Java unexpected token try

[Solved] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unexpected token: XYZ

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException with error message Unexpected token exception occurred when progress query has violated SQL Syntax or in technical terms SQLState class value is ’42’, or under vendor-specified conditions.

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException is sub class of SQLNonTransientException which is also sub class of SQLException.


  • SQLSyntaxErrorException() : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason) : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason, String SQLState) :Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason and SQLState.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode) : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason, SQLState and vendorCode.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason, String SQLState, int vendorCode, Throwable cause) : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason, SQLState, vendorCode and cause.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason, String SQLState, Throwable cause) : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason, SQLState and cause.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(String reason, Throwable cause) : Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given reason and cause.
  • SQLSyntaxErrorException(Throwable cause): Constructs a SQLSyntaxErrorException object with a given cause.

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException Example

In this below example try to execute below query while JDBC or upload default schema by Spring boot then it will throw exception “java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unexpected token: EMPLOYEE” because this query is using EMPLOYEE as required keyword TABLE in first line. That is violation of SQL syntax rule.


java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException Stacktrace

 Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unexpected token: EMPLOYEE at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCUtil.sqlException(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCUtil.sqlException(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.execute(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript( ~[spring-jdbc-4.3.23.RELEASE.jar:4.3.23.RELEASE] . 73 common frames omitted Caused by: org.hsqldb.HsqlException: unexpected token: EMPLOYEE at org.hsqldb.error.Error.parseError(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.ParserBase.unexpectedToken(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.ParserDDL.compileDrop(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.ParserCommand.compilePart(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.ParserCommand.compileStatements(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.Session.executeDirectStatement(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] at org.hsqldb.Session.execute(Unknown Source) ~[hsqldb-2.3.6.jar:2.3.6] . 76 common frames omitted 


Below is correct query to resolve this issue .

Читайте также:  A href html position

FIRST_NAME varchar(255),
LAST_NAME varchar(255),
ADDRESS varchar(255),


Unexpected token

send pies

posted 6 years ago

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  • Hey guys, what i’m trying to do is compare 2 strings (username and password which are set in the variables) and then take the input typed into a jtextfield and jpasswordfield and then compare them. I’ve got most of it working except when I try to make the code go

    JTextField ——-> Checks String 1 and JPasswordField ——-> Checks String 2

    I end up with a error which says token expected.

    My understanding is that the «||» checks that both conditions are true and if it is then the frame gets disposed and a new frame pops up. Can anyone guide me on this one?



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • The OR operator (||) returns TRUE if either of the boolean expressions it is used with are true and it returns false if both of the boolean expressions are false.
    The AND operator (&&) returns TRUE if both of the boolean expressions are true and false if either or both are false.

    Do you want both tests to be true (use AND) or does only one (use OR) need to be true?


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • «Token expected» is a compiler error which says (very obscurely, I agree) that something is missing in your code. It looks like Ganesh’s post is right, your brackets aren’t matching up correctly.

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Thanks for that guys, it was a long day and my head was all over the place so I managed to miss it! here is the revised code

    The only issue now is that when I enter a string into the username and password fields it doesn’t do as I wish



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Hey I just had a look at what you said and i’ll be completely honest with you, it doesn’t make too much sense to me. Could you break it down abit more without actually answering my question by posting code because I want to figure this out by myself. I’ll post what I have but I feel like what is getting me is getPassword returns a char[] but what to do next. I’ll post my code and if you guys can help me out that would be greatly appreciated.



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Marshal

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Paul Clapham wrote: «Token expected» is a compiler error which says (very obscurely, I agree) that something is missing in your code. It looks like Ganesh’s post is right, your brackets aren’t matching up correctly.

    Which compiler are you using? Eclipse?

    You shou‍ld use an editor which supports bracket matching; hover your mouse over the first ( and its paired ) should change colour. I think that works on IDEs too.

    Saloon Keeper

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • There’s a reason that passwords are kept in char arrays. Sensitive data shouldn’t be stored as strings. For now, what Ganesh suggested will work, but applications that are more than just practice projects should never convert passwords to strings.


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • You shou‍ld find out about the security problems with passwords, but databases maintain passwords as a hash of some sort. You shou‍ld use this sort of method to compare equality of the char[]s.

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Would I use toString method? that’s the only thing I can think of right now and when you say

    If you know String class has a constructor which takes char[] as parameter using that you can have a String value of all those characters present in char[].
    In your example here

    Have I given it the right constructor?

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Which compiler are you using? Eclipse?


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Doesn’t IntelliJ use ordinary javac behind the scenes? I would have thought you probably get bracket highlighting on IntilliJ.
    I have given you a suggestion about how to check equality of two char[]s. You can use new String(myCharArray) or the toCharArray method of the String class. As I said, I think much production code uses an SHA512 or something similar to store a hash of your password, but I am not certain. You can find that out in a security book or maybe Wikipedia.

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • I would have thought you probably get bracket highlighting on IntilliJ

    It does but because of the theme that i’m using it makes it difficult

    You can use new String(myCharArray) or the toCharArray method of the String class

    It’s getting late where I am but when I get a chance tomorrow i’ll check it out and see if I can put it together

    As I said, I think much production code uses an SHA512 or something similar to store a hash of your password

    I’ll read about it when I can because i’m always curious about java and programming

    The support on this forum is amazing and just wanted to extended a big thanks to everyone who participates in keeping this forum going



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • mitchell bat wrote: Have I given it the right constructor?

    Yes you used correct constructor but I would go with advices of Stephan van Hulst and Campbell Ritchie and use char[]. You can use for practice project as Stephan van Hulst mentioned. If you are interested in knowing why prefer char[] over String for password I’ll post the link of thread here which I’m going to create for that issue.

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • I’ve had a go and can’t work it out. I’ll explain my logic and what i’ve done

    Here what i’ve done is created a string for the username to be used, i’ve created an char array and a string that holds the password

    and now here what I think iv’e done is get the input from the password field and used the get password method to change it into a char and then used the toString method to convert the char to a string and compared it back to the string that I have by using the euqals method

    But still not working, please tell me that i’m close guys!


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Have you validated your assumption about what



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • to know what is happening in your code, whenever necessary you better print the value of variables or whatever you get to keep track of it. If I don’t know what returns then As Paul already mentioned, I need to know what it returns but how? print it’s returned value.

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • Have you validated your assumption about what

    I’ve tried to google java validation but not much comes up, can you post a tutorial so I can have a read through it and hopefully come up with a solution.

    But just out of curiosity why am I not getting this to work? Is it not working because of the validation or what?


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • You seem to have assumed that you know what the result of

    would be. I’m suggesting that your assumption is wrong. To test the assumption all you need is to display the result and see if it matches your expectation. To do that:

    You don’t need a tutorial to find out about System.out.println, the simplest form of debugging.



    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • he meant to say that did you check what you get by doing thisDo one thing print the value like this and see what it prints
    Does that print contents of char[] array as String? or something else ?

    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • So I ran this code and the output of the validation was

    and then I did it again and I got this

    Which means i’m doing something wrong, which by the looks of things it’s not being converted into a string. Am I right in saying that?


    send pies

    posted 6 years ago

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  • You aren’t quite right. The toString() method always produces a String, it can’t do anything else. However you have assumed that if you have an array of chars, then its toString() method will produce a String which concatenates all the chars in the array. But as you can see now, that isn’t the case. So yes, it produces a String. It just doesn’t produce the String you need.

    If you want to convert an array of chars into a String according to the blindingly obvious rule, then calling the array’s toString() method isn’t the way to do it. There’s a String constructor which does what you want, so check the API documentation for String to find it.


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