- Установка Java и Java Control Panel
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- How can I open Java’s Control Panel?
- How do I configure Java security settings, etc?
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- How do I open Java Control Panel?
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- Re: How do I open Java Control Panel?
Установка Java и Java Control Panel
Как установить?
Приступим к установке:
1. Для начала добавляем репозиторий в систему, откройте терминал и выполните следующую команду:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
2. Затем обновляем информацию о пакетах:
sudo apt-get update
3. Для установки Oracle Java 7 выполните команду в терминале:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Как настроить и открыть окно Java Console в Linux?
Этот раздел касается:
Платформа/платформы: Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux
Версия/версии Java: 7.0
В окне Java Console указана версия Java, домашний каталог пользователя и все сообщения об ошибках, возникших при запуске аплета или приложения. Работая в операционной системе Linux, вы можете настроить Java Console.
Включение Java Console для Linux
Откройте окно терминала.
Перейдите в каталог установки Java.
cd /java/jre1.7.0_24 (Измените имя каталога в соответствии с каталогом установки Java)
Откройте панель управления Java. Введите: ./ControlPanel
Панель управления Java также можно открыть в браузере. Запустите браузер Netscape или Mozilla. Откройте файл ControlPanel.html, который, как правило, располагается в каталоге $КАТАЛОГ_УСТАНОВКИ_JAVA/jre/
На панели управления Java перейдите на вкладку Основные.
Нажмите переключатель Показать консоль.
Нажмите кнопку Применить.
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How can I open Java’s Control Panel?
If you’ve manually installed Oracle Java it doesn’t show up in the Dash (as far as I know).
- Open a terminal
- Execute the following command:
Open a terminal ( Ctrl — Alt — T ) and start
Just a few moments later the Java Control Panel appeared. I haven’t checked yet, but it may be necessary to
Hit the super key, search for «java» and it will show, amongst others, «java plugin control panel» if it is installed that is.
Go to the Path you saved Java.
cd jre/bin/ sh ControlPanel
This assumes you have installed java9 yourself (since the webupd8 PPA method is currently broken). After repeated purging of all things java-related (especially the default-installed java), I’ve not taken the time to fix the «update alternatives» infrastructure, so that particular link to jcontrol is borked (that is, the answer above — «just type jcontrol in a terminal window» — does not work).
This also assumes you have a working java installation (java -version returns something).
You’ll get something back like this:
lrwxrwxrwx . /usr/bin/java -> /usr/java/default/bin/java
# /usr/java/default/bin/jcontrol
Now, you can fix the alternatives link (the quick-and-dirty way), so you can just type jcontrol and have it work. I do recommend you use the update-alternatives structures (be sure you know what you are doing before taking these steps. I suggest using ls -al to check the links). This is done as root. You can put sudo in front of the commands if you feel better about doing that.
# ln -s -f /usr/java/default/bin/jcontrol /etc/alternatives/jcontrol # ln -s -f /etc/alternatives/jcontrol /usr/bin/jcontrol
How do I configure Java security settings, etc?
I have installed JDK 7, but how do I configure settings like security, etc? On Windows, I can set up JDK 7 from Control Panel -> Java.
Maybe it have some configuration files, you can find them by dpkg -L openjdk-7-jre . This command list all files installed by that package.
5 Answers 5
The name of the control panel is different depending on whether you are using the Oracle JDK or OpenJDK.
Search for «control panel» in the dash. If you’re using the Oracle JDK, you’ll see the Oracle Java 7 Plugin Control Panel. If you’re using OpenJDK, you’ll see the Iced Tea Web Control Panel.
If you use Oracle Java you can run the control panel from jcontrol under the installation path, if you prefer to use a terminal
To configure certificates in Java control panel for OpenJDK or IcedTea-Web use the command:
Search for «java» in dash and it will show java control panel. Images from what it shows when started:
No,I couldn’t find out this in dash command, what Java Packages I had installed are:- icedtea-7-jre-jamvm:amd64, openjdk-7-jdk:amd64, openjdk-7-jre:amd64, openjdk-7-jre-headless:amd64
On Ubuntu/mate, you have to configure the IcedTea Web control panel.
System -> Preferences -> IcedTea Web control panel
then you can adjust the security level as shown in the picture below:
Just in case others are using webupd8.org to install the Oracle JDKs, Dash didn’t show the Java Control Panel (just the iced tea version).
I ended up having to run the Java Control Panel directly from the command line via /usr/bin/ControlPanel — their install scripts use update-alternatives to point there.
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How do I open Java Control Panel?
Post by AFlondon » Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:36 am
An IT helpdesk has told me to open the Java Control Panel. I’ve found where Java is stored, but I can’t find the Control Panel or how to open it.
They gave me the following instructions:
Open a Terminal window.
Go to the Java installation directory. In this example Java is installed in the /usr/java/ directory.
cd /usr/java/jre1.8.0_73/bin
(Change the path to where you have installed Java)
To open the Java Control Panel, Enter:
I’ve tried entering ./ControlPanel after the path, but that doesn’t work.
Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How do I open Java Control Panel?
Post by deepakdeshp » Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:57 pm
Search for ControlPanel in /usr folder.If you find it, please cd to that folder and run it with the procedure givenThe file names are case sensitive.
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Re: How do I open Java Control Panel?
Post by lmuserx4849 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:54 am
AFlondon wrote: An IT helpdesk has told me to open the Java Control Panel. I’ve found where Java is stored, but I can’t find the Control Panel or how to open it.
They gave me the following instructions:
Open a Terminal window.
Go to the Java installation directory. In this example Java is installed in the /usr/java/ directory.
cd /usr/java/jre1.8.0_73/bin
(Change the path to where you have installed Java)
To open the Java Control Panel, Enter:
I’ve tried entering ./ControlPanel after the path, but that doesn’t work.
What does «doesn’t work» mean? Are you getting any messages like «Not Found»?
- Which desktop are you running (Mate, KDE, Cinnamon) and which version of Linux Mint are you running ( inxi -S ).
- How did you install java? Is it openjdk or oracle javase? Did you manually install it or use a PPA?
- Java version ( java -version )
- If updatedb is set to run, which I’m assuming is the default, you should be able to type on the command line locate -i controlpanel and locate -k bin/java .
To search in a directory for a file you can use the find command: find -iname ‘*controlpanel*’ or find /usr/lib -iname ‘*java*’ Note: the quotes are required because of the asterisks. See man bash and man find for more info. man -k java shows on the man pages (help) installed on your system that contains the expression java in the short description or name.
You might find this Linux Mint forum thread helpful: How to install Java 8 on Qiana?. The user said they found the control panel in the system menu, but that is how that particular PPA is setup. I download javase myself and install. I believe if you are using openjdk you have to install icedtea. Definitely search your main desktop menu for anything java. And tell use more about your installed java if none of the above helps.