Java home environment variable tomcat

Tomcat: How to Set the JAVA_HOME Enviroment Variable

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Catalina is Tomcat’s servlet container that implements specifications for JSP and servlets. It was introduced in Tomcat version 4.x and is a core component of getting your Tomcat server up and running.

This information is stored in the file catalina.bat. We will have to go in manually and add in a path to our JDK install via the JAVA_HOME environmental variable.

1. Navigate to the directory where Tomcat is installed, and go into the \bin folder (c:\tomcat\bin). Right-click the file catalina.bat, and then select Edit. (I used Notepad++, but regular Notepad is fine.)


2. Scroll down in the code until you pass the end of the beginning “rem” comments, and insert the following code pointing to your JDK’s root directory:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_06

Be sure you are pointing to YOUR computer’s location of the JDK, not the exact one listed above.

3. Save your changes, and restart Tomcat.

Tomcat catalina.bat set enviroment

Catalina.bat is part of Tomcat, the open source web server and servlet container for rendering and displaying JSP/Servlet powered web pages. If you want to learn how to install Tomcat and stumbled upon this page first, please see our tutorial on installing Tomcat here.


Apache Tomcat – How To Set Up Environment Variables

In this tutorial, we’re going to see to how set up environment variables for applications deployed in Apache Tomcat.

1. Set up Environment Variables For Apache Tomcat On Windows

One popular approach to set up environment variables for Apache Tomcat runs on Windows is to use an additional file called setenv.bat, and put the variables as pairs of key and value in the file. For example, let’s set JAVA_HOME and JAVA_OPTS for the Tomcat step by step as follows:

  • Create a file setenv.bat in the CATALINA_HOME /bin
  • Open the file with a text editor and put the following lines to the file:

Note that there is no Quotation Marks required for setting up environment for Apache Tomcat on Windows, and the file will be called automatically when the Tomcat is startup.

2. Set up Environment Variables For Apache Tomcat On Linux

On Linux, to set up environment variables for Apache Tomcat, we can do the same approach with Windows’s. However, the file should be Let’s set the same JAVA_HOME and JAVA_OPTS variables on Linux:

  • Create a file in the folder CATALINA_HOME /bin
  • Open the file and put the following lines to the file:

Note that for Linux environment, the quotation marks are required, and the file will be called automatically when the Tomcat is started.

3. Environment Variables Can Be Set In CATALINA_HOME/bin/

As stated in CATALINA_HOME /bin/, catalina.bat files the following environment variables can be set in CATALINA_HOME /bin/, catalina.bat. The setenv.bat and script are run on Tomcat startup. They are not present in standard Tomcat distribution, so they have to be created.

Variable Names Descriptions
CATALINA_HOME Represents the root of your Tomcat installation
CATALINA_BASE May point at your Catalina “build” directory
CATALINA_OUT Full path to a file where stdout and stderr will be redirected.
CATALINA_OPTS Java runtime options used when the “start” or “run” command is executed
CATALINA_TMPDIR Directory path location of temporary directory the JVM should use (
JAVA_HOME Must point at your Java Development Kit installation
JRE_HOME Must point at your Java Runtime installation.Defaults to JAVA_HOME if empty
JAVA_OPTS Java runtime options used when the “start”, “stop” or “run” command is executed
JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS Lists of of colon separated directories containing some jars in order to allow replacement of APIs created outside of the JCP (i.e. DOM and SAX from W3C). It can also be used to update the XML parser implementation. Defaults to $CATALINA_HOME/endorsed.
JPDA_TRANSPORT JPDA transport used when the “jpda start” command is executed. The default is “dt_socket”.
JPDA_ADDRESS Java runtime options used when the “jpda start” command is executed. The default is 8000.
JPDA_SUSPEND Java runtime options used when the “jpda start” command is executed. Specifies whether JVM should suspend execution immediately after startup. Default is “n”.
JPDA_OPTS Java runtime options used when the “jpda start” command is executed. If used, JPDA_TRANSPORT, JPDA_ADDRESS, and JPDA_SUSPEND are ignored. Thus, all required jpda options MUST be specified. The default is:
CATALINA_PID Path of the file which should contains the pid of the catalina startup java process, when start (fork) is used
LOGGING_CONFIG Override Tomcat’s logging config file Example (all one line)
LOGGING_MANAGER Override Tomcat’s logging managerExample (all one line)


Tomcat Environment Variables

Tomcat Environment Variables

There are various environment variables related to tomcat that can help us specify the behavior and the information about various parameters that describe how the tomcat will function once it’s started. In this article, we will have a look at the overview of these tomcat environment variables, how we can set the values of the same inside the tomcat home directory also known as Catalina folder, and an example demonstrating the implementation of setting the value of environment variable for tomcat and finally, we will conclude our statement.

