- Gradle Project Properties Best Practices
- Why do we need project properties in a Gradle build?#
- Avoid storing credentials or other sensitive information in version control#
- The build may need to be run differently depending on the situation#
- What ways are there to configure project properties?#
- 1) On the command line when calling Gradle using -P #
- 2) As Java system properties using -D #
- 3) As environment variables#
- 4) In a gradle.properties file (Gradle user home directory)#
- 5) In a gradle.properties file (project root directory)#
- How can we access project properties in builds?#
- 1) Directly as a variable#
- 2) Using the property method#
- 3) Using the findProperty method#
- Checking if a property exists with hasProperty #
- Summary#
- Resources#
- Documentation#
- Video#
- Video
- Gradle – How to set System properties?
- 1. Gradle System Properties
- 1.1. System Properties via command line
- 1.2. Using gradle.properties file
- 2. Accessing System Properties in test cases
- 3. Conclusion
- 4. Reference
Gradle Project Properties Best Practices
Get up to speed fast with my new book.
Gradle project properties provide an easy way to customise builds which may need to run differently in certain situations. In this article you’ll learn the most effective ways to use and set properties, along with some common scenarios you might come across in your Gradle project.
UPDATED in July 2021 to reflect recent versions of Gradle.
Why do we need project properties in a Gradle build?#
A Gradle project property is a property that can be accessed in your project’s build.gradle and gets passed in from an external source when your build is executed.
Just like you might externalise configuration properties for an application so it can execute differently in different scenarios, the same applies to your Gradle build.
Let’s look at some reasons you might use project properties.
Avoid storing credentials or other sensitive information in version control#
The following build.gradle configures the Gradle maven-publish plugin to publish a jar file built by the java plugin:
plugins id 'java' id 'maven-publish' > publishing publications maven(MavenPublication) from components.java > > repositories maven url 'https://maven.tomgregory.com/repository/snapshots' credentials username 'tom' password 'buttons123' > > > > group 'org.example' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
The above code will publish a jar file to a Maven repository when ./gradlew publish is run.
But, you can see the username and password for the Maven repository are hard-coded. Assuming we’re committing our code into version control, then this represents bad practice since anyone who checks out our code would immediately have access to the credentials.
Much better would be to pass the credentials in externally, using Gradle project properties. The build.gradle just needs to be modified slightly:
. credentials username mavenUsername password mavenPassword > .
Now when we call the publish task we can pass the properties in using the Gradle -P flag, like this:
./gradlew publish -PmavenUsername=tom -PmavenPassword=buttons123
The build may need to be run differently depending on the situation#
Sometimes rather than hard-coding parts of our build, we need to be more flexible and run it differently in different situations. For example, in the previous section the Maven repository URL was hard coded, like this:
maven url 'https://maven.tomgregory.com/repository/snapshots' credentials username mavenUsername password mavenPassword > >
There may be a requirement to sometimes push to a different repository, in which case we’d also want to externalise this property using a project property.
Some other scenarios like this include:
- deployment — if your Gradle build is responsible for deploying then you may need to pass in extra information such as the environment and region to which to deploy
- test memory allocation — the Gradle test task allows you to configure it’s maxHeapSize property. By using a project property, you can externalise this configuration and easily tweak the memory allocation for different environments.
- database connection string — if your build needs to connect to a database to run tests, you could use a project property to provide the option to connect to a different database.
What ways are there to configure project properties?#
Gradle provides several ways to pass properties into a build, some of which have higher priority than others. Or in other words, the same property key can be passed into the build in multiple ways, but the one with highest priority wins.
Here’s a quick overview of how that hierarchy works:
We’ll run through the ways to configure project properties from highest to lowest priority.
1) On the command line when calling Gradle using -P #
When you run a Gradle command you can pass as many -PpropertyName=propertyValue flags as you like. For example:
./gradlew -PmyPropName1=myPropValue1 -PmyPropName2=myPropValue2
2) As Java system properties using -D #
You can pass Java system properties using the following syntax:
./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.project.myPropName1=myPropValue1 -Dorg.gradle.project.myPropName2=myPropValue2
3) As environment variables#
You can pass project properties as environment variables using the following syntax:
ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_myPropName1=myPropValue1 ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_myPropName2=myPropValue2 ./gradlew publish
4) In a gradle.properties file (Gradle user home directory)#
A gradle.properties file is a list of key values pairs, each of which represents a property name and value. For example:
myPropName1=myPropValue1 myPropName2=myPropValue2
This gradle.properties is located in the GRADLE_USER_HOME directory, which is usually ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
5) In a gradle.properties file (project root directory)#
Similar to above, a gradle.properties file can also be placed in the project root directory, i.e. my-awesome-project/gradle.properties .
