Java 6 must be 32 bit

Java SE 6 Release Notes Microsoft Windows Installation (32-bit)

See supported System Configurations for information about supported platforms, operating systems, desktop managers, and browsers.

The minimum physical RAM is required to run graphically based applications. More RAM is recommended for applets running within a browser using the Java Plugin. Running with less memory may cause disk swapping which has a severe effect on performance. Very large programs may require more RAM for adequate performance.

This installation requires Windows Installer 2.0 to be on your machine. For more details, see the Troubleshooting the Installation section .

For the amount of disk space required, see Windows Disk Space Requirements.

Note — The JDK has two version numbers — external version number (6) and an internal version number (1.6.0).

Note — Trying to install the JDK on a non-supported versionof Microsoft Windows or on a machine that doesn’t have a sufficientlyup-to-date Service Pack will cause the installer to generate this warning:»We recommend that you do not install this Java platform for the followingreasons: This Java platform does not support the operating system oroperating-system service pack on this machine.» See the systemrequirements above for information on supported configurations of Microsoft Windows.

Installation Instructions

In this procedure, you will run the self-installing executable to unpack and install the JDK software bundle. As part of the JDK, this installation includes an option to include the public Java Runtime Environment. (The JDK also contains a private JRE for use only by its tools.)

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For issues related to Windows Online Installation and Java Update, Windows Online Installation and Java Update FAQ. See this note on Proxy Settings and Authentication.

Troubleshooting — If you have any difficulties, see the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document.

Note — For any text on this page containing the following notation, you must substitute the appropriate update version number for the notation.

For example, if you were downloading the installer for update 1.6.0_01,the following file name:

  1. Check the download file size (Optional) If you save the self-installing executable to disk without running it from the download page at the web site, notice that its byte size is provided on the download page. Once the download has completed, check that you have downloaded the full, uncorrupted software file.
  2. Run the JDK installer You must have administrative permissions in orderto install the JDK on Microsoft Windows. The file jdk-6u1-windows-i586-i.exe isthe JDK installer. If you downloaded it instead of running it directlyfrom the web site, double-click on the installer’s icon. Then followthe instructions the installer provides. The installer may ask you toreboot your computer. When done with the installation, you can delete the download file torecover disk space. The JDK has the option of installing public JRE and JavaDB. For more information on JRE installation see the JRE Installation page. JDK Silent Installation You can perform a silent JDK installation by using the command-line arguments. The following arguments install JDK silently and provide an option of installing public JRE and JavaDB.
    • JDK installs public jre and javadb in the silent mode. Use the command jdk.exe /s
    • JDK does not install public jre, but installs javadb in the silent mode. Use the command jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL=»ToolsFeature,DemosFeature,SourceFeature,JavaDBFeature»
    • JDK does not install javadb, but installs public jre in the silent mode. Use the command jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL=»ToolsFeature,DemosFeature,SourceFeature,PublicjreFeature»
    • JDK does not install either javadb or public jre in the silent mode. Use the command jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL=»ToolsFeature,DemosFeature,SourceFeature»
    • Install public jre and javadb to the specified directories. Use the command jdk.exe /s /INSTALLDIRPUBJRE=c:\test\ /INSTALLDIRJAVADB=c:\testdb\

Note — Some of the arguments work only with 6u15 and higher releases.

  • Exit the Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x, or Firefox 1.x browser and all of its «objects» (Messenger, Composer . );
  • If the Quick Launch feature is enabled, disable it;
  • Then restart Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x, or Firefox 1.x.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_\bin
  • PATH environment variable is a series of directories separated by semi-colons (;) and is not case sensitive. Microsoft Windows looks for programs in the PATH directories in order, from left to right.
  • You should only have one bin directory for a JDK in the path at a time. Those following the first instance are ignored. If one is already present, update it to jdk1.6.0_\bin.
  • If you are not sure where to add the path, add it to the right end of the PATH in the User Variables.
  • The new path takes effect in each new command window you open after setting the PATH variable.

Uninstalling the JDK

If you should ever want to uninstall the JDK, use the «Add/Remove Programs» utility in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.

Location of VM Library Files (jvm.dll)

If you use the Invocation API to launch an application directly rather than using the Java application launcher, be sure to use the correct paths to invoke the Java HotSpot Client Virtual Machine (VM) or Java HotSpot Server VM, as desired. The path within the JDK to the Java HotSpot Client VM is:

jre/bin/client/jvm.dll (on x86)

The path to the Java HotSpot Server VM is:

jre/bin/server/jvm.dll (on x86)

jre/bin/server/jvm.dll (on IA64)

The corresponding locations in the Java SE Runtime Environment begin with jre1.6.0 instead of jre. The Exact VM and Classic VM are no longer part of the JDK, and existing code that uses the Invocation API to launch an application based on old paths to the Exact or Classic VMs will not work.

