Javascript error line numbers

Javascript error line number in javascript

However, when the console tries to tell me the line number that the error occurred on, that line never called a variable in the first place. Solution: The first number is the row (line number), the second is the column (character on line).

Chrome’s development console say there is an error on an incorrect line number

I’ve been experiencing an issue with Chrome’s development console. The console says that there’s a JavaScript error, and it tells me the number. But the problem is, many times, the line number it is referring to does not relate at all to the error in my code.

For example, currently, I have an error which says Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Title’ of undefined , which is understandable. However, when the console tries to tell me the line number that the error occurred on, that line never called a variable Title in the first place. Why is it referencing that line number? See image below:

Image of Chrome's development console error that references a line number that has nothing to do with the line number

In the image above, line #83 in my code has nothing to do with Cannot read property ‘Title’ of undefined. So I don’t know where the error ocured since many times in my code, I call a field called Title .

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Edit: I tried this also on Internet Explorer 10 (screenshot), and it gave me the correct line number. Perhaps this is a glitch on Google’s side.

Its possible that chromes interpreter is not taking you to an exact line but instead a segment of code causing the issue, some debuggers (maybe chrome included) are not always 100% accurate and may refer you to a block or segment of the code causing the problems. In this case it looks like the issue is with lastCharacter = allObjs[allObjs.length -1].Title]. which is in that same segment..

If an error occurs and its not exact with the line number I would recommend setting some breakpoints on that segment and seeing what the result is or console logging .Title where its used in that block of code.

How can I determine the current line number in, That spits out enough newlines to make the line number seen by JavaScript be the same as the PHP line number. All the PHP function definitions, etc. are at the top, ahead of that line. After that line, I restrict my use of PHP to code that doesn’t change the line numbers. The «-6» accounts for the fact that my PHP code starts on line 8. Code samplefunction foo()

JavaScript Error.prototype.lineNumber Property

In JavaScript, the Error.prototype.lineNumber property helps us to determine which line in our code corresponds to an error. One important thing to note is that this property is not used extensively as it is not a standard feature.


In the above example, the number 5 is printed in the logs as the 5th line is the line in which an error is thrown.


When the error event is fired, the number 7 is printed in the logs as the 7th line is the line in which an error is thrown.

Supported Browser: The Error.prototype.lineNumber property can only run on Firefox.

How to get JavaScript caller function line number and, 12 years, 11 months ago. Modified 9 months ago. Viewed 129k times. 125. I am using the following for getting the JavaScript caller function name: var callerFunc = arguments.callee.caller.toString (); callerFuncName = (callerFunc.substring (callerFunc.indexOf («function») + 8, callerFunc.indexOf (» …

What does the 2nd number after the colon in a node.js stack trace line mean?

In a node.js stack trace there are always two numbers, the line number then a : and another number. In the example below, the first line has faye-redis.js:153:36 and 153 is the line number in that file for where the error is occurring, but what does the number :36 mean?

node_modules/faye-redis/faye-redis.js:153:36 • publish.notify node_modules/faye-redis/faye-redis.js:72:16 • clientExists node_modules/redis/index.js:532:9 • try_callback node_modules/redis/index.js:614:13 • return_reply node_modules/redis/index.js:266:14 • RedisClient.init_parser events.js:96:17 • EventEmitter.emit node_modules/redis/lib/parser/hiredis.js:43:18 • execute node_modules/redis/index.js:488:27 • on_data node_modules/redis/index.js:82:14 • none events.js:96:17 • EventEmitter.emit net.js:397:14 • onread 

The first number is the row (line number), the second is the column (character on line). In Javascript many coders habitually nest a lot of code on a single line with closures et al, or use minifiers like YUI compressor, so it’s often rather relevant information.

Jquery — Line numbers in errors JavaScript, Line numbers in errors JavaScript [closed] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. Modified 9 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 492 times 0 1. As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will …

ESLint Error: Line number out of range

I’m using ESLint with the Standard config.

I’m getting this error when running eslint —fix */** :

Line number out of range (line 318 requested, but only 317 lines present). RangeError: Line number out of range (line 318 requested, but only 317 lines present). at SourceCode.getIndexFromLoc (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/source-code.js:389:19) at Object.fix (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/no-multiple-empty-lines.js:116:52) at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/rule-context.js:127:34) at Program:exit.allLines.reduce.concat.reduce (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/no-multiple-empty-lines.js:108:37) at Array.reduce (native) at EventEmitter.Program:exit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/rules/no-multiple-empty-lines.js:93:22) at emitOne (events.js:101:20) at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:191:7) at NodeEventGenerator.applySelector (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/node-event-generator.js:265:26) at NodeEventGenerator.applySelectors (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint/lib/util/node-event-generator.js:294:22) 

Any ideas how to fix this?

I tried standard —fix first from the Standard CLI and got the same error, and then tried it directly from ESLint to confirm that it was an error thrown by the latter, and not the former.

Figured it out:

It appears that this error is consistently thrown if the file ends in a new line with a space character. When I delete the space, the error goes away.

How to get actual line from javascript error line number, What I’d really like is the actual offending line. Is there some way of doing this? Perhaps. document.getElementsByTagName (‘html’) [0].innerHTML.Split (‘\n’) [lineNumber-1]; // OR document.body.innerHTML.Split (‘\n’) [lineNumber-1]; However, when I tested it in Firefox 10, I got that the above were inaccurate …


Error: lineNumber

Non-standard: This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

The lineNumber data property of an Error instance contains the line number in the file that raised this error.


Property attributes of Error: lineNumber
Writable yes
Enumerable no
Configurable yes


Using lineNumber

try  throw new Error("Could not parse input"); > catch (err)  console.log(err.lineNumber); // 2 > 

Alternative example using error event

.addEventListener("error", (e) =>  console.log(e.lineNumber); // 5 >); const e = new Error("Could not parse input"); throw e; 

This is not a standard feature and lacks widespread support. See the browser compatibility table below.


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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