Writing/Saving an Image
This lesson started with an explanation for using the javax.imageio package, to load images from an external image format into the internal BufferedImage format used by Java 2D. Then it explains how to use the Graphics.drawImage() to draw that image, with optional filtering.
The final stage is saving a BufferedImage object into an external image format. This may be an image that was originally loaded by the Image I/O class from an external image format and perhaps modified using the Java 2D APIs, or it may be one that was created by Java 2D.
The Image I/O class provides a simple way to save images in a variety of image formats in the following example:
static boolean ImageIO.write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, File output) throws IOException
The formatName parameter selects the image format in which to save the BufferedImage .
The ImageIO.write method calls the code that implements PNG writing a “PNG writer plug-in”. The term plug-in is used since Image I/O is extensible and can support a wide range of formats.
But the following standard image format plugins : JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and WBMP are always be present.
Each image format has its advantages and disadvantages:
Format | Plus | Minus |
GIF | Supports animation, and transparent pixels | Supports only 256 colors and no translucency |
PNG | Better alternative than GIF or JPG for high colour lossless images, supports translucency | Doesn’t support animation |
JPG | Great for photographic images | Loss of compression, not good for text, screenshots, or any application where the original image must be preserved exactly |
For most applications it is sufficient to use one of these standard plugins. They have the advantage of being readily available. The Image I/O class provides a way to plug in support for additional formats which can be used, and many such plug-ins exist. If you are interested in what file formats are available to load or save in your system, you may use the getReaderFormatNames and getWriterFormatNames methods of the ImageIO class. These methods return an array of strings listing all of the formats supported in this JRE.
String writerNames[] = ImageIO.getWriterFormatNames();
The returned array of names will include any additional plug-ins that are installed and any of these names may be used as a format name to select an image writer. The following code example is a simple version of a complete image edit/touch up program which uses a revised version of the ImageDrawingApplet.java sample program which can be used as follows :
- An image is first loaded via Image I/O
- The user selects a filter from the drop down list and a new updated image is drawn
- The user selects a save format from the drop down list
- Next a file chooser appears and the user selects where to save the image
- The modified image can now be viewed by other desktop applications
The complete code of this example is represented in SaveImage.java .
In this lesson you have learned just the basics of Image I/O , which provides extensive support for writing images, including working directly with an ImageWriter plug-in to achieve finer control over the encoding process. ImageIO can write multiple images, image metadata, and determine quality vs. size tradeoffs. For more information see Java Image I/O API Guide.
Load Java Image inside package from a class in a different package
Solution 3: The image can stored into a project folder location .eg: Then try: Using a file path is not possible when running a program that’s in a JAR file, especially if the program is being loaded as an applet or WebStart application then you can use ClassLoader to get image. use the following code to load the images: Solution 4: And I have an image Inside of , I would like to declare an Image oject of How can I do this?
Load Java Image inside package from a class in a different package
I have a Java project called MyProject. I have a few different packages (keeping names simple for the purpose of this question), as follows:
src/PackageA src/PackageA/PackageAa src/PackageA/PackageAa/PackageAaa src/PackageB src/PackageB/PackageBa src/PackageB/PackageBa/PackageBaa
Inside of MyJavaFile.java , I would like to declare an Image oject of MyImage.png
Image img = new Image(. what goes here. )
You could either call Class.getResource and specify a path starting with / , or ClassLoader.getResource and not bother with the / :
URL resource = MyJavaFile.class .getResource("/PackageB/PackageBa/PackageBaa/MyImage.png");
URL resource = MyJavaFile.class.getClassLoader() .getResource("PackageB/PackageBa/PackageBaa/MyImage.png");
Basically Class.getResource will allow you to specify a resource relative to the class, but I don’t think it allows you to use «..» etc for directory navigation.
Of course, if you know of a class in the right package, you can just use:
URL resource = SomeClassInPackageBaa.class.getResource("MyImage.png");
(I’m assuming you can pass a URL to the Image constructor in question. There’s also getResourceAsStream on both Class and ClassLoader .)
you can use relative path since the the relative path is project folder.
ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon("src/PackageB/PackageBa/PackageBaa/MyImage.png");
The image can stored into a project folder location .eg: /images/MyImage.png
Image img = new Image(/images/MyImage.png);
Using a file path is not possible when running a program that’s in a JAR file , especially if the program is being loaded as an applet or WebStart application then you can use ClassLoader to get image.
use the following code to load the images:
ClassLoader cldr = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); java.net.URL imageURL = cldr.getResource("/PackageB/PackageBa/PackageBaa/MyImage.png"); ImageIcon aceOfDiamonds = new ImageIcon(imageURL);
This IS the best way to handle all images and icons in a JAR App.
Once you’ve zipped up all of your images and icons into its own jar file — Configure your build path by adding the images JAR file into your libraries tab so that its now included in your classpath.
Then simply use the following 3x lines of code at the start of your constuctor to access any image you need for anything including a SystemTray image which doesn’t accept the simple ImageIcon’s as its main icon (weird I know). The 3x lines are:
URL iconUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/image-iconb.png"); Toolkit tk = this.getToolkit(); imageIcon = tk.getImage(iconUrl);
(imageIcon is just a constructor declared Image variable) Now you can set a window icon as simply as:
and at the same time use the same variable when setting the System trayicon by declaring:
trayIcon = new TrayIcon(imageIcon, "SystemTray Demo", popupMenu);
The above allows you to declare Images or ImageIcons easily and centrally without running the risk of not keeping image resources in the right place. It keeps it nice and tidy, with the JAR containing all your images automatically compiled at run time and distribution of your program.
