- How to type new copy into any website (and freak out your friends)
- I present to you an insanely cool trick that lets you “edit” the text on any website or webpage.
- How to edit the text on any website or web page.
- You’re welcome!
- Java скрипт для редактирования страницы в браузере.
- All Activity
- People clicking member content, but see this «Error Page»
- I target traders and investors for US stock markets
- 10 word description of The Me Bet podcast
- #4 Women who want to lose weight
- Kieren Lefevre’s Journal
- How to promote a book Through email
- Airbnb ad copy
- Auto responder sequence
- #22 Readers of my blog
- Thomas Oddo’s Journal
- The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday July 7th, 2023)
- The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday June 30th, 2023)
- Reminder: 2nd half 2023
- The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday July 14th, 2023)
- What should I name my podcast? — Julian Castle
- Facebook Groups & Email ad copy
- Candace Wong’s Journal
- Sr Optical Manufacturing Engineer
- Chicken or egg — Which one REALLY came first? (musicianship, theory, guitar, piano coach)
- About Page for a new personal branding site called Let’s Get Practical
- I’m targeting startup founders, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Head of Operations
- Nev can we create a business plan for my brand that includes my fb group?
- Bold Fashion Brand Homepage
- Edit Any Website (free tool)
- A Helpful Use Case:
- A Fun Use Case:
- Watch video of this trick in action:
- P.S. If you liked this cool editing hack, consider signing up to my newsletter. When you do:
How to type new copy into any website (and freak out your friends)
- Edit the existing copy on your website…without messing up the existing copy on your website?
- Change the tagline on one of the Internet’s most visited websites? Just for kicks?
Kidding. If you’re writing web or sales copy – your own or anyone else’s – nothing could be smarter and more constructive than seeing how it looks on the page. Or, if you don’t have one yet, on someone else’s page.
I present to you an insanely cool trick that lets you “edit” the text on any website or webpage.
(As long as it’s actual dynamic text and not an image.)
I say “edit” in quotes because you’re the only one who can see it. The change only exists in your own browser, and it goes away as soon as you reload the page.
If you’re a professional copywriter, this can help you sell an idea — a tagline, a headline, or a block of text — to your client. It lets them see it in play without having to hand it off to their designer to mock it up.
If you’re writing your own copy, ditto. Sometimes you don’t know how a headline or tagline will feel until your designer hands it to you, all coded up. And then, you might try to edit it yourself and break your website. (Because, as many of us have learned the hard way, editing your own website code is like cutting your own bangs.)
If you’re an aspiring copywriter and just starting out, you can use this to build a body of work. How? You create “before and after” examples. Here’s how I would tweak the copy on this website/ sales page.
Step 1: Take a screenshot of the existing page
Step 2: Use the page edit tool to type in your own copy
Step 3: Screenshot your version, and show them side by side with an explanation of your edit.
People love before-and-afters. (Befores and afters?) They’re a compelling way to show your skills. In fact, I created a mini-course out of them. It’s called 60-Minute Makeovers Copywriting Mini-Course, and is usually the first thing Shrimpers buy from me to get quick results with their copy.
If you’re teaching copywriting, you can use the steps above to present ideas. “Here’s how to turn an OK tagline into a great tagline.” You can show your before and afters in slides for a keynote. You can do live copy edits on video, as I do each time we run my signature program with Marie Forleo, The Copy Cure.
OK, so here’s how you do it.
How to edit the text on any website or web page.
If you use chrome (easiest):
STEP 1) Try simply installing the extension called Edit This Website. You can also try the Edit Website Extension. Both work for me. Then again, so does the method below, which I’ve used in both Chrome and Safari. Some people can’t get it to work, and I can’t figure out why.
STEP 2) Find it in your extensions at the top of your browser and click on it to start editing the text you want to edit.
If you use Safari or other browser:
STEP 1) Select and copy this orange line of code with your cursor, then paste it into Evernote or a Word doc (other platforms may work):
javascript:document.body.contentEditable = ‘true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0
STEP 2) From where you’ve copy-pasted it, select the line of text again, and drag the highlighted text into your bookmarks bar the way you would add any bookmark.
STEP 3) It’ll just be a little symbol with no name. You can edit it in the bookmarks bar to something short like “copy changer.”
STEP 4) When you’re on the page you want to edit, click on your new bookmark.
(HOLD UP! If it doesn’t work, verify in your bookmarks editor that the URL of the bookmark is the exact same as the line of code on this page. Sometimes it reconfigures all funky. If that happens, paste the original line directly into the bookmark’s URL field.)
STEP 6) Take screenshots. Prank your friends.
Any time you want the regular website back, just refresh the page.
There’s so much you can do with this, I fear for you. I fear for all of us.
You’re welcome!
