Javascript input file clear

  1. How can I clear an HTML file input with JavaScript?
  2. Solution 3
  3. Solution 4
  4. Solution 5
  6. DEMO
  7. LINKS
  8. Javascript input file clear
  9. Пример: очистить поле ввода type=file
  10. Пример кода очистки поля type=file
  11. Соберем весь код примера очитки поля файле:
  12. javascript — очистка поля ввода type=file
  13. Соберем второй пример очитки поля ввода файл.
  14. Живой пример очистить поле выбора файла
  15. jQuery — очистим поля ввода type=file
  16. jQuery — код очитки поля файла
  17. Соберем весь код очистки поля файла в jQuery
  18. Пример работы кода очистки поля файла в jQuery
  19. Clearing HTML File Inputs with JavaScript: Methods and Best Practices
  20. Clearing an HTML File Input Field Using JavaScript or jQuery
  21. Resetting an HTML File Input Field Using a Form
  22. Clearing an HTML File Input in React
  23. Removing a Specific File from a List of Multiple Files in an HTML File Input
  24. Clearing Read-Only Files in HTML
  25. Other helpful code examples for clearing an HTML file input with JavaScript
  26. Conclusion
  27. How to clear an HTML file input using JavaScript
  28. Way to clear an HTML file input
  29. 1. Set the empty or null value
  30. 2. Replace a new input file element value with the old element value
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How can I clear an HTML file input with JavaScript?

I still have to understand why this does not work with webkit.

Anyway, this works with IE9>, Firefox and Opera.
The situation with webkit is that I seem to be unable to change it back to file.
With IE8, the situation is that it throws a security exception.

Edit: For webkit, Opera and firefox this works, though:

(check the above answer with this proposal)

I’ll see if I can find a nice cleaner way of doing this cross-browser without the need of the GC.

Works with most browsers. Does not work with IE < 9, that's all.
Tested on firefox 20, chrome 24, opera 12, IE7, IE8, IE9, and IE10.

Solution 3

Setting the value to » does not work in all browsers.

Instead try setting the value to null like so:

document.getElementById('your_input_id').value= null; 

EDIT: I get the very valid security reasons for not allowing JS to set the file input, however it does seem reasonable to provide a simple mechanism for clearing already selecting output. I tried using an empty string but it did not work in all browsers, NULL worked in all the browsers I tried (Opera, Chrome, FF, IE11+ and Safari).

EDIT: Please note that setting to NULL works on all browsers while setting to an empty string did not.

Solution 4

Unfortunately none of the above answers appear to cover all the bases — at least not with my testing with vanilla javascript.

  • .value = null appears to work on FireFox, Chome, Opera and IE11 (but not IE8/9/10)
  • .cloneNode (and .clone() in jQuery) on FireFox appears to copy the .value over, therefore making the clone pointless.

So here is the vanilla javascript function I have written that works on FireFox (27 and 28), Chrome (33), IE (8, 9, 10, 11), Opera (17). these are the only browsers currently available to me to test with.

function clearFileInput(ctrl) < try < ctrl.value = null; >catch(ex) < >if (ctrl.value) < ctrl.parentNode.replaceChild(ctrl.cloneNode(true), ctrl); >> 

The ctrl parameter is the file input itself, so the function would be called as.


Solution 5


The following code worked for me with jQuery. It works in every browser and allows to preserve events and custom properties.

var $el = $('#your-input-id'); $el.wrap('').closest('form').get(0).reset(); $el.unwrap(); 


See this jsFiddle for code and demonstration.


Javascript input file clear

С самого начала давайте приведем рабочий пример очистки поля выбора файла!

Пример: очистить поле ввода type=file

Для того, чтобы проверить работу примера очитки поля ввода вам потребуется:

Выбрать любой файл на вашем компьютере нажав кнопку «выбрать файл».

И второе — нажмите кнопку «очисти поле выбора файла»

Пример кода очистки поля type=file

Для того, чтобы создать рабочий пример нам понадобится:

Добавим ему id, чтобы вы могли к этому полю обратиться

Для того, чтобы отследить нажатие нам нужен onclick.

Обращаемся к нашему id с помощью getElementById

Соберем весь код примера очитки поля файле:

javascript — очистка поля ввода type=file

Как вы знаете способов сделать onclick — 3 штуки. первый самый простой и короткий в смысле написания я рассмотрел выше.

Смысл тот же, но только onclick второй способ.

Для того, чтобы очистить поле выбора файл с помощью javascript — нам понадобится:

Опять поле type=»file» + id изменим на «example1»

И onclick вынесем в отдельный тег script, подробно останавливаться не буду. здесь все просто.

Соберем второй пример очитки поля ввода файл.

Живой пример очистить поле выбора файла

Для того, чтобы протестировать работу очитки поля type=»file» вам понадобится:

Очистить поле выбора файла.

jQuery — очистим поля ввода type=file

И последним рассмотрим очищение поля файла с помощью jQuery.

Для этого нам понадобится.

jQuery — код очитки поля файла

Соберем весь код очистки поля файла в jQuery

Пример работы кода очистки поля файла в jQuery

Для того, чтобы протестировать работe кода очистки поля файла в jQuery вам нужно:

Очистить поле выбора файла


Clearing HTML File Inputs with JavaScript: Methods and Best Practices

Learn how to clear HTML file inputs using JavaScript or jQuery with different methods and best practices. Explore how to reset, remove, and clear read-only files in HTML.

