Javascript copy object to object

Cloning an object in JavaScript

The below first logs 0 , and then logs 1 . How do I store a copy of the object, rather than a reference to it?

debug.log(vi.details.segment); vi.nextSegment = vi.details; vi.nextSegment.segment++; debug.log(vi.details.segment); 

7 Answers 7

To clone an object in jQuery:

var vi.nextSegment = jQuery.extend(<>, vi.details); 

NOTE: The above is a shallow copy: any nested objects or arrays will be copied by reference — meaning any changes you make to vi.nextSegment.obj[prop] will be reflected in vi.details.obj[prop] . If you want a completely new object which is completely separate from the original, you will need to do a deep copy (pass true as the first parameter):

var vi.nextSegment = jQuery.extend(true, <>, vi.details); 

To read up more on extend, see here.

That isn’t a deep copy. var a = ; $.extend(<>, a).b[0] = ‘test’; and a.b[0] will be changed to ‘test’ . To do a deep copy, put true as the first argument: $.extend(true, <>, a);

One gothcha that just got me: jQuery.extend(true, <>, obj); will create a copy. jQuery.extend(true, obj, <>); will not.

// Shallow copy var newObject = jQuery.extend(<>, oldObject); // Deep copy var newObject = jQuery.extend(true, <>, oldObject); 

More information can be found in the jQuery documentation.

This worked better for me cloning an object using jQuery «parseJSON()» and «JSON.stringify()»

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Cloning data object in objX & objY are two different object, you do no have to mess up with the «by reference» problem

Another way to clone object is

newObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObj)); 

But be careful if it’s contains dates. JSON.parse will return date.toString() instead of date in that case.

This is how I copy elements several times:

  First Name .. a lot of other data . Last Name   

Try Immutable.js :

Since jQuery mostly deals with DOM Elements , it may not be the right tool for the job. Immutable.js is a 56 kb (minified) library created by Facebook .

// roughly implementing import Immutable from 'immutable' // const oldObj = < foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' >// create a map from the oldObj and then convert it to JS Object const newObj = Immutable.Map(oldObj).toJS() 

This way you would have effectively cloned newObj from oldObj . Basically, if you don’t have a Map already, then we need to create a Map first. Map is like a blue-print that we work with to create copies .

References :


JS Copy an Object – How to Clone an Obj in JavaScript

Joel Olawanle

Joel Olawanle

JS Copy an Object – How to Clone an Obj in JavaScript

A JavaScript object is a collection of key-value pairs. It is a non-primitive data type that can contain various data types. For example:

When working with objects in JavaScript, you may sometimes want to change the value or add a new property to the object.

In some scenarios, before you update or add new properties, you will want to create a new object and copy or clone the value of the original one.

For example, if you want to copy the value of the userDetails object and then change the name to something different. In the typical sense, you will want to use the equality (=) operator.

const newUser = userDetails; console.log(newUser); //

Everything still seems to be fine, but let’s see what happens if we edit our second object:

const newUser = userDetails; = "Jane Doe"; console.log(newUser); //

Everything is fine with the new object, but if you try to check your original object’s values, you will notice it is affected. Why? How?

This is the issue. The original object is affected because objects are reference types. This means any value you store either in the clone or original object points to the same object.

This is not what you want. You want to store an object’s value in a new object and manipulate the value in the new object without affecting the original array.

In this article, you will learn three methods that you can use to do this. You will also learn what deep and shallow clones mean and how they work.

In case you are in a rush, here are the three methods and an example of how they work.

// Spread Method let clone = < . userDetails >// Object.assign() Method let clone = Object.assign(<>, userDetails) // JSON.parse() Method let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userDetails)) 

If you are not in a rush, let’s get started.🚀

How to Clone an Object in JavaScript With the Spread Operator

The spread operator was introduced in ES6 and can spread values into an object with the three dots in front.

// Declaring Object const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, verified: false >; // Cloning the Object with Spread Operator let cloneUser = < . userDetails >; console.log(cloneUser); //

This is no longer referenced, meaning changing the object’s value will not affect the original object.

// Cloning the Object with Spread Operator let cloneUser = < . userDetails >; // changing the value of cloneUser = "Jane Doe" console.log(; // 'Jane Doe' console.log(cloneUser); //

When you check the name value in the original object or the entire object, you will notice it is not affected.

console.log(; // 'John Doe' console.log(userDetails); //

Note: You can only use the spread syntax to make a shallow copy of an object while deeper objects are referenced. You will understand when we get to the last section of this article.

