Java if between range

What is Range.between() in Java?

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between() is a static the methods in Java that can be called without creating an object of the class. method of the Range which is used to obtain an instance of Range with the specified minimum and maximum value. The specified minimum and maximum values are inclusive in nature. The method optionally takes in a custom Comparator for custom comparison logic.

How to import Range

The definition of Range can be found in the Apache Commons Lang package, which we can add to the Maven project by adding the following dependency to the pom.xml file:


For other versions of the commons-lang package, refer to the Maven Repository.

You can import the Range class as follows:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range;


public static Range between(final T fromInclusive, final T toInclusive, final Comparator comparator)


  • final T fromInclusive : The first value that defines the edge of the range.
  • final T toInclusive : The second value that defines the edge of the range.
  • final Comparator comparator : The comparator used for the comparison.
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Return value

This method returns an instance of the Range class.

Overloaded methods

public static > Range between(final T fromInclusive, final T toInclusive)


import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class Main
static class Person
int age;
public Person(int age)
this.age = age;
public String toString()
return "Person
"age=" + age +
public static void main(String[] args)
// Example 1
int fromValue = 100;
int toValue = 200;
Range range = Range.between(fromValue, toValue);
// Example 2
Person fromTemp = new Person(4);
Person toTemp = new Person(50);
Range tempRange = Range.between(fromTemp, toTemp, Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.age));


  • In the code above, we create different Range objects using the between() method specifying the inclusive values.
  • In the first example, we get the Range object for the integer values 100 and 200 . As a custom comparator is not passed as a parameter, the method assumes natural ordering of the elements to determine where the values lie in the range.
  • In the second example, we define a custom class called Person which has age as its attribute. Then we get the Range object for the Person objects with ages 4 and 50 . Here, we pass a custom comparator as we define custom comparison logic.


The output of the code will be as follows:


Number within range

This example will will check if a number is between a range of numbers using java 8 and guava.

Java 8

Using java 8 LongStream, a specialized stream for dealing with primitive longs, we will call LongStream.range passing a start value of 1 and an end value of 10 to create a range between 1 and 10. Then checking if the number four is within the range by calling Stream.filter and passing in a predicate created from a lambda expression.

@Test public void number_between_java8()  OptionalLong containsValue = LongStream.range(1, 10) .filter(p -> p == 4).findAny(); assertTrue(containsValue.isPresent()); >

Google Guava

Guava Range class is used to create boundaries around span of values, in this case 1 — 10. By calling the Range.contains method we are able to check if the number 4 is between 1 and 10.

@Test public void number_between_guava()  boolean containsValue =, 10).contains(new Integer(4)); assertTrue(containsValue); >

Number within range posted by Justin Musgrove on 20 March 2014

Tagged: java and java-number


Check if number is in range Java

Guava Range has similar API. If you are just wanting to check if a number fits into a long value or an int value, you could try using it through BigDecimal. There are methods for longValueExact and intValueExact that throw exceptions if the value is too big for those precisions.

Java between range

Given ranges of the numbers and we have to generate and print the random number using java program. Input: Enter starting range: 5 Enter final range: 50 Output: Random number between given range: 18 Program to generate and print random number in Java import java. util.

Difference between range () and rangeClosed () methods range () method generates a stream of numbers starting from start value but stops before reaching the end value, i.e start value is inclusive and end value is exclusive. Example: IntStream.range (1,5) generates a stream of ‘ 1,2,3,4 ’ of type int.

IntStream range() in Java Last Updated: 06-12-2018 IntStream range(int startInclusive, int endExclusive) returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive) to endExclusive (exclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

In this quick tutorial, we’ll study several ways to iterate over a range of dates, using a start and end date, in Java 7, Java 8, and Java 9. 2. Java 7 Starting with Java 7, we’ll use the class java.util.Date for holding the date values and java.util.Calendar for incrementing from one date to the next.

To test if a variable is between two numbers you would use

Based on what you write, it sounds like you’ll need to use repeated measures ANOVA rather than a t-test. You have pre-test and post-test scores and you have two experimental groups. That’s four groupings based on two independent variables, time and experimental group. T-tests can’t analyze that type of design.

A chi-square test is used when you want to see if there is a relationship between two categorical variables. In SPSS, the chisq option is used on the statistics subcommand of the crosstabs command to obtain the test statistic and its associated p-value.

If n is an integer between 2 and 100 java

Syntax is always a trade-off between complexity, expressiveness and readability. Different language designers make different choices. For instance, SQL has «x BETWEEN y AND z», where x, y, and z can individually or all be columns, constants, or bound variables.