For a full understanding of project properties, as well as other techniques for effectively organising your project like multi-project builds, I highly recommend signing up to the Gradle Hero course.
How can we access project properties in builds?#
Once a property has been passed into our Gradle build, there are three ways to access it:
1) Directly as a variable#
You can treat a project property as a variable, and just reference it by its name.
For example, if we passed in a project property with ./gradlew -PmyPropName1=myPropValue1 then it could be accessed in build.gradle like this:
If the property is not found, then a MissingPropertyException is thrown.
Also note, that with this method IDEs may have a problem understanding and show a syntax error. Here’s the output from IntelliJ IDEA:
2) Using the property method#
Gradle provides the following method to access a property:
Object property(String var1) throws MissingPropertyException
For example, if we called ./gradlew -PmyPropName1=myPropValue1 then the property could be accessed like this:
println property('myPropName1')
Like before, if the property is not found, then a MissingPropertyException is thrown.
3) Using the findProperty method#
When we need to access a property but don’t want an exception to be thrown if it’s not provided, use the findProperty method:
If we called ./gradlew -PmyPropName1=myPropValue1 then the property could be accessed like this:
println findProperty('myPropName1')
This time, if the property is not found null is returned. This can be very useful if we want to return a default value, which we can do using Groovy’s Elvis operator:
println findProperty('myPropName1') ?: 'defaultValue'
Checking if a property exists with hasProperty #
Lastly, we can check for the presence of the property using the hasProperty method:
This could be used where we have some build logic that’s only enabled if a specific property is set, for example:
if (hasProperty('myPropName1')) println 'Doing some conditional build logic' >
Here’s a summary of the 3 ways to access a property value:
Throws MissingPropertyException ? | IDE understands? | |
As a variable | Yes | No |
property method | Yes | Yes |
findProperty method | No | Yes |
See this Gradle Build Environment documentation which covers project properties, as well as Gradle and system properties.
If you prefer to learn in video format, check out the accompanying video on the Tom Gregory Tech YouTube channel.
Check out the accompanying video from the Tom Gregory Tech YouTube channel.
Gradle – How to set System properties?
In this article you will see a java gradle example project, to understand how to set system properties and accessing them via command line and from gradle.properties file.
Following java program that takes System property mymessage from command line. Run following program from command line using
$ java -Dmymessage=»Hello Developer!» AMainClass
You will get following output.
Got message from command line : Hello Developer!
1. Gradle System Properties
Similarly like above program using the -D command-line option, you can pass a system property to the JVM which runs Gradle. The -D option of the gradle command has the same effect as the -D option of the java command.
There are 2 ways you can provide System Properties to gradle
In following example you will see both the ways. Following example is a basic java gradle project to create, you can refer article Create Gradle project in eclipse.
Technologies used:
In build.gradle , you can get system properties using System.getProperty() and later you can set them to variables.
plugins < id 'java-library' >repositories < jcenter() >dependencies < api 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1' implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:28.1-jre' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' >test
1.1. System Properties via command line
Navigate to project context root in command line and run gradle task using following command.
$ gradle clean test -Dmymessage=’Hello developer, you are awesome!’
You will see following output in console.
> Configure project : Starting Tests Hello developer, you are awesome! BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 7s 4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
1.2. Using gradle.properties file
You can also set system properties in gradle.properties files with the prefix systemProp. In a multi project build, “ systemProp. ” properties set in any project except the root will be ignored. That is, only the root project’s gradle.properties file will be checked for properties that begin with the “ systemProp. ” prefix.
systemProp.mymessage = 'Hello, I am from gradle.properties'
Navigate to project context root in command line and run gradle task using following command. you don’t pass the -Dmymessage in command line, gradle obtain from gradle.properties file.
You will see following output in console.
> Configure project : Starting Tests 'Hello, I am from gradle.properties' BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
2. Accessing System Properties in test cases
By default I couldn’t able to access the System Properties in test classes either provided by command line or gradle.properties . To make it work I have updated test task in build.gradle like following.
3. Conclusion
In this article we have seen a java gradle example project with gradle system properties and accessing them via command line and from gradle properties.
4. Reference
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