Java web server database

Programmatic Ponderings

Java RESTful Web Services Using MySQL Server, EclipseLink, and Jersey

MySQL Diagram

Demonstrates the development of Java RESTful Web Services using MySQL Server, EclipseLink (JPA) and Jersey (JAX-RS). Built using NetBeans and hosted on GlassFish. Both the Java Library and RESTful Service NetBeans’ projects, demonstrated in this post, are now available on GitHub.


When implementing a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), many enterprise software developers tend to favor Oracle 11g or Microsoft SQL Server relational databases, depending on their technology stack. However, there are several excellent alternative relational databases, including MySQL. In fact, MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database software, according to Oracle.

MySQL is available on over 20 platforms and operating systems including Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows, according to the MySQL website. Like Oracle and Microsoft’s flagship RDBMS, MySQL Server comes in at least four flavors, ranging from the free Community Edition, demonstrated here, to a full-featured, enterprise-level Cluster Carrier Grade Edition. Support for MySQL, like Oracle and Microsoft, extends beyond just technical support. MySQL provides JDBC, ODBC, .NET drivers for Java and .NET development, as well as other languages. MySQL is supported by many popular IDE’s, including MySQL’s own RDBMS IDE, MySQL Workbench. Lastly, like Oracle and Microsoft, MySQL provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and even sample databases, built using recommended architectural patterns.

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In this post, we will use JDBC to map JPA entity classes to tables and views within a MySQL database. We will then build RESTful web services, EJB classes, which communicate with MySQL through the entities. We will separate the JPA entities into a Java Class Library. The class library will be referenced by the RESTful web services. The RESTful web services, part of a Java Web Application, will be deployed to GlassFish, where they are accessed with HTTP methods and tested.

Installation and Configuration

If you’ve worked with Microsoft SQL Server or particularly Oracle 11g, you’ll have a minimal learning curve with MySQL. Basic installation, configuration, and integration within your Java applications is like Oracle and Microsoft. Start by downloading and installing the latest versions of MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, MySQL JDBC Connector/J Driver, and MySQL Sakila sample database. If on Linux, you could use the command line, or a native application management application, like Synaptic Package Manager, to perform most of the installations. To get the latest software and installation and configuration recommendations, I prefer to download and install them myself from the MySQL web site. All links are included at the end of this post.

For reference when following this post, I have installed MySQL Server 5.5.x on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.10 LTS, running within a Windows version of Oracle VM VirtualBox. I will be using the latest Linux version of NetBeans IDE 7.3 to develop the demonstration project. I will host the project on Oracle’s GlassFish Open Source Application Server, running on Ubuntu. Lastly, I will be referring to the latest JDK 1.7, in NetBeans, for the project.

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MySQL Demo User Account

Once MySQL is installed and running, I suggest adding a new MySQL demo user account, to the Sakila database for this demonstration, using MySQL Workbench. For security, you should limit the user account to just those permissions necessary for this demonstration, as detailed in the following screen-grabs. You can also add the user from the command line, if you are familiar with administering MySQL in that way.

MySQL Workbench IDE

Configuring Demo User Login

Configuring Demo User Login

Configuring Demo User Administrative Roles

Configuring Demo User Administrative Roles

Configuring Demo User Account Limits

Configuring Demo User Account Limits

Configuring Demo User Schema Privileges

Configuring Demo User Schema Privileges

New MySQL Database Connection

To begin development in NetBeans, first create a new JDBC database connection to the MySQL Sakila database. In the Services tab, right-click on the Databases item and select New Connection… Use the new demo user account for the connection.

Note in the first screen-grab below, that instead of using the default NetBeans JDBC MySQL Connector/J driver version, I have downloaded and replaced it with the most current version, 5.1.24. This is not necessary, but I like to use the latest drivers to avoid problems.

New Connection Wizard - MySQL Driver

Locating the Driver in the New Connection Wizard

Make sure to test your connection before finishing, using the ‘Test’ button. It’s frustrating to track down database connection issues once you start coding and testing.

New Connection Wizard - Customize Connection

Customize the Connection in the New Connection Wizard

New Connection Wizard - Database Schema

Sakila Database Doesn’t Contain Additional Schema

Choosing a Name for the Connection

Choosing a Name for the Connection

New Database Connection for demoUser

New Database Connection for MySQL Sakila Database

New Java Class Library

Similar to an earlier post, create new Java Class Library project in NetBeans. Select New Project -> Java -> Java Class Library. This library will eventually contain the JPA entity classes, mapped to tables and views in the MySQL Sakila database. Following standard n-tier design principles, I prefer separate the data access layer (DAL) from the service layer. You can then reuse the data access layer for other types of data-consumers, such as SOAP-based services.

Create New Java Class Library Project

Create New Java Class Library Project

Naming New Java Class Library

Naming New Java Class Library

Entity Classes from Database

Next, we will add entity classes to our project, mapped to several of the MySQL Sakila database’s tables and views. Right-click on the project and select New -> Entity Classes from Database… In the next window, choose the database connection we made before. NetBeans will then load all the available tables and views from the Sakila database. Next, select ‘actor_info(view)’, ‘film_actor’, and ‘film_list(view)’. Three related tables will also be added automatically by NetBeans. Not the warning at the bottom of the window about the need to specify Entity IDs. We will address this next.

Choosing Database Tables and Views

Choosing Database Tables and Views

Entity Class Options

Entity Mapping Options

When selecting ‘Entity Classes from Database…’, NetBeans adds the ‘EclipseLink (JPA 2.0)’ global library to the project. This library contains three jars, including EclipseLink 2.3.x, Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0.x, and state model API for JPQL queries. There is a newer EclipseLink 2.4.x library available from their web site. The 2.4.x version has many new features. You can download and replace NetBeans’ EclipseLink (JPA 2.0) library by creating a new EclipseLink 2.4.x library, if you want to give its new features, like JPA-RS, a try. It is not necessary for this demonstration, however.

New Java Class Project with Entities

Java Class Project with JPA Entity Classes

Adding Entity IDs to Views

To eliminate warnings displayed when we built the entities, Entity ID’s must be designated for the two database views we selected, ‘actor_info(view)’ and ‘film_list(view)’. Database views (virtual tables), do not have a primary key defined, which NetBeans requires for the entity classes. NetBeans will guide you through adding the ID, if you click on the error icon shown below.

Adding Id to ActorInfo Entity

Adding and Entity ID to ActorInfo Entity

Id Added to Entity Class

Entity ID Added to Entity Class Entity Class contents:


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