Troubleshooting the Installation

Below are some tips for working around problems that are sometimes seen during or following an installation. For more troubleshooting information, see the Java FAQ.

  • If you see the error message«config.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOSand Microsoft Windows Applications. « when you try to launch the installer on Microsoft Windows 2000 then there is a problem with the %SystemRoot%\System32\COMMAND.COM fileTo resolve the error.
  • If you see the error message«corrupt cabinet file» then the file you have downloaded is corrupted. Check the filesize against the expected file size listed in these instructions. Ifthey don’t match, try downloading the bundle again. A cabinet file containscompressed application, data, resource and DLL files.
  • If you see the error message «System Error during Decompression» then you might not have enough space on the disk that contains yourTEMP directory.
  • If you see the error message» This program cannot be run in DOS mode.» then do the following:
    1. Open the MS-DOS shell or Command Prompt window
    2. Right-click on the title bar
    3. Select Properties
    4. Choose the Program tab
    5. Push the Advanced button
    6. Make sure the item «Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows» is unchecked
    7. Select OK
    8. Select OK again
    9. Exit the MS-DOS shell
    10. Restart your computer.
  • Private vs. public JRE — Installing the JDK installs a privateJava SE Runtime Environment (JRE) and optionally a public copy. The private JRE is required to run the tools included with the JDK. It has noregistry settings and is contained entirely in a jre directory (typicallyat C:\Program Files\jdk1.6.0\jre ) whose location is knownonly to the JDK. On the other hand, the public JRE can beused by other Java applications, is contained outside the JDK (typicallyat C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0 ), is registered withthe Windows registry (at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft), canbe removed using Add/Remove Programs, might or might not be registeredwith browsers, and might or might not have java.exe copied to the Windowssystem directory (making it the default system Java platform or not).
  • Creating source files in Notepad — In Microsoft Windows, when you create a new file in Microsoft Notepad and then save it for the first time, Notepad normally adds the .txt extension to the filename. Therefore, a file you name is saved as . It’s important to note that you cannot see the .txt extension unless you turn on the viewing of file extensions (in Microsoft Windows Explorer, uncheck «Hide file extensions for known file types» under Folder Options). To prevent the .txt extension, enclose the filename in quotation marks, such as «» , when typing it into the Save As dialog box. On the other hand, Microsoft WordPad does not add a file extension if you provide one — you must save the file as «Text Document».
  • Choosing an installation path containing characters that are not part of the system code page — On Windows 2000, XP, and 2003, it is possible to name directories using characters that are not part of the system locale’s code page. If such a directory is part of the installation path, then generic error 1722 occurs, and installation is not completed. Error 1722 is an Install Shield error code. It indicates that the installation process has failed. The exact reason for this error is not known at this time. To prevent this problem, make sure that the user and system localesare identical, and that the installation path only contains charactersthat are part of the system locale’s code page. User and system localescan be set in the Regional Options or Regional Settings control panel. The associated bug number is 4895647.


Java 6 update 81 SE Runtime Environment

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Java 6 - скачать Джава 6

Релиз версии Java 6 (JRE 6) состоялся 11 декабря 2006 года. Изменена официальная индексация — вместо ожидаемой 6.0 версия значится как 6. По сравнению с версией 5.0 повысилась скорость вычислений на 70%, а скорость операций ввода-вывода возросла в два раза, улучшена работоспособность OpenGL и DirectX, обработка текста на LCD, добавлен GifWriter, для работы с файлами .gif, также исправлено большое количество ошибок.

Picture YaBrowser

В русской транскрипции Java 6 читается — Джава 6, но некоторые произносят — Ява 6.

Благодаря Java можно играть в онлайн-игры, общаться с людьми по всему миру, подсчитывать проценты по закладным, просматривать изображения в формате 3D и выполнять множество других задач. Java SE Runtime Environment разрабатывается компанией Oracle (до 2010 года Sun Microsystems) и распространяется бесплатно.

Java 6 SE — Java 6 Standard Edition, основное издание Java, содержит компиляторы, API, Java Runtime Environment 6; подходит для создания пользовательских приложений, в первую очередь — для настольных систем.

На нашем сайте Вы можете скачать Java 6, Java 7 RE и Java 8 и 9 Runtime Environment, оффлайн инсталляторы (offline installer) по прямым ссылкам без регистрации и отправки каких-либо СМС, с соответствующих страниц нашего ресурса.

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Разработчик: Oracle
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