  • Clearing an HTML File Input Field Using JavaScript or jQuery
  • Resetting an HTML File Input Field Using a Form
  • Clearing an HTML File Input in React
  • Removing a Specific File from a List of Multiple Files in an HTML File Input
  • Clearing Read-Only Files in HTML
  • Other helpful code examples for clearing an HTML file input with JavaScript
  • Conclusion
  • How to clear input file in JavaScript?
  • How to clear HTML file upload control in JavaScript?
  • How do you clear HTML files?
  • How do you empty an input field?

Clearing or resetting an HTML file input using JavaScript can be a challenging task for developers. However, there are several ways to do it, including setting the value of the input field to an empty string or null, wrapping the input field in a form and using the reset() method, and updating the input field array in case of multiple files. In this blog post, we will explore the various methods and best practices for clearing an HTML file input using JavaScript or jQuery.

Clearing an HTML File Input Field Using JavaScript or jQuery

One of the most straightforward methods to clear an HTML file input field using JavaScript is by setting the value of the file input to an empty string or null. This method is simple and can be used for both single and multiple file inputs.

document.getElementById("fileInput").value = ""; 

Another way to clear a file input field using jQuery is by using the .val() method to set the value to an empty string.

However, one of the drawbacks of this method is that it only clears the file input field’s value and not the selected file. Therefore, if the user selects the same file again, the onchange event will not fire.

Resetting an HTML File Input Field Using a Form

Another method to clear an HTML file input field is by wrapping the file input in a form and using the reset() method to reset the form.

The advantage of this method is that it also resets other form fields, making it useful for forms with multiple inputs. However, it is essential to note that resetting the form may not work in all browsers, and it may not clear the selected file in some cases.

It is also essential to follow best practices when resetting an HTML file input field. For instance, it is recommended to use a button with the type attribute set to “button” instead of “submit” to prevent the form from submitting when the button is clicked.

Clearing an HTML File Input in React

In React, controlling the value of a file input can be challenging due to the complexity of its behavior. However, there are two ways to clear a file input in React.

The first method is by setting the value of the file input to null in the handleChange function. This method works for both single and multiple file inputs.

class FileInput extends React.Component < constructor(props) < super(props); this.state = < file: null >; this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); > handleChange(event) < event.preventDefault(); this.setState(< file: null >); > render() < return ( 
); > >

The second method is by clearing the value of the file input manually using the DOM API. This method is useful in cases where the file input is not controlled by React.

document.getElementById("fileInput").value = null; 

It is also possible to use ref in React to access the DOM node of the file input and clear its value.

class FileInput extends React.Component < constructor(props) < super(props); this.fileInput = React.createRef(); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); >handleClick() < this.fileInput.current.value = null; >render() < return ( 
); > >

However, it is essential to note that controlling the value of a file input in React has some limitations. For instance, it is not possible to set the value of a file input programmatically due to security reasons.

Removing a Specific File from a List of Multiple Files in an HTML File Input

In cases where an HTML file input allows users to select multiple files, it may be necessary to remove a specific file from the list. This can be accomplished by updating the input field array to remove the specific file.

function removeFile() < var fileInput = document.getElementById("fileInput"); var files = [. fileInput.files]; var fileToRemove = files[0]; var index = files.indexOf(fileToRemove); if (index !== -1) < files.splice(index, 1); >fileInput.files = files; > 

It is essential to follow best practices when removing a specific file from a list of multiple files in an HTML file input. For instance, it is recommended to handle errors when the user tries to remove a non-existent file or remove files based on their index instead of their name to prevent issues when files with the same name are selected.

Clearing Read-Only Files in HTML

In some cases, an HTML file input may contain read-only files that cannot be deleted or modified. However, it is possible to delete read-only files in HTML using right-click and choosing “Delete.”

It is essential to follow best practices when deleting read-only files in HTML. For instance, it is recommended to provide clear instructions to the user on how to delete read-only files and to ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to delete the file.

Other helpful code examples for clearing an HTML file input with JavaScript

In javascript, javascript clear file input code example

document.getElementById("myFileInputID").value = null;

In javascript, clear input field javascript code example

Last name:

function myFunction() Run code snippetHide results


Clearing or resetting an HTML file input using JavaScript or jQuery can be accomplished using different methods. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, and developers should choose the one that best suits their needs. Additionally, best practices for handling file inputs, such as validating the file type and size before submitting the form, should be followed to ensure compatibility across different browsers. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this blog post, developers can effectively clear and reset HTML file inputs using JavaScript or jQuery.


How to clear an HTML file input using JavaScript

If you are using file input in the form, you may need to clear the input after submitting the form. So today we will show you how to clear an HTML file input using JavaScript.

Checkout more articles on JavaScript

Way to clear an HTML file input

1. Set the empty or null value

For the modern browser, we can set the empty or null value.

2. Replace a new input file element value with the old element value

In this second method, we will create a new file input element and replace the value of the new element with the old element value.

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding. 🙂

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