Java unclosed string literal

java: unclosed string literal [Error]

If you try to run Java code in IntelliJ IDEA, the IDE for Java Programming, you may get «java: unclosed string literal» error if having an incorrectly defined String. A String Class object in Java must be enclosed in double quotes, if you miss them you will get this error.

package; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < System.out.println("Hello World!); > >/
java: unclosed string literal

As you can see the String Hello World! is missing a closing double quote, if you add it the error will be resolved. If you hover over the String in IntelliJ you will see the error — Illegal line end in string literal

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How to Handle the Unclosed String Literal Error in Java

How to Handle the Unclosed String Literal Error in Java

Strings are a fundamental data type in most modern general-purpose programming languages. In Java, strings are defined as character sequences and are represented as immutable objects of the class java.lang.String which contains various constructors and methods for creating and manipulating strings [1]. A string literal is simply a reference to an instance of the String class, which consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes. Moreover, a string literal is also a constant, which means it always refers to the same instance of the String class, due to interning [2]. Below is an example of the string literal «rollbar» being assigned to two different variables a and b which both reference the same (automatically interned) String object.

String a = "rollbar"; String b = "rollbar"; System.out.println(a == b); // true

For string literals to be interpreted correctly by the Java compiler, certain (so called “special”) characters need to be escaped by using the appropriate escape sequence (or escape for short) [3]. Such is the case with the double quote character, which is considered a special character as it is used to mark the beginning and the end of a string literal. So, in order to have quotes within these quotes, one must use the escape sequence \” on the inner quotes, as shown below.

System.out.println("Say \"Hi!\" to Rollbar."); // Say "Hi!" to Rollbar.

Unclosed String Literal Error: What It Is and Why It Happens?

As its name implies, the unclosed string literal error refers to a string literal which has not been closed. More specifically, this means that the Java compiler has failed to interpret a string literal due to being unable to locate the double quote expected to close i.e., mark the end of it. The message generated by the compiler indicates the line and the position where the opening quotation mark of the string literal in question is found.

The unclosed string literal error most commonly occurs when

  • a string literal doesn’t end with a double quote;
  • a string literal extends beyond a single line but is not concatenated properly; or
  • a double quote is part of the string literal itself but is not escaped properly.

Unclosed String Literal Error Examples

Missing double quotes at the end of a string literal

When the Java compiler encounters a double quote which denotes the start of a string literal, it expects to find a matching double quote that marks the end of it. In other words, double quotes always go in pairs, and failing to match an opening quote to a closing one will inevitably trigger the unclosed string literal error.

Fig. 1(a) shows how failing to mark the end of a string literal with a double quote results in the unclosed string literal error, and the error message points to the location where the opening quote appears in the code. Adding the omitted quote, as demonstrated in Fig. 1(b), closes the string literal and remedies the issue.

package rollbar; public class UnclosedStringLiteral < public static void main(String. args) < System.out.println("This is a simple string literal.); >> error: unclosed string literal System.out.println("This is a simple string literal.); ^ 1 error
package rollbar; public class UnclosedStringLiteral < public static void main(String. args) < System.out.println("This is a simple string literal."); >>
This is a simple string literal.

Rollbar in action

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«Rollbar allows us to go from alerting to impact analysis and resolution in a matter of minutes. Without it we would be flying blind.»


[Solved] Unclosed String Literal Error

In this post, I will be sharing how to fix unclosed string literal error in Java. As the name suggests, this error occurs when the string literal ends without quotation marks. A String class object should be enclosed in double-quotes in Java, in case you miss them you will get this error. Unclosed String Literal error is a compile-time error. As always, first, we will produce the unclosed string literal error before moving on to the solution.

[Fixed] Unclosed String Literal Error

Example 1: Producing the error by having string literal that does not end with quotes

We can easily produce this error by using a string literal that does not end with quotes as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Love Yourself; System.out.println(str); > >

Output: error: unclosed string literal
String str color: #38761d;»>Explanation:

The cause of this error is due to the missing end quotes of string literal as shown above.


The above compilation error can be resolved by providing the end quotes of string literal as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Love Yourself"; System.out.println(str); > >

Example 2: Producing the error when string literal extends beyond a line

We can easily produce this error when string literal extends beyond a line i.e multiline string as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral2 < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Be in Present + Alive is Awesome"; System.out.println(str); > >

Output: error: unclosed string literal
String str ;
^ error: unclosed string literal
+ Alive is Awesome»;
^ error: not a statement
+ Alive is Awesome»;
4 errors


The cause of this error is due to the missing end and start quotes of the multiline string literal separated by + operator as shown above.


The above compilation error can be resolved by providing the end and start quotes of multiline string literal separated by + operator as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral2 < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Be in Present" + "Alive is Awesome"; System.out.println(str); > >

Be in PresentAlive is Awesome

Example 3: Producing the error when the part of the string literal is not escaped with a backslash(«\»)

We can easily produce this error when the part of the string literal is not escaped with a backslash(«\») as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral3 < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Alive is Awesome, "+"\" + "Be in Present, " + "Love Yourself" ; System.out.println(str); > >

Output: error: ‘;’ expected
String str = «Alive is Awesome, «+»\» + «Be in Present, » + «Love Yourself» ;
^ error: ‘;’ expected
String str = «Alive is Awesome, «+»\» + «Be in Present, » + «Love Yourself» ;
^ error: not a statement
String str = «Alive is Awesome, «+»\» + «Be in Present, » + «Love Yourself» ;
^ error: ‘;’ expected
String str = «Alive is Awesome, «+»\» + «Be in Present, » + «Love Yourself» ;
^ error: unclosed string literal
String str = «Alive is Awesome, «+»\» + «Be in Present, » + «Love Yourself» ;
5 errors


The cause of this error is due to the part of the string literal is not escaped with («\») backslash character as shown above.


The above compilation error can be resolved by escaping the backslash character as shown below:

public class UnclosedStringLiteral3 < public static void main(String args[]) < String str = "Alive is Awesome, "+"\\" + "Be in Present, " + "Love Yourself" ; System.out.println(str); > >

Alive is Awesome, \Be in Present, Love Yourself

That’s all for today, please mention in the comments in case you are still facing the error unclosed string literal error in Java.

About The Author

Subham Mittal has worked in Oracle for 3 years.
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