- Retrieving JavaScript Function Body Text: A Guide
- How to get content of HTML body with javascript?
- How to get a functions’s body as string?
- Can Javascript get a function as text?
- Get HTTP Body of Form in JavaScript
- How to get function body text in JavaScript?
- Using the toString() method
- Using the func.name and func.length properties
- Using the Function constructor
- Conclusion
Retrieving JavaScript Function Body Text: A Guide
There are two solutions available. The first solution involves calling a function to obtain the full function text. However, there are some caveats to be aware of, as the «on» function’s implementation is dependent on the browser. For example, Firefox may return a compiled function after optimization. The second solution involves using the «read» method to access the contents of an object.
How to get content of HTML body with javascript?
var text = document.body.innerHTML;
var text = document.body.innerText;
To extract information from the text while excluding the HTML.
If jQuery is not an option, a more cross-browser friendly solution can be achieved by utilizing both innerText and textContent properties. Helpful examples can be found at http://help.dottoro.com/ljhvexii.php.
As of now, virtually all browsers provide support for innerText , which is a significant improvement since this answer was originally submitted back in 2014.
- IE 6+
- Edge all versions
- Firefox 45+
- Chrome 4+
- Safari 3.2+
- Opera 10+
More browser info at caniuse.com
Instead of accessing the body element, only access the p element to avoid receiving quoted items from the remaining parts of the document.
How to get function body text in JavaScript?, How to get function body text in JavaScript? [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. Modified 3 years ago. Viewed 43k times 40 7. This question already has answers here: javascript get function body (8 answers) Closed 5 years ago. function derp() < a(); b(); c(); >Code samplevar entire = derp.toString();var body = entire.slice(entire.indexOf(«<") + 1, entire.lastIndexOf(">«));console.log(body); // «a(); b(); c();»Feedback
How to get a functions’s body as string?
Embrace regex when doing something unsightly.
const getBody = (string) => string.substring( string.indexOf("<") + 1, string.lastIndexOf(">") )const f = () => < return 'yo' >const g = function (some, params) < return 'hi' >const h = () => "boom"console.log(getBody(f.toString())) console.log(getBody(g.toString())) console.log(getBody(h.toString())) // fail !
One option is to convert the function to a string and then eliminate any extraneous information, leaving only the body.
A.toString().replace(/^function\s*\S+\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\<|\>$/g, "");
Nonetheless, utilizing toString may not be justified, as it may not function effectively in certain settings.
Regex — javascript get function body, Simplest Use-Case. If you just want to execute the body of the function (e.g. with eval or using the Worker API), you can simply add some code to circumvent all the pitfalls of extracting the body of the function (which, as mentioned by others, is a bad idea in general): ‘(‘ + myFunction + ‘)()’; I am using …
Can Javascript get a function as text?
The comments below from CMS, Tim Down, and MooGoo have been added to provide additional information and considerations.
To obtain the entire function text, you can use the .toString() call on a function, which is the closest alternative to what you are seeking.
function derp() < a(); b(); c(); >alert(derp.toString()); //"function derp() < a(); b(); c(); >"
Here is a chance to try it out, however, there are some cautions to keep in mind.
- The implementation of the .toString() on function is not specified in the section of the specification, leading to
- From the spec: An implementation-dependent representation of the function is returned. This representation has the syntax of a FunctionDeclaration . Note in particular that the use and placement of white space, line terminators, and semicolons within the representation string is implementation-dependent. and
- Noted differences in Opera Mobile, early Safari, neither displaying source like my example above. .
- Following optimization, Firefox provides a compiled function as output, as exemplified by
- (function() < x=5; 1+2+3; >).toString() == function() .
function derp() < a(); b(); c(); >alert(derp.toString());
How to get content of HTML body with javascript?, Don’t access the body element, access just the p element. You then won’t get quoted items from the rest of the document: You then won’t get quoted items from the rest of the document: document.getElementById(‘demo’).innerHTML;
Get HTTP Body of Form in JavaScript
To read the contents of an object, there are a few options available. Firstly, Response and Response.body.getReader() can be used. ReadableStream is what makes Response.body.getReader() effective. Additionally, TextDecoder can be used to convert Uint8Array to readable text. It should be noted that stream and headers cannot be read from the same Response object. However, a new Response object can be created from the same input data and then read using Headers .
var form = document.querySelector("form"); form.onsubmit = (e) => < e.preventDefault(); var formData = new FormData(); var input = e.target.querySelector("input"); formData.append("file", input.files[0], input.files[0].name); var response = new Response(formData); var stream = response.body; var reader = stream.getReader(); var decoder = new TextDecoder(); reader.read() .then(function processData(result) < if (result.done) < console.log("stream done"); return; >var data = decoder.decode(result.value); console.log(data); return reader.read().then(processData); >) .catch(function(err) < console.log("catch stream cancellation:", err); >); reader.closed.then(function() < console.log("stream closed"); >); >
Unfortunately, there are no available APIs that provide access to that particular information.
It is possible to create the request manually, however, the browser cannot assist you in its preparation.
Javascript — How to get a functions’s body as string, const getBody = (string) => string.substring ( string.indexOf (» <") + 1, string.lastIndexOf (">«) ) const f = () => < return 'yo' >const g = function (some, params) < return 'hi' >const h = () => «boom» console.log (getBody (f.toString ())) console.log (getBody (g.toString ())) console.log (getBody (h.toString ())) // fail ! …
How to get function body text in JavaScript?
Sometimes, we may need to extract the text of a function in JavaScript for various reasons. In this guide, we will discuss different ways to get the function body text in JavaScript.
Using the toString() method
The easiest way to get the function body text is by using the `toString()` method. This method returns the entire source code of the function, including its body text. Here’s an example:
function helloWorld() < console.log("Hello, World!"); >console.log(helloWorld.toString()); // "function helloWorld()"
As you can see, the `toString()` method returns the entire source code of the `helloWorld()` function, including its body text.
Using the func.name and func.length properties
Another way to get the function body text is by using the `func.name` and `func.length` properties. Here’s an example:
function helloWorld() < console.log("Hello, World!"); >console.log(helloWorld.toString().slice(helloWorld.toString().indexOf("<") + 1, helloWorld.toString().lastIndexOf(">"))); // "console.log(\"Hello, World!\");"
In this example, we first get the entire source code of the `helloWorld()` function using the `toString()` method. Then we slice the source code from the opening curly brace « using the `indexOf()` and `lastIndexOf()` methods. This gives us the function body text.
Using the Function constructor
Another way to get the function body text is by using the `Function` constructor. Here’s an example:
function helloWorld() < console.log("Hello, World!"); >var helloWorldText = Function.prototype.toString.call(helloWorld).match(/function[^$/)[1]; console.log(helloWorldText); // "console.log(\"Hello, World!\");"
In this example, we first get the entire source code of the `helloWorld()` function using the `toString()` method. Then we use the `Function` constructor to create a new function with the same source code. Finally, we use the `match()` method to extract the function body text.
In this guide, we discussed different ways to get the function body text in JavaScript. You can choose any of these methods depending on your use case.