Java return null array

Return nothing , using array == null or array.length == 0?

When you are creating array of objects it is filled with s by default and while filling it with other values it is in state in which it has some nulls and some non-nulls. Solution 2: ArrayDeque Java doc The method will create a new index and add elements that index.

Return nothing , using array == null or array.length == 0?

If your method GetSomeFoos() actually ‘found’ 0 elements, then it should return new Foo[0] .

If there was some sort of error, you should throw an Exception .

The reason is because users shouldn’t have to look for nulls:

In the above case, if GetSomeFoos returned null , a user will have to deal with an NullPointerException . But, if you return an empty array, the code will never enter the loop, and the user will not have to deal with an exception.

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Whether to return null or empty object entirely depends on the method usage. If this method is called by a client and exposed as an API then throwing exception is better , but if it is used within ur package and never used by client then returning null is ok.

Returning null is more efficient, since you avoid the overhead of creating a new array or collection object. It’s true that you then have to add a null check at the point where you use the function’s output, but the overhead for that (in Java and almost all languages) is negligible. I also think that checking for null is a good habit to get into, especially when dealing with third-party libraries.

The downside is that you make the code more verbose.

If you do return an empty array, you can mitigate the performance hit by re-using the same object. Create an immutable constant, and return that:

private static final String[] EMPTY = <>; 
private static final List EMPTY = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList()); 

How to Check if a JavaScript Array is Empty or Not with, To check if an array is empty or not, you can use the .length property. The length property sets or returns the number of elements in an array. By knowing the number of elements in the array, you can tell if it is empty or not. An empty array will have 0 elements inside of it. Let’s run through some examples. .length …

How do i check if and index of an ArrayDeque is empty?

Here is a good example for you.

import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Iterator; public class ArrayDequeTest < public static void main(String. args)< ArrayDequeaq= new ArrayDeque(); aq.add("A"); aq.add("B"); aq.add("C"); //offerFirst-adds elements at the front of the ArrayDeque aq.offerFirst("D"); //offerLast inserts the element at the last of ArrayDeque aq.offerLast("E"); Iterator itr= aq.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) < System.out.println(; >> 

Array deques have no capacity restrictions; they grow as necessary to support usage.

add(E e)
Inserts the specified element at the end of this deque.

The add method will create a new index and add elements that index.

Each index has to be empty before adding anything

No additional work is required to implement this.

I’ve had a bit trouble to fully understand the question. What I understood is that you wish to add it into ArrayDeque if only if the array does not contain the string already.

Take a look into Java documentation: public boolean contains(Object o)

Returns true if this deque contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this deque contains at least one element e such that o.equals(e).

So I would check if it is in the ArrayDeque and then add it.

if(! planta.contains(theString)) planta.offer(theString);

Java — Checking if String Array is filled or empty, returns true (try it !) if (rule [0]==null) < will return true and get inside the for loop if that is what you want.. See the following class which you can compile (using javac and run (using java myEmpty ):

Empty and non-empty cells in an array

I was wondering if an array can have some empty cells and some other cells which are non empty.

If the data type extends Object , then yes you can. Else if it’s a primitive data type, then no, you can’t.

Object[] arr = new Object[3]; arr[0] = null; // This is allowed. int[] arr1 = new int[3]; arr1[0] = null; // This is NOT allowed. 

And how could I possibly get the first nonempty value?

To get the first non-empty value, iterate over the array(using a for , for-each loop, its your wish), and keep looping till the current element is null . Once you encounter a not-null element, get that and break out of the loop.

I was wondering if an array can have some empty cells and some other cells which are non empty?

If by empty cell you mean cell that contains null then yes. When you are creating array of objects it is filled with null s by default and while filling it with other values it is in state in which it has some nulls and some non-nulls.

How could I possibly get the first non-empty value?

