Java rename all files in folder

Rename multiple files using Java

Solution 1: On Windows a common cause of failure to rename directory names is when you have open file handles to a file inside the directory. So: Check you have closed all editors, file explorers, CMD.EXE / consoles / terminals / xterm / bash accessing the directory to move or one of its sub-directories and files.

Rename multiple files using Java

Following is the code to rename multiple files using Java −


import; import; public class Demo < public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException< String path_to_folder = "path\\to\\folder\\where\\multiple\\files\\are\\present"; File my_folder = new File(path_to_folder); File[] array_file = my_folder.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < array_file.length; i++)< if (array_file[i].isFile())< File my_file = new File(path_to_folder + "\\" + array_file[i].getName()); String long_file_name = array_file[i].getName(); String[] my_token = long_file_name.split("\\s"); String new_file = my_token[1]; System.out.println(long_file_name); System.out.print(new_file); my_file.renameTo(new File(path_to_folder + "\\" + new_file + ".pdf")); >> > >


The files in the folder will be renamed to .pdf

A class named Demo contains the main fucntion, where the apth to the folder containing multiple files is defined. A new folder is created in the path mentioned.

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The list of files is obtained using the ‘listFiles’ function. The file of array is iterated over, and if a file is encountered, a new file path is created and the name of the file is obtained and it is split. The files are renamed to .pdf. The names of files are shortened byobtaining the substring that begins after the first space in the ‘long_file_name’.

Rename file or directory in Java, The method is used to rename a file or directory. This method requires a single parameter i.e. the name that the

How to rename a file or How to move a file to another directory in

How to rename a file or How to move a file to another directory in Java? | Java File | Java
Duration: 2:55

How to Rename the File or Directory in Java?

In this video tutorial you will learn How to Rename the File or Directory in Java? I have Duration: 5:43

How To Rename A Folder In Java

how to rename a file in java . I am trying some codes, But it can rename file and not a folder , i want to rename the folder which has like 200 or 300 files in it . Can anyone help me in this ?

The following example renames the directory “test” to “dist” in the current directory:

File sourceFile = new File("test"); File destFile = new File("dist"); if (sourceFile.renameTo(destFile)) < System.out.println("Directory renamed successfully"); >else

Search for java rename folder and you will get plenty of examples.

For example try this: It checks if the dirPath is a directory and renames it to the given name.

File dir = new File(dirPath); if (!dir.isDirectory()) < System.err.println("There is no directory @ given path"); >else

How to Rename the File or Directory in Java?, In this video tutorial you will learn How to Rename the File or Directory in Java? I have Duration: 5:43

How to rename a child directory in Java?

How can I rename a directory in java . I have a directory structure like /workspace/project-name/project/user/wbench/test/

In the above structure I want to change test to dev (for example).

I thought Files. renameto () will do the trick for me but this code is not working.

public ResponseMessage updateDirectoryName(String oldDirectoryName, String newDirectoryName, String userName) < File projectDirectoryForUser = gitUtils.getProjectDirectoryFromRepoName(userName, oldDirectoryName); try < if (projectDirectoryForUser.exists()) < File newDir = new File(projectDirectoryForUser.getParent()+File.separator+newDirectoryName); Boolean flag =projectDirectoryForUser.renameTo(newDir); if(flag)< System.out.println("File renamed successfully"); >else < System.out.println("Rename operation failed"); >> else <"No folder found for Project in file path"); >> catch (Exception e)

My flag is always false and name of directory is not changed. I am certainly doing something wrong not sure what?

On Windows a common cause of failure to rename directory names is when you have open file handles to a file inside the directory. If there is a current file handle Files.move(dir,newdir) will report AccessDeniedException and File.renameTo will return false for same paths.

So: Check you have closed all editors, file explorers, CMD.EXE / consoles / terminals / xterm / bash accessing the directory to move or one of its sub-directories and files.

Here is transcript of a test I made with my build directory moving «build» «build.moved» with both calls. I get similar results for Windows and Linux with these commands:

jshell> Files.move(Path.of("build"),Path.of("build.moved")) ==> build.moved jshell> new File("build.moved").renameTo(new File("build")); ==> true jshell> new FileInputStream("build/AL.js") $10 ==> jshell> new File("build").renameTo(new File("build.moved")) ==> false jshell> Files.move(Path.of("build"),Path.of("build.moved")) | Exception java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: build -> build.moved | at WindowsException.translateToIOException ( | at WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException ( | at WindowsFileCopy.move ( | at WindowsFileSystemProvider.move ( | at Files.move ( | at (#12:1) 

After closing the file, all is OK again:

jshell> $10.close() jshell> Files.move(Path.of("build"),Path.of("build.moved")) $15 ==> build.moved jshell> new File("build.moved").renameTo(new File("build")) $16 ==> true 

As @VGR suggests, you get better error handling if you use Files.move and Path in place of File . If you use File, avoid String concatenation and File.separator by using the alternate constructor:

File newDir = new File(projectDirectoryForUser.getParent(), newDirectoryName); 

I think getParent() must be getParentFile() so you have the full path.

The newer generalisation of File , the class Path , together with the utilities class Files one should better use. Files.move is the equivalent of a File.renameTo and might not in every case work for non-empty directories.

public ResponseMessage updateDirectoryName(String oldDirectoryName, String newDirectoryName, String userName) < Path projectDirectoryForUser = gitUtils.getProjectDirectoryFromRepoName(userName, oldDirectoryName).toPath(); try < if (Files.exists(projectDirectoryForUser)) < Path newDir = projectDirectoryForUser.resolveSibling(newDirectoryName); Files.move(projectDirectoryForUser, newDir); boolean flag = Files.exist(newDir); if (flag) < System.out.println("File renamed successfully"); >else < System.out.println("Rename operation failed"); >> else <"No folder found for Project in file path"); >> catch (Exception e) <"something is not right" + e.getMessage()); >> 

Whereas File is a disk file, Path can also be from an URI, or a packed «file» in a zip file. Different file system views. This allows File to copy file or java resource into a zip, or rename a file in a zip. So for the same reason one uses List instead of an implementing ArrayList , one better use Path . Also I read that the Files operations are a bit better than those of File .

