- How to add items to an array in JavaScript
- You might also like.
- Array.prototype.push()
- Try it
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Examples
- Adding elements to an array
- Merging two arrays
- Calling push() on non-array objects
- Using an object in an array-like fashion
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
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How to add items to an array in JavaScript
In vanilla JavaScript, you can use the Array.push() method to add new items to an array. This method appends one or more items at the end of the array and returns the new length.
const fruits = ['Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana']; // add more fruits fruits.push('Apple', 'Lemon'); console.log(fruits); // ['Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana', 'Apple', 'Lemon']
If you want to append items to the beginning of an array, use the Array.unshift() method instead. This method works similar to Array.push() except that the given items are added at the start of the array:
const fruits = ['Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana']; // add more fruits fruits.unshift('Kiwi', 'Lemon'); console.log(fruits); // ['Kiwi', 'Lemon', 'Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana']
To add a new item at a particular index in an array, you can use the Array.splice() method. This method adds new items at the specified starting index and returns the removed items if any. Here is an example that demonstrates how to add a new item at 3rd index in an array using Array.splice() :
const fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana']; const removed = fruits.splice(2, 0, 'Cherry'); console.log(fruits); // ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Cherry', 'Mango', 'Banana'] console.log(removed); // []
What if you want to add all items of an array to another array? You can use the Array.concat() method to merge two or more arrays together. This method takes one or more arrays as input and merges all subsequent arrays into the first:
const fruits = ['Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana']; const moreFruits = ['Kiwi', 'Lemon']; // merge all fruits const allFruits = fruits.concat(moreFruits); console.log(allFruits); // ['Orange', 'Mango', 'Banana', 'Kiwi', 'Lemon']
The Array.concat() method doesn’t change the original arrays. Instead, it always returns a new array. Take a look at this article to learn more about JavaScript arrays and how to use them to store multiple pieces of information in one single variable. ✌️ Like this article? Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also subscribe to RSS Feed.
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The push() method adds the specified elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.
Try it
push() push(element0) push(element0, element1) push(element0, element1, /* … ,*/ elementN)
The element(s) to add to the end of the array.
Return value
The new length property of the object upon which the method was called.
The push() method appends values to an array.
Array.prototype.unshift() has similar behavior to push() , but applied to the start of an array.
The push() method is a mutating method. It changes the length and the content of this . In case you want the value of this to be the same, but return a new array with elements appended to the end, you can use arr.concat([element0, element1, /* . ,*/ elementN]) instead. Notice that the elements are wrapped in an extra array — otherwise, if the element is an array itself, it would be spread instead of pushed as a single element due to the behavior of concat() .
The push() method is generic. It only expects the this value to have a length property and integer-keyed properties. Although strings are also array-like, this method is not suitable to be applied on them, as strings are immutable.
Adding elements to an array
The following code creates the sports array containing two elements, then appends two elements to it. The total variable contains the new length of the array.
const sports = ["soccer", "baseball"]; const total = sports.push("football", "swimming"); console.log(sports); // ['soccer', 'baseball', 'football', 'swimming'] console.log(total); // 4
Merging two arrays
This example uses spread syntax to push all elements from a second array into the first one.
const vegetables = ["parsnip", "potato"]; const moreVegs = ["celery", "beetroot"]; // Merge the second array into the first one vegetables.push(. moreVegs); console.log(vegetables); // ['parsnip', 'potato', 'celery', 'beetroot']
Merging two arrays can also be done with the concat() method.
Calling push() on non-array objects
The push() method reads the length property of this . It then sets each index of this starting at length with the arguments passed to push() . Finally, it sets the length to the previous length plus the number of pushed elements.
const arrayLike = length: 3, unrelated: "foo", 2: 4, >; Array.prototype.push.call(arrayLike, 1, 2); console.log(arrayLike); // const plainObj = >; // There's no length property, so the length is 0 Array.prototype.push.call(plainObj, 1, 2); console.log(plainObj); //
Using an object in an array-like fashion
As mentioned above, push is intentionally generic, and we can use that to our advantage. Array.prototype.push can work on an object just fine, as this example shows.
Note that we don’t create an array to store a collection of objects. Instead, we store the collection on the object itself and use call on Array.prototype.push to trick the method into thinking we are dealing with an array—and it just works, thanks to the way JavaScript allows us to establish the execution context in any way we want.
const obj = length: 0, addElem(elem) // obj.length is automatically incremented // every time an element is added. [].push.call(this, elem); >, >; // Let's add some empty objects just to illustrate. obj.addElem(>); obj.addElem(>); console.log(obj.length); // 2
Note that although obj is not an array, the method push successfully incremented obj ‘s length property just like if we were dealing with an actual array.
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
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This page was last modified on Jul 19, 2023 by MDN contributors.
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