Java tutorial with examples

Java Guides

This is a complete in-depth core Java Tutorial for beginners. This core Java Tutorial contains the links of all the tutorials in a systematic order starting from the beginner’s level to the advanced topics.

The source code examples from this up-to-date tutorial are developed using JDK 8 or later and are well tested in our local development environment. This tutorial contains more than 300 + articles with source code examples.

YouTube Video — JDK, JRE and JVM

Getting Started

Java Language Basics

  1. Variables in Java
  2. Java main() Method
  3. Java Access Modifiers
  4. Arithmetic Operators
  5. Bitwise Operators
  6. Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators
  7. Primitive Data Types in Java
  8. Java if Statement
  9. Java Switch Case Statement
  10. Java for Loop
  11. Java while Loop
  12. Java do while Loop
  13. Java continue Statement
  14. Java break Statement

Java Array Tutorial

Java Object-Oriented Programming

  1. What Is Object in Java with Programming Examples
  2. What is Class in Java with Programming Examples
  3. What are All the Different Ways to Create an Object in Java?
  4. java.lang.Object Class methods with Examples
  5. Java Interface
  6. Java Abstract Class
  7. Abstraction in Java with Example
  8. Encapsulation in Java with Example
  9. Inheritance in Java with Example
  10. Polymorphism in Java with Example
  11. Composition in Java with Example
  12. Aggregation in Java with Example
  13. Association in Java with Example
  14. Cohesion in Java with Example
  15. Coupling in Java with Example
  16. Delegation in Java with Example
  17. Oops Concepts in Java
  18. How to Make Immutable Class in Java
  19. Packages in Java with Examples
  20. Overloading Constructors in Java with Examples
  21. Method Overloading in Java with Examples
  22. Nested Classes in Java
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Wrapper Classes Tutorial

String Handling Tutorial

  1. Java String Class API Tutorial
  2. Java StringBuffer Class API Tutorial
  3. Java StringBuilder Class API Tutorial
  4. Guide to Java String Constant Pool
  5. Guide to String Best Practices in Java (Best Practice)
  6. String Special Operations with Examples
  7. String Comparison Methods with Examples
  8. String Methods for Character Extraction
  9. String Searching Methods with Examples
  10. String Modifying Methods with Examples

Exception Handling Tutorial

  1. Java Exception Handling Guide
  2. How the Exception Handling Works in Java
  3. Three Types of Exceptions in Java
  4. Exceptions Hierarchy in Java
  5. Java Chained Exceptions
  6. java.lang.Throwable Class in Java
  7. Exception Handling Keywords in Java
  8. Java try/catch Block
  9. Java throw Keyword
  10. Java throws Keyword
  11. Java finally Block
  12. The try-with-resources Statement
  13. Advantages of Java Exceptions
  14. Java Exception Handling Best Practices

Collection Framework Tutorial

  1. Collections Framework in Java
  2. Collections Framework — The Collection Interface
  3. Collections Framework — The Set Interface
  4. Collections Framework — The SortedSet Interface
  5. Collections Framework — The List Interface
  6. Collections Framework — The Queue Interface
  7. Collections Framework — The Deque Interface
  8. Collections Framework — The Map Interface
  9. Collections Framework — The SortedMap Interface
  10. Collections Framework — ArrayList Class
  11. Collections Framework — LinkedList Class
  12. Collections Framework — CopyOnWriteArrayList
  13. Collections Framework — HashSet Class
  14. Collections Framework — LinkedHashSet Class
  15. Collections Framework — TreeSet Class
  16. Collections Framework — CopyOnWriteArraySet
  17. Collections Framework — EnumSet
  18. Collections Framework — HashMap Class
  19. Collections Framework — LinkedHashMap Class
  20. Collections Framework — TreeMap class
  21. Collections Framework — EnumMap
  22. Collections Framework — WeakHashMap
  23. Collections Framework — IdentityHashMap