You can’t change a value os a final variable. Remove the «final» keyword from «projectDirectoryForUser» and try again.

Best way in java to rename a file , there are about 500 files in a, Step 1: Download and install Groovy · Step 2: Start the groovy console · Step 3: Run this script def dirName = «/path/to/pdf/dir» new File(dirName).eachFile()


How to rename all files of a folder using Java?

Often, when transferring files from the camera folder to a workspace where we would like to analyze the pictures, it becomes difficult to deal with long file and type them out again and again when testing them through a code. Also, the number of files might be too large to manually rename each one of them.

How to rename all files of a folder using Java?

Often, when transferring files from the camera folder to a workspace where we would like to analyze the pictures, it becomes difficult to deal with long file and type them out again and again when testing them through a code. Also, the number of files might be too large to manually rename each one of them. Hence, it becomes a necessity to automate the renaming process.

Input : Read 50 files from the folder "C:\Users\Anannya Uberoi\Desktop\myfolder": Snapshot 1 (12-05-2017 11-57).png Snapshot 2 (12-05-2017 11-57).png Snapshot 3 (12-05-2017 11-57).png Snapshot 4 (12-05-2017 11-57).png and so on. Output :Renamed to 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png and so on.
The files get renamed successfully.

Note: A double slash (\\) is required since one of the backslash (\) acts as an escape character and the other backslash (\) denotes directory change.

This article is contributed by Anannya Uberoi . If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.

Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

Best way in java to rename a file , there are about 500, Sample code for you to rename the List of files in a given directory. In the below example, c:\Projects\sample is the folder, the files which are listed under that have been renamed to 0.txt, 1.txt, 2.txt, etc. I … Rename all elements of an absolute File path

File unsafeParent = unsafe.getParentFile(); File safeTarget = new File(unsafeParent, safe.getName()); 

So, using \test\-bad.folder NAME ÄÖÜßéÂÌ\.bad folder 2\test filename-ÄÖÜ.txt as the base path, unsafeParent would equal \test\-bad.folder NAME ÄÖÜßéÂÌ\.bad folder 2 , but safeTarget is now unsafeParent + safe.getName() , so you’re not trying to rename the directory, but a file in unsafeParent named safe.getName() .

Instead of working bottom up, work top down. This means you can rename the directory and using the renamed reference, list the files in it and process them.

Rename or Move a File in Java, In this article, we looked at different solutions for moving a file in Java. We focused on renaming in these code snippets, but moving is, of course, the same, only the target directory needs to be different. The code for the examples is available over on GitHub.

Renaming Files renameTo() workaround Java

You can not rename a particular file to a file name that already exists within the folder you are renaming the file in. IMHO . Even if you can, you shouldn’t for a bunch of common sense reasons.

In other words, if we have a folder (directory) named: All_My_Files and in this folder we have two text files, one is named MyFile-2016.txt and the other is named MyFile-2017.txt . Now, we want to rename each of these two files so that the dash and the year (ie: -2016 or -2017) from each file name no longer exists. Essentially what you will end up trying to do is have both file names be MyFile.txt which is not allowed. Your first rename will be fine since on the first go at it there is no file within the folder named MyFile.txt but once the second rename attempt is done on the second file name it’s simply going to fail since the name MyFile.txt already exists within that folder which was done from the first rename attempt. This not a code problem, this is an issue with the local file system. Those are the rules of the local file system (No file can have the same name within the same folder). Look at the file names you are going to rename, are there any that will actually create the very same file name once you remove the unwanted text? If there are then those will fail to rename.

The same applies to Moving files. You can not move a file to a folder (directory) that already contains a file with the very same name. The file system rule above applies. You can however overwrite the existing duplicate file name within the destination path if it exists during a move if you tell the Files.move() method to do so:

Files.move(sourcePathAndFileName, destinationPathAndFileName, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); 

import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING;

Keep in mind though, before you blatantly overwrite an existing file you better make pretty sure that this is what you want to do. Prompting the User to carry out an overwrite would be a normal course of action but doesn’t necessarily need to be the case for specific in house operations.

Java Examples — Rename a File, The following is another example of rename a file in java. The above code sample will produce the following result. To test this example, first create a file ‘oldfile_name.txt’ in ‘C’ drive. File name changed succesful java_files.htm. Previous Page Print Page Next Page .

Rename Android Folder on code

to change programatically a folder´s name use the renameTo() method:

File oldFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),"old folder name"); File newFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),"new folder name"); boolean success = oldFolder.renameTo(newFolder); 

Here you can find info about renameTo() method :

File oldfolder = new File("path of the old folder","old name"); File newfolder = new File("path of the new folder","new name"); oldfolder.renameTo(newfolder); 

Rename all files in a folder using java, How can we rename all files in a folder using java? C:/temp/pictures/1.jpg C:/temp/pictures/2.jpg C:/temp/pictures/3.jpg C:/temp/pictures/4.jpg C:/temp/pictures/5.jpg Rename to C:/temp/pictures/ You can find another clear example here – Alexandru Cimpanu. Jun 13, 2014 at 7:19. Take a look at below code which check file in the folder Code sampleFile dir = new File(«D:/xyz»);if (dir.isDirectory())


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