In the following example we are displaying the even numbers from 1 to n, the value of n we have set here is 100 so basically this program will print the even numbers between 1 to 100. If an integer number (never a fraction number) is exactly divisible by 2 which means it yields no remainder when divided by 2 then it is an even number.

The logic here is quite simple to understand. First, the user gives the input and then the for loop is used to loop until the limit where each iteration will call the function fibonaccinumber(int n) which returns the Fibonacci number at position n. The Fibonacci function recursively calls itself adding the previous two Fibonacci numbers.

The number which is only divisible by itself and 1 is known as prime number. For example 2, 3, 5, 7…are prime numbers. Here we will see two programs: 1) First program will print the prime numbers between 1 and 100 2) Second program takes the value of n (entered by user) and prints the prime numbers between 1 and n.

Boolean between two numbers

A Boolean search is particularly helpful after running an initial search. For instance, if you run a search that returns lots of results that pertain to the words you entered but don’t actually reflect what you were looking for, you can start introducing Boolean operators to remove some of those results and explicitly add specific words.

In this article, learn how to build an IF statement between two numbers so you can easily answer the problem you’re trying to solve. For example, if you are looking for a formula that will go into cell B2 and, if the number is between 100 and 999, then the result will be 100. Otherwise, if it is outside that range, then the result will be zero.

In computer science, the Boolean data type is a data type that has one of two possible values (usually denoted true and false) which is intended to represent the two truth values of logic and Boolean algebra. It is named after George Boole, who first defined an algebraic system of logic in the mid 19th century.

Boolean Values and Excel Formulas . Unlike arithmetic functions, formulas in Excel and Google Sheets that carry out arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction are happy to read Boolean values as numbers without the need for conversion. Such formulas automatically set TRUE equal to 1 and FALSE equal to 0.

If between numbers java

Use the if statement to specify a block of Java code to be executed if a condition is true.

But, Java also provides various numeric wrapper sub classes under the abstract class Number present in java.lang package. There are mainly six sub-classes under Number class.These sub-classes define some useful methods which are used frequently while dealing with numbers.

Home >> Java Programs > Find Prime numbers between two numbers in Java « Previous Next » In this example, we will see a Java program through which we can find all the Prime numbers present between two given numbers.

How to write if statement between two numbers Java

This Compare Two Numbers Java Example shows how to compare two numbers using if else if statements.

In this case we have two print statements in the program, but only one print statement executes at a time based on the input value. We will see how to write such type of conditions in the java program using control statements.

Example explained. In the example above, time (22) is greater than 10, so the first condition is false.The next condition, in the else if statement, is also false, so we move on to the else condition since condition1 and condition2 is both false — and print to the screen «Good evening».

C++ between two numbers

Using abs () – A Shortest way to find difference of two numbers By using abs () function we can get the difference of two integer numbers without comparing them, abs () is a library function which is declared in stdlib.h – This function returns the absolute value of given integer.

C Program to Add two numbers By Chaitanya Singh | Filed Under: C Programs We will write two programs to find the sum of two integer numbers entered by user. In the first program, the user is asked to enter two integer numbers and then program displays the sum of these numbers.

How to generate a random number in a given range in C. Examples: Input : Lower = 50, Upper = 100, Count of random Number = 5 Output : 91 34 21 88 29 Explanation: lower is the lower limit of the range and upper is the upper limit of the range.

C program to calculate HCF of two numbers. This program will read two integers and print their HCF (Highest Common Factor). C program to multiply two numbers using plus operator. This C program will read two integer numbers and calculate their multiplication (product) using plus operator, here we will not multiplication (*) operator.

Java test number in range

This class allows a number to be converted to it’s unsigned value. 14. Numbers will be equals if enough decimals are equals, without thinking about approximations.

In this article, we will show you three ways to generate random integers in a range. java.util.Random.nextInt; Math.random; java.util.Random.ints (Java 8) 1. java.util.Random. This Random().nextInt(int bound) generates a random integer from 0 (inclusive) to bound (exclusive). 1.1 Code snippet.

Apache Commons Lang has a Range class for doing arbitrary ranges. Range test = Range.between(1, 3); System.out.println(test.contains(2)); System.out.println(test.contains(4)); Guava Range has similar API. If you are just wanting to check if a number fits into a long value or an int value, you could try using it through BigDecimal.

Likewise, the number to be found is stored in toFind. Now, we use a for-each loop to iterate through all elements of num and check individually if toFind is equal to n or not. If yes, we set found to true and break from the loop.

The JavaScript Number type is a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value, like double in Java or C#. This means it can represent fractional values, but there are some limits to what it can store.

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