Java math cannot find symbol

How to Resolve The Cannot Find Symbol Error in Java

How to Resolve The Cannot Find Symbol Error in Java

Symbol tables are an important data structure created and maintained by compilers to store information associated with identifiers [1] in a given source code. This information is entered into the symbol tables during lexical and syntax analysis and is used in the later phases of compilation. As the declarations of classes, interfaces, variables, and methods are processed, their identifiers are bound to corresponding entries in the symbol tables. When uses of these identifiers are encountered in the source code, the compiler looks them up in the symbol tables and relies on this information for things such as verifying that a variable has been declared, determining the scope of a variable, and verifying that an expression is semantically correct with type checking. Symbol tables are also used for code generation and optimization [2].

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A simplified representation of a symbol table entry (or simply, a symbol) in Java has the following format: . Given a global variable declaration like final double ratio; the corresponding symbol would then be .

Cannot Find Symbol Error

As its name implies, the cannot find symbol error refers to a symbol which cannot be found. While there are multiple ways and reasons this can occur, they all boil down to the fact that the Java compiler is unable to find the symbol associated with a given identifier.

The message produced by the compiler for the cannot find symbol error includes two additional fields:

  • “symbol”—the name and type of the referenced identifier; and
  • “location”—the specific class in which the identifier has been referenced.

What Causes the Cannot Find Symbol Error

The most common triggers for the cannot find symbol compile-time error include:

  • missing variable and method declarations;
  • out-of-scope references to variables and methods;
  • misspelled identifiers; and
  • omitted import statements.

Cannot Find Symbol vs Symbol Not Found vs Cannot Resolve Symbol

As different Java compilers use slightly different terminology, the cannot find symbol error can also be found under the terms symbol not found and cannot resolve symbol . Besides the naming, there is no difference between what these terms stand for.

Cannot Find Symbol Error Examples

Undeclared variable

When the Java compiler encounters a use of an identifier which it cannot find in the symbol table, it raises the cannot find symbol error. Consequently, the most common occurrence of this error is when there is a reference to an undeclared variable. Unlike some other languages that don’t require explicit declaration of variables [3], or may allow declaring a variable after it has been referenced (via hoisting [4]), Java requires declaring a variable before it can be used or referenced in any way.

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Fig. 1(a) shows how an undeclared variable, in this case the identifier average on line 9, results in two instances of the cannot find symbol error, at the positions where they appear in the code. Declaring this variable by specifying its data type (or, alternatively, inferring its type with the var keyword in Java 10+) resolves the issue (Fig. 1(b)).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
package rollbar; public class UndeclaredVariable < public static void main(String. args) < int x = 6; int y = 10; int z = 32; average = (x + y + z) / 3.0; // average is not declared System.out.println(average); >> error: cannot find symbol average = (x + y + z) / 3.0; ^ symbol: variable average location: class UndeclaredVariable error: cannot find symbol System.out.println(average); ^ symbol: variable average location: class UndeclaredVariable 2 errors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
package rollbar; public class UndeclaredVariable < public static void main(String. args) < int x = 6; int y = 10; int z = 32; double average = (x + y + z) / 3.0; System.out.println(average); >>

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Cannot find symbol import java lang math

Solution 2: You’re defining a local variable in each constructor which is not in scope in the last constructor. Scope variable Example: Solution 3: The variable is not declared in the scope in which it is used at that line.

Java Error ‘error: cannot find symbol’

Variables only exist inside the scope (between < and >) they’re declared in. You have three different variables called x , and none of them exist when the line int binNumber=(int)((x-a)/dx); is executed.