Java Generics Tutorial

Java Input/Output Tutorials

  1. Create File
  2. Write File
  3. Delete File
  4. Copy File
  5. Move File
  6. Rename File
  7. Append to File
  8. Read File using BufferReader
  9. Read File using BufferInputStream
  10. Read File using DataInputStream
  11. Get File Size in Bytes KB MB GB TB
  12. How to write an Object to file in Java
  13. How to Read Object from File
  14. Compress Files in ZIP format in Java
  15. Decompress Files from a ZIP file in Java
  16. Get the current working directory
  17. Create a directory
  18. Delete directory
  19. Copy directory
  20. Traverse /List a directory structure
  21. Check if the directory is empty
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Java Multithreading Tutorial

  1. How to Create and Start a Thread in Java
  2. Java Thread Sleep Example
  3. Java Thread Join Example
  4. Java Thread Set Name Example
  5. Java Thread interrupt Example
  6. Java Thread Priority Example
  7. Java Thread isAlive Example
  8. ThreadGroup class in Java
  9. Thread Class in Java
  10. Runnable Interface in Java
  11. Synchronization in Multithreading Java
  12. ThreadLocal class in Java

Java Reflection Tutorial

Serialization in Java

Java Annotations

Java Language Keywords

  1. abstract Java Keyword
  2. assert Java Keyword
  3. boolean Java Keyword
  4. break Java Keyword
  5. byte Java Keyword
  6. case Java Keyword
  7. catch Java Keyword
  8. char Java Keyword
  9. class Java Keyword
  10. continue Java Keyword
  11. default Java Keyword
  12. do Java Keyword
  13. double Java Keyword
  14. else Java Keyword
  15. enum Java Keyword
  16. extends Java Keyword
  17. final Java Keyword
  18. finally Java Keyword
  19. float Java Keyword
  20. for Java Keyword
  21. if Java Keyword
  22. implements Java Keyword
  23. import Java Keyword
  24. instanceof Java Keyword
  25. int Java Keyword
  26. interface Java Keyword
  27. long Java Keyword
  28. native Java Keyword
  29. new Java Keyword
  30. package Java Keyword
  31. private Java Keyword
  32. protected Java Keyword
  33. public Java Keyword
  34. return Java Keyword
  35. short Java Keyword
  36. static Java Keyword
  37. strictfp Java Keyword
  38. super Java Keyword
  39. switch Java Keyword
  40. synchronized Java Keyword
  41. this Java Keyword
  42. throw Java Keyword
  43. throws Java Keyword
  44. transient Java Keyword
  45. try Java Keyword
  46. void Java Keyword
  47. volatile Java Keyword
  48. while Java Keyword
  49. goto Java Keyword
  50. const Java Keyword

Java best practices

  1. Java Enums and Annotations Best Practices
  2. Java Generics Best Practices
  3. JUnit Framework Best Practices
  4. Single Responsibility Principle
  5. Liskov’s Substitution Principle
  6. Interface Segregation Principle
  7. Dependency Inversion Principle
  8. Open Closed Principle
  9. Oops principles in java
  10. Restful API Best Practices
  11. JSP Best Practices
  12. JDBC Best Practices
  13. Collection Best Practices
  14. String Best Practices in Java
  15. Exception Handling Best Practices
  16. Synchronization Best Practices
  17. Guide to JDBC Best Practices
  18. Serialization Best Practices
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Java Swing (GUI) Tutorials

  1. Java Swing Hello World Example Tutorial
  2. Java Swing Application with Database Connection
  3. Login Application using Java Swing + JDBC + MySQL Example Tutorial
  4. Registration Form using Java Swing + JDBC + MySQL Example Tutorial
  5. Java Swing Exit Button
  6. Swing ToolTip Tutorial with Example
  7. Java Swing BorderLayout Example
  8. Java Swing GridLayout Tutorial with Examples
  9. Swing Mouse Move Events using MouseMotionAdapter
  10. Java Swing CheckBox Example
  11. Java Swing Radio Button Example
  12. Java Swing Progress Bar Example
  13. Java Swing Combo Box Example
  14. Java Swing Slider Example
  15. Java Swing Toggle Button Example