As a bonus , once the JAR is registered in your classpath — you can keep adding any other images into the same JAR at any time without any fuss too — Everything just works and the added images are instantly available to your app.
Java Program to Create Grayscale Image, import java.io.IOException ; To hold the image we create the BufferedImage object for that we use BufferedImage class. This object is used to store an image in RAM. import java.awt.image.BufferedImage ; To perform the image read–write operation we will import the ImageIO class. This class has …
Adding an image in Java
I am getting an error: Image is abstract; cannot be instantiated in line 39. In line 45, the error cannot find symbol .
Since all the previous answers didnt mention that java.awt.Image is actually an abstract class that cannot be instantiated, well i had to interfere! the is the best way to create an Image.
BufferedImage img = null; try < img = ImageIO.read(new File("strawberry.jpg")); >catch (IOException e)
oh yah not to mention that gun1 object isnt defined in drawGun(Graphics2D g) method.
Use a class that extends Image such as BufferedImage . This has to do with basic OOP.
To load an Image , you can use java.awt.Toolkit.getImage(. ), or (often the better option) javax.imageio.ImageIO’s read methods
You are trying to instantiate a local variable out of it method. You need to put «gun1» before the constructor, and then use «gun1 = gun.getImage()» at the constructor.
Image Processing in Java, In the Introductory Set on Image Processing, BufferedImage class of Java was used for processing images the applications of BufferedImage class are limited to some operations only, i.e, we can modify the R, G, B values of the given input image and produce the modified image.
What is the data type for images in java
The below code is for get and set the attributes for string, like this what is the data type to define the image, profile_picture is the variable for image. I’m going to store the image in DB.
private Long id; public String first_name() < return first_name; >public void setfirst_name(String first_name) < this.first_name =first_name;
If you do no image processing in java , you could store the bytes, byte[] or on database level ( SQL BLOB , binary large object), a SerialBlob (implements the interface Blob ).
Maintaining the images as files with only the paths in the database, also has its merits. In a mixed approach you can read/write a file to a blob database column, just using Input/OutputStream which saves memory.
URL iconURL = new URL(""); // iconURL is null when not found ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(iconURL); Image i = icon.getImage();
Image i; is the variable that stores the the image, You can use it from there.
Edit: I suggest that instead of saving the whole image in the database, just save the path to the image.
You may use either to represent a 2D image-
Edit: For Saving image in database you may convert BufferredImage to byte[] (and then save it as BLOB in DB) using the following code snippet -
try< BufferedImage originalImage = ImageIO.read(new File("path/to/image/imag.jpg")); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write( originalImage, "jpg", baos ); baos.flush(); byte[] imageInByte = baos.toByteArray(); //save imageInByte as blob in database >catch(IOException e)< System.out.println(e.getMessage()); >finally < baos.close(); //close database connection >
File f = new File("D:/New Doc_1.jpg"); int length = (int)f.length(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); pstmt.setBinaryStream(3, fis,length); int i = pstmt.executeUpdate();
Displaying an Image using Swing in Java, 1) Don't put code or exception output in comments, where it is illegibly. Add it to the question as an edit, and use code formatting. 2) Reduce the question down to a minimal reproducible example, and hot-link to images from that question (i.e. load them by URL), to make it easy for others to test.
Accessing Images from image folder in JAVA
I'm beginner to java GUI . And want to access images from the folder but i'm getting the following error.
import java.awt.Image; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public class Images < private static String IMG_FOLDER = "C:/Users/RASHID/workspace/images/"; public static Image ICON = getImage(IMG_FOLDER + "icon.png"); private static Images instance; private Images() <>public static Images getInstance() < if(instance==null) instance = new Images(); return instance; >public static Image getImage(String image) < return getImageIcon(image).getImage(); >public static ImageIcon getImageIcon(String image) < return new ImageIcon(getInstance().getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(image)); >>
When i try to run this one in main i get the following Errors. I don't know whats happening here.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(Unknown Source) at Images.getImageIcon(Images.java:38) at Images.getImage(Images.java:34) at Images.(Images.java:9)
You don't use classloaders to fetch files from hard drive. Instead, you need to fetch them as File s and transform to Image s first:
File sourceimage = new File("c:\\mypic.jpg"); Image image = ImageIO.read(sourceimage); return new ImageIcon(image);
(taken directly from this site - take a look)
You are trying to construct ImageIcon object using a constroctur that takes URL paramter (because getResource() method returns URL object, and by the way in this case it returns null, hence NullPointerException)
You should use ImageIcon(String filename) constructor instead, which will create ImageIcon from the file specified.
Read from Local Folder
File sourceimage = new File("c:\\picture_name.jpeg"); Image image = ImageIO.read(sourceimage);
How do I import a jpg image in java?, I wanted to import a image in java, and I have no idea how to do it. I need someone to show me how. You need to give more information about what you are trying to do, what classes or libraries you are trying to use, and so on. Are you trying to load images so that you can show them in your application,