Declare a variable outside the if statements, and then assign it inside it, something like this: (I’ve removed most of your code to make this example clearer; obvious you still need it)

double x; if (count==0) < if (y_2else < x=squiggle2/squiggle1; >> else < x=Sample(squiggle1); >int binNumber=(int)((x-a)/dx); 

Declare double x variable globally.You are declared in else part thats why it could not find the variable.

 int a = 80; // Create a global variable "a" void setup() < size(640, 360); background(0); stroke(255); noLoop(); >void draw() < // Draw a line using the global variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Create a new variable "a" local to the for() statement for (int a = 120; a < 200; a += 2) < line(a, 0, a, height); >// Create a new variable "a" local to the draw() function int a = 300; // Draw a line using the new local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Make a call to the custom function drawAnotherLine() drawAnotherLine(); // Make a call to the custom function setYetAnotherLine() drawYetAnotherLine(); > void drawAnotherLine() < // Create a new variable "a" local to this method int a = 320; // Draw a line using the local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); >void drawYetAnotherLine() < // Because no new local variable "a" is set, // this line draws using the original global // variable "a", which is set to the value 80. line(a+2, 0, a+2, height); >

The variable x is not declared in the scope in which it is used at that line. You are defining and assigning the double x inside two different if-blocks . Try declaring the variable in a broader scope (say, before the if-block , then assign it locally. Then it will be accessible in all 3 places.

Here’s a simple example to explain what I mean:

void method() < if (2 >1) double x = 2; else double x = 3; System.out.println(x); //ERROR, because x is out of scope > 
void method() < double x = 0; if (2 >1) x = 2; else x = 3; System.out.println(x); //No error; x is referenced in the same scope in which it is declared > 

Getting «cannot find Symbol» in Java project in IntelliJ, I was getting the same «cannot find symbol» error when I did Build -> Make Project. I fixed this by deleting my Maven /target folder, right clicking my project module and doing Maven -> Reimport, and doing Build -> Rebuild Project. This was on IntelliJ Idea 13.1.5.

What does a “Cannot find symbol” compilation error mean here?

Are you trying to multiply the int b with (Math.pow(2, n+1) — 1) ? If so, then you are missing a * to signify a multiplication sign likely causing the error. You can read more about the error on this post:

Post on ‘Cannot Find Symbol’

«cannot find symbol: method» but the method is declared, 3 Answers. Account acct2 = new SavingsAccount (name); acct2.calculateBalance (); This is because although you have an object of SavingsAccount you are using refrence variable of type Account so you can access only those methods that are there in Account class. And you don’t have …

Why do I see «cannot find symbol» when I compile this class?

You need to make it a field, not a local variable:

It should be outside the constructors.

You’re defining a local variable in each constructor which is not in scope in the last constructor. Make it a property of the class instead.

Java — System.out.printIn cannot find symbol, Improve this answer. answered Aug 18, 2011 at 10:03. codaddict. 433k 80 485 523. Add a comment. 2. It should be System.out.println not System.out.printIn. Use some kind of IDE (like Eclipse or NetBeans) to make sure that you can use methos in current context. The problem here is copying the same line.

Issue with cannot resolve method & symbol

You don’t have to download any additional libraries. Use Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x) and Math.sqrt(x) or sin(x), cos(x) and sqrt(x) and place the following code at the top of your file (but below the line package [. ] , if it exists):

// For import java.lang.Math; // For xxx() import static java.lang.Math.sin; import static java.lang.Math.cos; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; 

If you’re using Eclipse just press Ctrl + Shift + O to automatically organize your imports (there should be similar shortcuts for other IDE’s).

Java — Intellij Cannot resolve symbol on import, in IntelliJ editor, click on the red keyword ( Integer for example) and press ALT + ENTER (or click the light bulb icon) In my case, the JDK path was incorrect (pointed on /opt/jdk1.7.0_51 instead of /opt/jdk1.7.0_65) Right click on pom.xml file, go to Maven click on Reimport.


Cannot find symbol import java lang math

Solution 2: You’re defining a local variable in each constructor which is not in scope in the last constructor. Scope variable Example: Solution 3: The variable is not declared in the scope in which it is used at that line.

Java Error ‘error: cannot find symbol’

Variables only exist inside the scope (between < and >) they’re declared in. You have three different variables called x , and none of them exist when the line int binNumber=(int)((x-a)/dx); is executed.

