Javascript error not implemented

How to fix error: not implemented: navigation (except hash changes) in Javascript?

The error message «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» is a commonly encountered issue in Javascript when using the history API. This error occurs when the browser does not support certain navigation events and the developer is trying to perform a navigation that is not supported by the browser. The error message is thrown by the browser as a security measure to prevent potential malicious activities. In this article, we’ll discuss the different methods you can use to fix this error.

Method 1: Use HashRouter Instead of BrowserRouter

To fix the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» in Javascript, you can use HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter.

First, you need to import the necessary modules from the react-router-dom library:

import  HashRouter, Route, Switch > from 'react-router-dom';

Then, wrap your App component with the HashRouter component:

HashRouter> App /> /HashRouter>

Next, replace all instances of BrowserRouter with HashRouter :

Route exact path="/" component=Home> />
Route exact path="/" component=Home> />

Finally, make sure to use Link components instead of a tags to navigate between pages:

import  Link > from 'react-router-dom'; Link to="/">Home/Link>

That’s it! By using HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter , you can avoid the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» in your Javascript application.

Method 2: Check Browser Compatibility

This error occurs when trying to use the window.history.pushState() or window.history.replaceState() methods in browsers that do not support them. To fix this error, we can use a browser compatibility check to determine if the methods are supported before using them.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to check for browser compatibility before using pushState() :

if (window.history && window.history.pushState)  // Use pushState() method > else  // Use hash-based navigation >

In this example, we first check if the window.history object exists and if the pushState() method is supported. If it is, we can use the method to update the browser history. If not, we can use hash-based navigation instead.

Here is another example that demonstrates how to check for compatibility with replaceState() :

if (window.history && window.history.replaceState)  // Use replaceState() method > else  // Use hash-based navigation >

Again, we first check if the window.history object exists and if the replaceState() method is supported. If it is, we can use the method to replace the current history state. If not, we can use hash-based navigation instead.

By using these compatibility checks, we can ensure that our code will work in a wide range of browsers without encountering the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» error.

Method 3: Polyfill the History API

If you are facing the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» issue in JavaScript, you can fix it by polyfilling the History API. This involves adding a script that provides the missing functionality to the browser.

Here are the steps to polyfill the History API:

  1. Download the html5-history-api polyfill library from GitHub.
  2. Include the library in your HTML file using a script tag:
script src="path/to/html5-history-api.js"> script>
// Push state history.pushState(data: 'some data'>, 'Title', '/new-url'); // Replace state history.replaceState(data: 'some other data'>, 'New Title', '/new-url');
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event)  console.log('Back or forward button clicked'); console.log(event.state); // logs the state object passed to pushState or replaceState >);

That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to fix the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» issue in JavaScript by polyfilling the History API.

Method 4: Use the HashChangeEvent to Manually Handle Navigation

To fix the «Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)» in JavaScript, you can use the HashChangeEvent to manually handle navigation. Here are the steps to implement this solution:

window.addEventListener("hashchange", function()  // Handle navigation here >);
var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash === "#about")  // Show about page > else if (hash === "#contact")  // Show contact page > else  // Show home page >
history.pushState(null, null, "#about"); window.dispatchEvent(new HashChangeEvent("hashchange"));

Here is an example implementation that shows how to use the HashChangeEvent to handle navigation:

window.addEventListener("hashchange", function()  var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash === "#about")  showAboutPage(); > else if (hash === "#contact")  showContactPage(); > else  showHomePage(); > >); function showAboutPage()  console.log("Showing about page"); > function showContactPage()  console.log("Showing contact page"); > function showHomePage()  console.log("Showing home page"); > history.pushState(null, null, "#about"); window.dispatchEvent(new HashChangeEvent("hashchange"));

This code will show the «about page» in the console. You can change the hash value to «#contact» or any other value to see the corresponding page.


How to fix Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)

I am implementing unit test for a file that contain window.location.href and I need to check it. My jest version is 22.0.4 . Everything is fine when I run my test on node version >=10 But I get this error when I run it on v8.9.3

console.error node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/virtual-console.js:29 Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes) 

I have no idea about it. I have searched on many page to find out the solution or any hint about this to figure out what happened here. [UPDATE] — I took a look deep to source code and I think this error is from jsdom.