JavaFX Tutorials

Java Programs (For Practices and interviews)

  1. String Programs in Java with Output
  2. Java Program to Count Number of Duplicate Words in String
  3. Java Program to Count Number of Words in Given String
  4. Java Program to Count the Number of Occurrences of Substring in a String
  5. Java Program to Count the Occurrences of Each Character in String
  6. Java Program to Merge two String Arrays
  7. Java Program to Remove Duplicate Words from String
  8. Java Program to Reverse a String(5 ways)
  9. Java Program to Reverse Each Word of a String
  10. Java Program to Swap Two Strings
  11. How to Check if the String Contains only Digits
  12. How to Check if the String Contains only Letters
  13. How to Check If the String Contains Only Letters or Digits
  14. Java Program to Check if Input String is Palindrome
  15. Java Program to Find all Permutations of String
  16. Java Program to Remove Duplicate Elements in an Array
  17. Java Program to Find Largest Element in an Array
  18. Java Program to Reverse an Array Without Using Another Array
  19. Java Program to Check the Equality of Two Arrays
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Hi, I am Ramesh Fadatare. I am VMWare Certified Professional for Spring and Spring Boot 2022.

I am founder and author of this blog website JavaGuides, a technical blog dedicated to the Java/Java EE technologies and Full-Stack Java development.

All the articles, guides, tutorials(2000 +) written by me so connect with me if you have any questions/queries. Read more about me at About Me.

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Java Tutorial for Beginners

This java tutorial would help you learn Java like a pro. I have shared 1000+ tutorials on various topics of Java, including core java and advanced Java concepts along with several Java programming examples to help you understand better.

All the tutorials are provided in a easy to follow systematic manner. It is for everyone, whether you are a college student looking for learning Java programming for free, or a company employee looking for a particular code snippet while building an application in Java, this Java tutorial would definitely be useful for you. Happy learning!

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Java Introduction

  • Introduction to Java
  • History of Java
  • Features of Java
  • C++ vs Java
  • JDK vs JRE vs JVM
  • Java Virtual Machine(JVM) Basics
  • First Java Program
  • Variables in Java
  • Java Data Types
  • Java TypeCasting
  • Java Operators

Java Flow Control

Arrays in Java

Java OOPs

  • OOPs Concepts
  • Constructor in Java
  • Java String
  • Java StringBuffer
  • Java StringBuilder
  • Java Inheritance with example
  • Method overloading in Java
  • Method overriding in Java
  • Method Overloading vs Method Overriding
  • Polymorphism in Java
  • Aggregation in Java
  • Association in Java

Java Exception Handling

Collections Framework

Java References

Includes collection of guides on various java classes and methods with examples.

Java Programs

Additional Topics

  • Java Varargs
  • Java Scanner
  • Java I/O
  • Java Enum
  • Java Annotations
  • Java Regex
  • Java Multithreading
  • Java Serialization
  • Java AWT Tutorial
  • Java Swing Tutorial
  • Java autoboxing and unboxing
  • Java 8
  • Java 9

What is Java?

Java is an object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in early 1990 by developers James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton.

In 1991 James Gosling and his friends formed a team called Green Team to further work on this project. The original idea was to develop this programming language for digital devices such as television, set-top box, remote etc. Later this idea was dropped and Java is developed for internet programming.

Why learn Java?

Java Programming language has several features which other programming languages don’t have. Java receives updates regularly which makes it more robust and future proof. Lots of new features are added on every Java release. There are several features of Java, some of them are:

  • Platform independent: Java doesn’t depend on the operating system. For example, a program written on Mac OS can run on Windows and vice versa.
  • Easy to learn: Syntax is easy and there are lot of tutorials available online including the one which you are currently reading.
  • Performance: Java is significantly faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages. Compiled java code which is known as byte code is like a machine code, that allows a faster execution. Java uses Just in Time compiler which can execute the code on demand, this allows to execute only the method that is being called, which makes it faster and efficient.

Hello World Program

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