- Wrapping and breaking text
- What is overflowing text?
- Finding the min-content size
- Breaking long words
- Adding hyphens
- The element
- See also
- Found a content problem with this page?
- CSS word-wrap Property
- Definition and Usage
- Browser Support
- CSS Syntax
- Property Values
- Related Pages
- Report Error
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- word-wrap
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- Браузеры
- Справочник CSS
Wrapping and breaking text
This guide explains the various ways in which overflowing text can be managed in CSS.
What is overflowing text?
In CSS, if you have an unbreakable string such as a very long word, by default it will overflow any container that is too small for it in the inline direction. We can see this happening in the example below: the long word is extending past the boundary of the box it is contained in.
CSS will display overflow in this way, because doing something else could cause data loss. In CSS data loss means that some of your content vanishes. So the initial value of overflow is visible , and we can see the overflowing text. It is generally better to be able to see overflow, even if it is messy. If things were to disappear or be cropped as would happen if overflow was set to hidden you might not spot it when previewing your site. Messy overflow is at least easy to spot, and in the worst case, your visitor will be able to see and read the content even if it looks a bit strange.
In this next example, you can see what happens if overflow is set to hidden .
Finding the min-content size
To find the minimum size of the box that will contain its contents with no overflows, set the width or inline-size property of the box to min-content .
Using min-content is therefore one possibility for overflowing boxes. If it is possible to allow the box to grow to be the minimum size required for the content, but no bigger, using this keyword will give you that size.
Breaking long words
If the box needs to be a fixed size, or you are keen to ensure that long words can’t overflow, then the overflow-wrap property can help. This property will break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself.
Note: The overflow-wrap property acts in the same way as the non-standard property word-wrap . The word-wrap property is now treated by browsers as an alias of the standard property.
An alternative property to try is word-break . This property will break the word at the point it overflows. It will cause a break-even if placing the word onto a new line would allow it to display without breaking.
In this next example, you can compare the difference between the two properties on the same string of text.
This might be useful if you want to prevent a large gap from appearing if there is just enough space for the string. Or, where there is another element that you would not want the break to happen immediately after.
In the example below there is a checkbox and label. Let’s say, you want the label to break should it be too long for the box. However, you don’t want it to break directly after the checkbox.
Adding hyphens
To add hyphens when words are broken, use the CSS hyphens property. Using a value of auto , the browser is free to automatically break words at appropriate hyphenation points, following whatever rules it chooses. To have some control over the process, use a value of manual , then insert a hard or soft break character into the string. A hard break ( ‐ ) will always break, even if it is not necessary to do so. A soft break ( ) only breaks if breaking is needed.
You can also use the hyphenate-character property to use the string of your choice instead of the hyphen character at the end of the line (before the hyphenation line break).
This property also takes the value auto , which will select the correct value to mark a mid-word line break according to the typographic conventions of the current content language.
The element
In the below example the text breaks in the location of the .
See also
- The HTML element
- The CSS word-break property
- The CSS overflow-wrap property
- The CSS white-space property
- The CSS hyphens property
- