Java wsdl generate classes

WSDL files using cxf-codegen-plugin

There are many ways to generate Java classes from WSDL files – one of them is using the cxf-codegen-plugin, which comes from the Apache Maven CXF. Note that this post will not work with the JDK version beyond 1.8. (See comments section). However, it may still be useful for legacy applications.

Software Requirements

We used the following items for this post.

  • SOAP 1.2
  • Java 8
  • Windows 10
  • Apache Maven
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
  • cxf — xjc — runtime from Apache CXF (See pom.xml)

WSDL File To Generate Java Classes

We will use a WSDL file downloaded from the following URL. Head to the URL and then save the content to a file.

The web service may change anytime without us knowing it unless we consume it. Therefore, we included the WSDL file in our Maven project. NOTE: The following URL is no longer available, but we can use other SOAP-based web services. They may be running on our local machine or hosted somewhere on the Internet.

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Non-Standing SOAP 1.2 Binding

We may encounter an issue similar to the following problem with the wsimport command. It may still work with an older SOAP version, but we haven’t tried it. If possible, please use wsdl2java directly or via the cxf — codegen — plugin .

We will only deal with SOAP 1.2 in this post.

Add the cxf-codegen-plugin Maven plugin to process WSDL files

Next, we update our pom . xml , as shown below.


Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Generating Java classes from WSDL files

Ready to discover a way to generate usable Java classes from WSDL files and check how they are structured? That is precisely where this blog post will get you.

Finishing the last line, you’ll be equipped with all the necessary schema files and the ready-to-use service.

Sounds promising? Only if you know what WSDL files are, so let’s start with defining our key phrase.

One way of communication between applications is SOAP protocol based on XML documents. WSDL files come in handy when describing the application’s web services using SOAP without writing documentation. You can use them to generate the code ready for API testing and the object structure that can be mapped from incoming responses and is necessary for creating requests.

This scenario comes straight from our recent project — we’ve got WSDL files from one of the applications we need to reach as a part of the instruction on communicating with them.

The description of each package in the service consisted of two files.

  1. The .xsd file with a defined target namespace, names of data classes in the given package, and types and names of their fields, which describes schema.
  2. The .wsdl file describing services, such as their name and all the methods with parameters and types returned.

Mind that it’s also possible to describe schema and service in one WSDL file instead of two separate ones.


Start with adding both WSDL files to your project.

No framework is necessary, but let’s assume it’s a Spring project.

The default directory for the files is src/main/resources. Then, you need the library to generate classes.

In our project, we decided to use cxf-codegen-plugin. It is possible to use this plugin with Gradle, but we chose Maven, so I will use it as an example.

The basic Maven dependency, together with the execution configuration, is quite simple:

 org.apache.cxf cxf-codegen-plugin 3.5.2  generate-sources generate-sources $/generated-sources/cxf  $/src/main/resources/schemas/Order.wsdl    wsdl2java     

And that’s it. Now, it’s possible to generate the classes only with this additional dependency in the project.

You can also customise how the classes are generated using the tag in the configuration part.

What exactly can be customised?

 $/src/main/resources/wsdl/myService.wsdl MyWSDLService 


Создание Java классов на основании wsdl описания soap веб-сервиса с помощью wsimport

Как создать Java классы имея описание wsdl soap веб-сервиса? Использование утилиты wsimport.

Используемые технологии и библиотеки

1. Описание задачи

Создать автоматически Java классы на основании wsdl описания SOAP веб-сервиса с использованием стандартной утилиты wsimport из JDK.

2. Использование wsimport

Допустим у нас имеется SOAP веб-сервис и его wsdl описание. Его можно посмотреть по пути

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it . The document tree is shown below .

Мы хотим сгенерировать Java классы согласно этому xml описанию и получить результат:

Для этого можно использовать стандартную утилиту из пакета JDK под названием wsimport.

Для этого необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

1) В терминале Intellij IDEA (или через консоль, например для Windows с помощью команды cmd) набрать следующую команду

Тем самым вы попадете в пакет с JDK (очевидно у вас будет другая версия и другой путь).

2) Далее используем утилиту wsimport следующим образом

wsimport . exe — d «C:\Users\iMacPC\Documents\\Web Services\WS Client\src\main\java» — keep — verbose http : //localho

Где вместо http://localhost:8080/soap/webserviceSEI?wsdl вы указываете путь к описанию вашего веб-сервиса. Путь у вас конечно будет свой. Обратите внимание, что папка где будут создаваться Java классы должна существовать (в нашем случае эта часть …Web Services\WS Client\src\main\java).