You can create method like this one

public static T firstNonEmptyValue(T[] array) < for(T element : array)< if (element != null) return element;// return first element that is not null >// if we are here it means that we iterated over all elements // and didn't find non-null value so it is time to return null return null; > 
String[] arr = new String[] < null, "hello", null, "world", null >; System.out.println(firstNonEmptyValue(arr));//output: hello System.out.println(firstNonEmptyValue(new String[42])); // output: null since array // contains only nulls 

Java — How to determine if my array is empty, There is no such thing as an «empty» element in a Java array. So if it’s an array of Object you will test with » == null » but if it’s an array of a primitive type and you did not assigned anything to that location, then it will have the value zero,.

Using Arrays.sort, empty array returned

Your last for loop doesn’t print the last element in the array. If the array has only one element, it won’t print anything at all. Change to:

or (if supported by the JDK/JRE version used):

I hope the problem is this part of code

for(int i = 0; !queue1.isEmpty() ; i++) < Print ob = queue1.dequeue(); thing[i] = ob; System.out.println(thing[i]); //printing works here >

Java — Does Hibernate return null or empty collection if, Since those collections are lazy by default employee.getPhones() should return a proxy for that collection (e.g. PersistentList or similar) which loads the list elements when you access the list.. Additionally, because Phone is the owner of the relation Hibernate won’t know whether there are any phones for an …


Java — How to return empty array?

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A quick guide to return an empty array in java in various ways.

1. Overview

An empty array means the array is not having any values and the length of the array is zero. Sometimes we need to return an empty array rather than returning null values.

Java - How to return empty array?

2. Return Empty Array — With new int[0] or new Emp[0]

When you want to return an array with a size of 0 then you just need to return new int[0]. Here, new int[0] returns an integer type array with zero values and size is 0.

In the below example, we added a utility method that returns an empty array. So that this method can be accessed from any other similar scenarios.

package com.javaprogramto.arrays.empty; public class ReturnEmptyArrayExample1 < public static void main(String[] args) < if (true) < int[] array1 = emptyArray(); System.out.println("Length of int array 1 : " + array1.length); >if( 40 % 10 == 0) < int[] array2 = emptyArray(); System.out.println("Length of int array 2 : " + array2.length); >> public static int[] emptyArray() < return new int[0]; >>
Length of int array 1 : 0 Length of int array 2 : 0

3. Return Empty Array — With <> Empty curly braces

Another approach is to create the empty array is using empty curly braces like <>. We no need of using new keyword and type of array with size 0.

This is the simplest one in forming the blank array. You can simply return the empty braces from the method with the type.

package com.javaprogramto.arrays.empty; public class ReturnEmptyArrayExample2 < public static void main(String[] args) < if (true) < int[] array1 = emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces(); System.out.println("Length of int array 1 : " + array1.length); >if (100 > 0) < int[] array2 = emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces(); System.out.println("Length of int array 2 : " + array2.length); >> public static int[] emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces() < int[] emptyArray = <>; return emptyArray; > >
Length of int array 1 : 0 Length of int array 2 : 0

4. Return Empty Array — With Apache Commons API

Apache commons API has been added with a utility class ArrayUtils. This class has several useful methods.

public static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY = new float[0]; public static final Float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Float[0]; /** * An empty immutable array. */ public static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; /** * An empty immutable array. */ public static final Integer[] EMPTY_INTEGER_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Integer[0]; /** * An empty immutable array. */ public static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = new long[0]; /** * An empty immutable array. */ public static final Long[] EMPTY_LONG_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Long[0]; /** * An empty immutable array. */ public static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];
package com.javaprogramto.arrays.empty; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; public class ReturnEmptyArrayExample3 < public static void main(String[] args) < if (true) < int[] array1 = emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces(); System.out.println("Length of int array 1 : " + array1.length); >if (100 > 0) < int[] array2 = emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces(); System.out.println("Length of int array 2 : " + array2.length); >> public static int[] emptyArrayWIthCurlyBraces() < return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; >>

5. Conclusion



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