.log('Email Enabled'); >else < emailInput.hide();; console.log('Phone Enabled'); >>); radioInput.prop('checked', true).trigger("change"); > >; $(function() < ebuForm.init(); >); 

First input[value=’email’] is not such a good selector — use #email instead. The reason the phone radio button is checked is because you are checking it with the code:

 radioInput.prop('checked', true); 

Your probably wanted to write:

 emailRadio.prop('checked', true); 

And remember you cannot check both phone and email ! They both have the same name .

The key here is $(‘#email’).prop(‘checked’, true).trigger(‘change’);

How to unchecked a radio button using JavaScript/jQuery?, Example 1: This example unchecks the radio button by using Javascript checked property. The JavaScript Radio checked property is used to set or return the checked state of an Input Radio Button. This property is used to reflect the HTML checked attribute. .

Is this the right way to set the radio button to “checked” in Bootstrap?

What if you do something like

to trigger a click event for whichever radio option you want selected? This way bootstrap can handle all the CSS class changes and such.

Figured out a bootstrap way to do it.


Javascript — How to set checked radio button using name, I am working with some radio input and want to set them checked while edit function. I used ajax response. I have to set them checked. The code sample is following:

Group 1:


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