Declare a variable outside the if statements, and then assign it inside it, something like this: (I’ve removed most of your code to make this example clearer; obvious you still need it)

double x; if (count==0) < if (y_2else < x=squiggle2/squiggle1; >> else < x=Sample(squiggle1); >int binNumber=(int)((x-a)/dx); 

Declare double x variable globally.You are declared in else part thats why it could not find the variable.

 int a = 80; // Create a global variable "a" void setup() < size(640, 360); background(0); stroke(255); noLoop(); >void draw() < // Draw a line using the global variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Create a new variable "a" local to the for() statement for (int a = 120; a < 200; a += 2) < line(a, 0, a, height); >// Create a new variable "a" local to the draw() function int a = 300; // Draw a line using the new local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Make a call to the custom function drawAnotherLine() drawAnotherLine(); // Make a call to the custom function setYetAnotherLine() drawYetAnotherLine(); > void drawAnotherLine() < // Create a new variable "a" local to this method int a = 320; // Draw a line using the local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); >void drawYetAnotherLine() < // Because no new local variable "a" is set, // this line draws using the original global // variable "a", which is set to the value 80. line(a+2, 0, a+2, height); >

The variable x is not declared in the scope in which it is used at that line. You are defining and assigning the double x inside two different if-blocks . Try declaring the variable in a broader scope (say, before the if-block , then assign it locally. Then it will be accessible in all 3 places.

Here’s a simple example to explain what I mean:

void method() < if (2 >1) double x = 2; else double x = 3; System.out.println(x); //ERROR, because x is out of scope > 
void method() < double x = 0; if (2 >1) x = 2; else x = 3; System.out.println(x); //No error; x is referenced in the same scope in which it is declared > 

Getting «cannot find Symbol» in Java project in IntelliJ, I was getting the same «cannot find symbol» error when I did Build -> Make Project. I fixed this by deleting my Maven /target folder, right clicking my project module and doing Maven -> Reimport, and doing Build -> Rebuild Project. This was on IntelliJ Idea 13.1.5.

What does a “Cannot find symbol” compilation error mean here?

Are you trying to multiply the int b with (Math.pow(2, n+1) — 1) ? If so, then you are missing a * to signify a multiplication sign likely causing the error. You can read more about the error on this post:

Post on ‘Cannot Find Symbol’

«cannot find symbol: method» but the method is declared, 3 Answers. Account acct2 = new SavingsAccount (name); acct2.calculateBalance (); This is because although you have an object of SavingsAccount you are using refrence variable of type Account so you can access only those methods that are there in Account class. And you don’t have …

Why do I see «cannot find symbol» when I compile this class?

You need to make it a field, not a local variable:

It should be outside the constructors.

You’re defining a local variable in each constructor which is not in scope in the last constructor. Make it a property of the class instead.

Java — System.out.printIn cannot find symbol, Improve this answer. answered Aug 18, 2011 at 10:03. codaddict. 433k 80 485 523. Add a comment. 2. It should be System.out.println not System.out.printIn. Use some kind of IDE (like Eclipse or NetBeans) to make sure that you can use methos in current context. The problem here is copying the same line.

Issue with cannot resolve method & symbol

You don’t have to download any additional libraries. Use Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x) and Math.sqrt(x) or sin(x), cos(x) and sqrt(x) and place the following code at the top of your file (but below the line package [. ] , if it exists):

// For import java.lang.Math; // For xxx() import static java.lang.Math.sin; import static java.lang.Math.cos; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; 

If you’re using Eclipse just press Ctrl + Shift + O to automatically organize your imports (there should be similar shortcuts for other IDE’s).

Java — Intellij Cannot resolve symbol on import, in IntelliJ editor, click on the red keyword ( Integer for example) and press ALT + ENTER (or click the light bulb icon) In my case, the JDK path was incorrect (pointed on /opt/jdk1.7.0_51 instead of /opt/jdk1.7.0_65) Right click on pom.xml file, go to Maven click on Reimport.


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