How to Clone an Object in JavaScript With Object.assign()

An alternative to the spread operator is the Object.assign() method. You use this method to copy the values and properties from one or more source objects to a target object.

// Declaring Object const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, verified: false >; // Cloning the Object with Object.assign() Method let cloneUser = Object.assign(<>, userDetails); console.log(cloneUser); //

This is no longer referenced, meaning changing the object’s value will not affect the original object.

// Cloning the Object with Object.assign() Method let cloneUser = Object.assign(<>, userDetails); // changing the value of cloneUser = "Jane Doe" console.log(; // 'Jane Doe' console.log(cloneUser); //

When you check the name value in the original object or the entire object, you will notice it is not affected.

console.log(; // 'John Doe' console.log(userDetails); //

Note: You can only use the Object.assign() method to make a shallow copy of an object while deeper objects are referenced. You will understand when we get to the last section of this article.

How to Clone an Object With JSON.parse()

The final method is JSON.parse(). You will use this method alongside JSON.stringify() . You can use this to deeply clone, but it has some downsides. First, let’s see how it works.

// Declaring Object const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, verified: false >; // Cloning the Object with JSON.parse() Method let cloneUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userDetails)); console.log(cloneUser); //

Also, just like the previous methods, this is no longer referenced. This means that you can change a value in the new object without affecting the original object.

// Cloning the Object with JSON.parse() Method let cloneUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userDetails)); // changing the value of cloneUser = "Jane Doe" console.log(; // 'Jane Doe' console.log(cloneUser); //

When you check the name value in the original object or the entire object, you will notice it is not affected.

console.log(; // 'John Doe' console.log(userDetails); //

Note: This method can be used for deep cloning but will not be the best option because it does not work with function or symbol properties.

Let’s now explore shallow and deep cloning and how you can use the JSON.parse() method to perform deep cloning. You will also learn why it is not the best option.

Shallow Clone vs. Deep Clone

So far, the example used in this article is a basic object with only one level. This means that we have only performed shallow clone(s). But when an object has more than one level, then you will be required to perform a deep clone.

// Shallow object const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, verified: false >; // Deep object const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false, >>; 

Notice that the deep object has more than one level because there is another object in the userDetails object. A deep object can have as many levels as you want.

Note: When you use the spread operator or Object.assign() method to clone a deep object, the deeper objects will be referenced.

const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false >>; // Cloning the Object with Spread Operator let cloneUser = < . userDetails >; // Changing the value of cloneUser cloneUser.status.verified = true; console.log(cloneUser); // > console.log(userDetails); // > 

You will notice that both the original and new objects are affected because when you use either the spread operator or Object.assign() method to clone a deep object, the deeper objects will be referenced.

How can you fix this issue

You can use the JSON.parse() method, and everything will work fine.

const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false >>; // Cloning the Object with Spread Operator let cloneUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userDetails)); // Changing the value of cloneUser cloneUser.status.verified = true; console.log(cloneUser); // > console.log(userDetails); // > 

But there is an issue with this method. The issue is that you can lose your data. How?

JSON.stringify() works very well with primitive data types like numbers, strings, or Booleans, and that is what you have seen in our previous examples. But sometimes, JSON.stringify() is unpredictable if you are not aware of some values and how it handles them.

For example, it does not work with functions, symbols, or undefined values. It also changes other values like Nan and Infinity to null , breaking your code. When you have a function, symbol, or undefined value, it will return an empty key-value pair and skip it.

const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false, method: Symbol(), title: undefined >>; // Cloning the Object with Spread Operator let cloneUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userDetails)); 

Everything seems to work fine, but for the new object, JSON.stringify() will return no key-value pair for the undefined and symbol values.

console.log(cloneUser); // Output < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false >>; 

This means you need to be careful. The best option to implement deep cloning will be to use Lodash. You can then be sure that none of your data will be lost.

const userDetails = < name: "John Doe", age: 14, status: < verified: false, method: Symbol(), title: undefined >>; console.log(_.cloneDeep(userDetails)); 

Wrapping Up!

This article has taught you how to clone an object in JavaScript using three major methods. You’ve seen how those methods work, and when to use each one. You also learned about deep cloning.

You can read this article to understand why JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) is a bad practice to clone an object in JavaScript.


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