at module.exports (webapp/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/browser/not-implemented.js:9:17) at navigateFetch (webapp/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/window/navigation.js:74:3) 
exports.evaluateJavaScriptURL = (window, urlRecord) => < const urlString = whatwgURL.serializeURL(urlRecord); const scriptSource = whatwgURL.percentDecode(Buffer.from(urlString)).toString(); if (window._runScripts === "dangerously") < try < return window.eval(scriptSource); >catch (e) < reportException(window, e, urlString); >> return undefined; >; exports.navigate = (window, newURL, flags) => < // This is NOT a spec-compliant implementation of navigation in any way. It implements a few selective steps that // are nice for jsdom users, regarding hash changes and JavaScript URLs. Full navigation support is being worked on // and will likely require some additional hooks to be implemented. const document = idlUtils.implForWrapper(window._document); const currentURL = document._URL; if (!flags.reloadTriggered && urlEquals(currentURL, newURL, < excludeFragments: true >)) < if (newURL.fragment !== currentURL.fragment) < navigateToFragment(window, newURL, flags); >return; > // NOT IMPLEMENTED: Prompt to unload the active document of browsingContext. // NOT IMPLEMENTED: form submission algorithm // const navigationType = 'other'; // NOT IMPLEMENTED: if resource is a response. if (newURL.scheme === "javascript") < window.setTimeout(() => < const result = exports.evaluateJavaScriptURL(window, newURL); if (typeof result === "string") < notImplemented("string results from 'javascript:' URLs", window); >>, 0); return; > navigateFetch(window); >; 


module.exports = function (nameForErrorMessage, window) < if (!window) < // Do nothing for window-less documents. return; >const error = new Error(`Not implemented: $`); error.type = "not implemented"; window._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", error); >; 
  1. const scriptSource = whatwgURL.percentDecode(Buffer.from(urlString)).toString();
  2. then check string and return error


Javascript not implemented error in Internet Explorer

i used a javascript code for radiobtn check inside gridview. the code works fine in firefox browser. but in internet explorer (IE) the code is not working and the error says Javascript not implemented. my javascript code is


It’s good to do this just after the script tag: //

ie 8 . i used alert box before document.getelementId(); after dat it shows d same not implemented error


Jest error — Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes) when click event is triggered on an anchor element

I have written unit test using jest version 26.0.0 with react-testing-library and node version 14.2.0 . Below is my React functional component which has a button, on clicking makes an ajax call to download a report file.

const ReportListTable = () => < const < downloadReports >= useReports(); const onClickDownload = () => < let fileName = ``; downloadReports() .then((response) =>response.arrayBuffer()) .then((data) => < const blob = new Blob([data], < type: "octet/stream", endings: "native" >); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const anchor = document.createElement("a"); anchor.setAttribute("href", url); anchor.setAttribute("download", fileName);; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); >) .catch((error?: Error | Response) => < if (error instanceof Error) < message.error(error?.message); >>); >; return ( 
); >;
describe("Test Reports List Table component", () => < const < URL >= window; beforeAll(() => < window.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(useReportsHook, "useReports").mockReturnValue(useReportsMockValue); >); afterAll(() => < window.URL = URL; jest.clearAllMocks(); >); it("should handle row button enabled and download on button clicked", async () => < jest.spyOn(useReportsContextHook, "useReportsContext").mockReturnValue([< checkedIds: ["report_1"] >, jest.fn]); const < asFragment >= render(); screen.getByTestId(elements.downloadTestId)); await waitFor(() => expect(window.URL.createObjectURL).toHaveBeenCalled()); await waitFor(() => expect(window.URL.revokeObjectURL).toHaveBeenCalled()); expect(asFragment).toMatchSnapshot(); >); >); 
 console.error Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes) at module.exports (/Users/user/Documents/lydia-github/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/browser/not-implemented.js:9:17) at navigateFetch (/Users/user/Documents/lydia-github/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/window/navigation.js:76:3) at exports.navigate (/Users/user/Documents/lydia-github/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/window/navigation.js:54:3) at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/user/Documents/lydia-github/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/nodes/HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils-impl.js:81:7) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7) undefined 

I tried to mock the location object after referring this thread How to fix Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes), however it didn’t help. I need help to resolve this error.


Javascript error not implemented

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Hi all, I’ve started implementing Application Insights into a web project I work on and all seemed to be going smoothly until we hit a problem with a JavaScript Error that says «Not Implemented». From our testing this is affecting IE8 and IE9, while IE10 and IE11 are perfectly fine. The code in our page is what I got from the Insights page (I’ve removed our id in the start line). The error seems to be coming from the «u.onerror = t;» code:

Any help of this would be much appreciated. Cheers Andy


Summary: Removing u.onerror=t seems to fix the issue. We will fix this in an upcoming release. Details: The code you see here is responsible for actually downloading the real JS SDK without impacting the startup performance or your site by doing so asynchronously. It seems the onerror behavior is not supported on IE8 and IE9. Removing this line won’t affect the SDK working it downloads. Jakub Oleksy | Developer Visual Studio Online | This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


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