*Путь в скриншоте немного отличается, т.к. создавался в другом проекте.

Это всё что нужно для создания классов на основе wsdl файла.

Пример выполнения кода в терминале:

C : \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1 . 8.0_91 \ bin > wsimport . exe — d «C:\Users\iMacPC\Documents\\Web Services\WS Client\src\main\java» — keep — verbose http : //localho

javac — d C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java — classpath C : \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1 . 8.0_91 / lib / tools . jar ; C : \ Program Files \

Java \ jdk1 . 8.0_91 / classes — Xbootclasspath / p : C : \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1 . 8.0_91 \ jre \ lib \ rt . jar ; C : \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1 . 8.0_91 \ jre \ lib \ rt . jar C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Docu

ments \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ GetGoods . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main

\ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ GetGoodsResponse . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ Goods . java C : \ U

sers \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ HelloSoap . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ W

S Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ ObjectFactory . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ S

ayHelloTo . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ SayHelloToResponse . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents

\ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ TestService . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ j

ava \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ TestServiceResponse . java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ WebserviceSEI .

java C : \ Users \ iMacPC \ Documents \ JavaStudy . ru \ Web Services \ WS Client \ src \ main \ java \ ru \ javastudy \ ws \ soap \ package — info . java


Generate Java Code from WSDL dialog

This functionality is available if you have installed and enabled the Jakarta EE: Web Services (JAX-WS) plugin.

The dialog opens after you create a Java module and enable Web services client development in it. To access the dialog at any time during development, select the desired client module in the Project view and choose Tools | XML WebServices and WSDL | Generate Java Code From WSDL from the main menu.

Use the Generate Java Code From WSDL dialog to generate the client-side XML-Java bindings based on the desired WSDL descriptor of the target Web service. Technically, IntelliJ IDEA generates Java code from WSDL using third party libraries. The command that control this process uses data that you specify in the Generate Java Code From WSDL dialog.

Specify the location of the target Web service WSDL descriptor.

Specify the credentials for accessing the WSDL URL address. The fields are mandatory if the WSDL location requires authentication.

Specify the module source directory to place the generated files in.

Specify the package for the compiled Java classes.

Specify whether you want to generate Java code only for the client side or for the server side as well.

Specify the default type mapping registry for mapping an XML qualified name to a Java class, using a specified Deserializer. The available options are:

Generate Java code for the extension points contained in the WSDL file.

Generate an additional JUnit test case class for testing purposes.

Generate Classes for Schema Arrays

Specify whether to generate classes for schema arrays or use Java arrays.

Generate Unreferenced Elements

Generate Java code for unreferenced (declared in the schema but not used) elements as well.

Support Wrapped Document/Literal Style

Configure processing of «wrapped» document/literal, which is a document literal variation that wraps parameters as children of the root element.

By default, this is enabled, and a set of conditions defines whether top-level elements are «unwrapped» and each component of the element should be treated as an argument of the operation. The following conditions apply to «unwrapped» elements:

  • An input message consists of single part.
  • This single part is an element.
  • The element has the same name as the operation.
  • The element’s complex type has no attributes.

If disabled, there will be no special treatment for «wrapped» document/literal style operations.

View the information in this read-only field to track and improve discrepancies when configuring the code generation procedure.


WSDL files using cxf-codegen-plugin

There are many ways to generate Java classes from WSDL files – one of them is using the cxf-codegen-plugin, which comes from the Apache Maven CXF. Note that this post will not work with the JDK version beyond 1.8. (See comments section). However, it may still be useful for legacy applications.

Software Requirements

We used the following items for this post.

  • SOAP 1.2
  • Java 8
  • Windows 10
  • Apache Maven
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1
  • cxf — xjc — runtime from Apache CXF (See pom.xml)

WSDL File To Generate Java Classes

We will use a WSDL file downloaded from the following URL. Head to the URL and then save the content to a file.

The web service may change anytime without us knowing it unless we consume it. Therefore, we included the WSDL file in our Maven project. NOTE: The following URL is no longer available, but we can use other SOAP-based web services. They may be running on our local machine or hosted somewhere on the Internet.

Non-Standing SOAP 1.2 Binding

We may encounter an issue similar to the following problem with the wsimport command. It may still work with an older SOAP version, but we haven’t tried it. If possible, please use wsdl2java directly or via the cxf — codegen — plugin .

We will only deal with SOAP 1.2 in this post.

Add the cxf-codegen-plugin Maven plugin to process WSDL files

Next, we update our pom . xml , as shown below.


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