Java sql sqlexception cursor

Invalid Cursor Position Causes Java.sql.SQLException

The commonly used phrase is that starting from Java 7, try-with-resources can be utilized to automatically close resources. As an alternative solution, it is recommended to avoid setting parameters in a way that may cause syntax errors or SQL injection. Instead, PreparedStatement can be used. It is important to remember to close both the statement and connection after finishing. However, this approach only allows for setting a maximum of two tickets, not an unlimited number.

ResultSet.get throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation at current cursor position

Remove the semicolon that comes after while(; and the program should function properly without any issues.

Newbie pointer, In your case, you can go for PreparedStatement for avoiding SQL-Injection problem. PreparedStatement prodsQuery= con.prepareStatement(«SELECT * FROM

Java.sql.SQLException: Invalid cursor position

The approach is merely a stopgap measure since it merely handles the exception. Unfortunately, it restricts me to specifying only two tickets instead of any number. Additionally, I received a java.lang.NullPointerException because I failed to assign ID to eventID . This oversight was somewhat careless on my part.

 public void buyTicket(int id,int n,int price) throws SQLException < crs.setCommand("SELECT PAYID FROM PAYMENTINFO WHERE ACCOUNT = '"+account+"'"); crs.execute();; payID = crs.getInt("PAYID"); try< for(int i=0;i> catch(sqlexception e)< system.out.println(" message: " + e.getmessage()); e="e.getNextException();>" try < crs.setcommand("update events set maxtickets="MAXTICKETS" - "+n+"where eventid="+id); crs.execute();; >catch(SQLException e ) < System.out.println(" message: " + e.getmessage()); e="e.getNextException();" >> 

C# Invalid operation in several threads:Cross-thread operation not, This is a server timer which fires its timer events away from the UI thread. Which causes the problem you observe because you must interact

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Error in combobox: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid cursor state

Verify if a row is available by referring to ResultSet#next() .

It is recommended to utilize PreparedStatement consistently as it assists in minimizing the vulnerability to SQL injection attacks.

try < Connection conn = getConnection(); try < String sql = "SELECT * FROM cartsusc WHERE vendedor = ?"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); try < ps.setString(1, this.cmbx_vend.getSelectedItem()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); try < if ( < this.txt_dato.setText(rs1.getString("vendedor")); >> finally < rs.close(); >> finally < ps.close(); >> finally < conn.close(); >> catch (SQLException e) < //handle >

Beginning with Java 7, the utilization of try-with-resources is possible to automatically close the resources.

String sql = "SELECT * FROM cartsusc WHERE vendedor = ?"; try ( Connection conn = getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ) < ps.setString(1, this.cmbx_vend.getSelectedItem()); try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) < if ( < this.txt_dato.setText(rs1.getString("vendedor")); >> > catch (SQLException e) < //handle >

Avoid setting parameters in a way that may result in a syntax error or SQL injection. Instead, opt for using a PreparedStatement.

String query = "SELECT * FROM cartsusc WHERE vendedor = ?"; try (PreparedStatement pstm = connection.prepareStatement(query)) < pstm.setString(1, this.cmbx_vend.getSelectedItem()); ResultSet rs1 = pstm.executeQuery(); if(< this.txt_dato.setText(rs1.getString("vendedor")); //this.txt_dato.setText(rs1.getString(1));//or you can get your result like this >> 

Remember to properly end your statement and disconnect once you are done.

Invalid cursor state, SQL state 24000 in SQLExecDirect, Something to try for people getting invalid cursor state with SQL server: SET NOCOUNT ON;. At the top of your stored procedure or SQL script

Java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation for forward only resultset

According to the provided link, the isLast() method might not be available for stored procedure ResultSet reading in Oracle. To overcome this, one can initially count the number of rows returned and determine the last row while looping through all the rows during processing.

SQLSetPos Function — ODBC API Reference, The Operation argument was SQL_REFRESH, and string or binary data returned for a column or columns with a data type of SQL_C_CHAR or


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