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Overview of Tomcat Environment Variables

There are various environment variable names that can be set inside the setenv.bat and files. The list of a few important environment variables is as described in the below table –

Name of the environment variable Details
CATALINA_BASE This helps in pointing out the folder of the build directory.
CATALINA_HOME This variable helps in specifying the root directory if the installation of tomcat.
CATALINA_OPTS When we execute the run or start command, at that time the runtime java options are used.
CATALINA_OUT The stderr and stdout commands will be redirected on the full path specified here.
CATALINA_TMPDIR The JVM i.e package of it will make use of this directory that is the location of the temporary folder.
CATALINA_PID This is the name of the file where the pid that is process id for Catalina startup process for java exists when we make the use of start or fork command.
JRE_HOME The java runtime installation is pointed out by this path and the default value of this variable is empty.
JAVA_HOME The JDK or java development kit is pointed out by this path.
JAVA_ENDORSED This variable contains the comma-separated list of all the paths of the directories where the jar files are present helping to create a replacement to the APIs that are used out of the JCP that stands for SAX and DOM APIs for W3C. We can even use this for updating the code implementation. The default value of this environment variable is the folder where we have installed the Tomcat web server and inside that endorsed folder.
JAVA_OPTS Whenever we perform the operation of stop, start or run then this command is executed that includes the java runtime options.
JPDA_ADDRESS Whenever we start the jpda start command then this runtime option of java gets called. The default value of this env variable is 8000.
JPDA_TRANSPORT When we execute the command jpda start this environment variable is used that has the default value set to dt_socket.
JPDA_OPTS This is also one of the runtime options of java that is used when we execute the jpda start command. If we make use of the environment variables JPDA_TRANSPORT, JPDA_SUSPEND or JPDA_ADDRESS then this is completely ignored. Therefore, it is required that we should mention al of the variable values.
JPDA_SUSPEND This is also a runtime option of java that is used when we make the use of jpda start command and helps us specify when the JVM should suspend the execution.
LOGGING_MANAGER This helps us to override the existing manager of logging by simply specifying in one line.
LOGGING_CONFIG This variable helps in overriding the config file of the tomcat logging system in just one line.

How to set up tomcat environment variables?

Let us firstly have a look at how we can set the values of the environment variables of tomcat in the windows platform. The most popular way of doing so is using the file called setenv.bat which is an additional file in which all the entries of the variables along with the key and value pairs are mentioned inside this file. Let’s say that the two environment variables namely JAVA_OPTS and JAVA_HOME that are required for tomcat can be set by following the below steps –

  • Navigate to the folder CATALINA_HOME/bin and create a new file with the name setenv.bat
  • You can open this file in any of your favorite editors and add the below commands or lines to it –

Set JAVA_OPTS = -Xms1G -Xmx1G
Set JAVA_HOME = The route or location of your installed Java development kit that is JDK

There is no need for mentioning the quotation marks in this file as the statements written here will get called automatically when we will start the tomcat web server.

We can set the values of the environment variables related to tomcat inside the file that is present inside the directory where you have installed tomcat server and inside that the bin folder where the files namely Catalina. sh, setenv. sh, and setenv.bat will be present. The setenv. sh, and the file setenv.bat files are the script files that get called and executed automatically when we start the tomcat web server. As they are not created when you install tomcat, you will need to create them later.

Tomcat Environment Variables Examples

Let us consider one example where we need to modify the path of JDK specified in the environment variable JAVA_HOME located in the file of tomcat directory in Linux platform. For this, you can execute the following commands –

Search for the file setenv. sh and then open it in the editor.

Search for the word JAVA_HOME in the file.
Edit its value to the new value that you want to set and save the file.
Restart the tomcat server to reflect the changes.

The format of specifying this environment variable is as shown below –

Export JAVA_HOME = “The location of the java development kit that is its absolute path”

Setting User tomcat environment variables –

We have already seen how we can set the environment variables of tomcat in windows. Now, let us understand the process that we need to follow when setting up the user tomcat environment variable. The same process as that of windows is followed. But here, we will need to create a file named setenv. sh. Let us try to set the values of JAVA_OPTS and JAVA_HOME environment variables in Linux.
We will start by navigating to the folder CATALIN_HOME/bin and create a new file named setenv. sh over there. This file will get called automatically once we start the tomcat web server.

Then you can open this file in any of the editors and write the following lines in it –
Export JAVA_OPTS = “-Xmx1G Xms1G”
Export JAVA_HOME = “The location of the java development kit that is its absolute path”
Here, you need to keep one thing in mind that quotation marks are required in the Linux platform.


The Tomcat web server has some environment variables present for describing its behavior. This can be specified in the files named setenv. sh and setenv.bat files that should be created by us. These files automatically get called when the tomcat is started.

This is a guide to Tomcat Environment Variables. Here we discuss the Introduction, overviews, How to set up tomcat environment variables, examples with code implementation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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