What good or evil might you use this for?
ps – Yes, at the time of writing this (iPhone 7 times) my father lost his new iPhone 7 in the house. Find My iPhone was no use, because the battery was dead. Many different people turned the house upside down looking for it. Opened up couch cushions, rummaged through unspeakable things in bathroom garbage cans, explored the freezer and breadbox, lifted up Jimmy Hoffa, the works. Nothing. We will find that phone around the same time we get to see Donald Trump’s tax returns . [UPDATE: It was in the car.]
Java скрипт для редактирования страницы в браузере.
Когда-то давно мне попадался один скрипт, который позволял редактировать интернет страницы, править на них текст и т.п. Но это, конечно, никто не мог видеть, кроме меня, т.е. просто можно было переписать текст страницы, а при обновлении все возвращалось на свои места. Так вот, может кто поможет найти этот скрипт?
javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0
в адресную строку и нажимаешь энтер, вуаля!
если я правильно тебя понял то тебе нужен скрипт онлаин HTML редактора
вот он просто скопируй и вставь на свой сайт
Я Вас понял, если Вы хотите изменить текст страницы (например если Вы хотите привлечь собеседника к административной ответственности и Вам для этого нужен факт самого оскорбления), Вы можете в браузере изменить код страницы. Для этого Вам нужно нажать или F12 и исправить код в инспекторе, или нажать правой кнопкой мыши по элементу который хотите изменить и выбираете изменить код элемента. Затем пишите оскорбительные выражения в Ваш адрес, отправляете доказательства в прокуратуру для привлечения виновного к ответственности. А после этого в суд и взыскиваете деньги за причинённый Вам моральный вред.
Если же Вам нужен редактор текста для сайта на JavaScript(например если стандартного TEXTAREA элемента Вам не достаточно и Вы к примеру хотите видеть нумерацию строк в документе) можете посмотреть редактор по ссылке [ссылка заблокирована по решению администрации проекта]
я скажу тебе точный ответ берёш например тот же сайт с маилру ответами нажимаеш добавить в закладки там нажимаеш ещё пишеш где написано URL вот это без двоеточия: javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0 потом нажимаешь на туже закладку которою ты добавил и всё!
All Activity
People clicking member content, but see this «Error Page»
I target traders and investors for US stock markets
10 word description of The Me Bet podcast
#4 Women who want to lose weight
Kieren Lefevre’s Journal
How to promote a book Through email
Airbnb ad copy
Auto responder sequence
#22 Readers of my blog
Thomas Oddo’s Journal
The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday July 7th, 2023)
The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday June 30th, 2023)
Reminder: 2nd half 2023
The S.W.I.P.E.S. Email (Friday July 14th, 2023)
What should I name my podcast? — Julian Castle
Neville posted a new status update on Imar McEwan’s profile
Facebook Groups & Email ad copy
Neville posted a new status update on adam abbas’s profile
Candace Wong’s Journal
Sr Optical Manufacturing Engineer
Chicken or egg — Which one REALLY came first? (musicianship, theory, guitar, piano coach)
About Page for a new personal branding site called Let’s Get Practical
I’m targeting startup founders, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Head of Operations
Nev can we create a business plan for my brand that includes my fb group?
Bold Fashion Brand Homepage
Edit Any Website (free tool)
- Neville
- April 10, 2022
- 💬 6
This is how you can edit any website directly from your browser:
Step 1.) Highlight the text in the blue box:
Step 2.) Drag the highlighted text into your bookmarks bar.
Step 3.) Click the icon whenever you want to edit any page!
Try it for yourself:
Click this link, and instantly you’ll be able to edit the text on this page from your browser. Reload the page if you want to quit editing.
There’s a bunch of useful AND silly uses for this little editing hack!
A Helpful Use Case:
If you’re a copywriter doing consulting session with a client, you can edit their page live to show them how it will look:
A Fun Use Case:
Make your bank balance look super huge! Move over Bill Gates, my BankOfAmerica account now has billions of dollars:
This helpful little bookmark has been extremely useful for me through the years, hope you enjoy it too!
Watch video of this trick in action:
Neville N. Medhora
P.S. Let me know if this tool is helpful, and how you use it!
P.S. If you liked this cool editing hack, consider signing up to my newsletter. When you do:
- Email 1: An email called «This email will show you how to write better» will show up.
- Email 2: An email showing you my favorite subject line tricks.
- Email 3: An email showing tactics to make sure people pay attention to what you’re selling.
- . then I send out about 2 emails per week, all with by best material in marketing. Most of this will not be posted on the blog, only through email.
I pride myself on making my email newsletter like a completely free education in copy.
Every single email has a one-click-unsubscribe button at the bottom, so if you want me to stop emailing you, just hit the button and you’ll never hear from me again. I’d love for you to join. Just enter your email address and click the button subscribe.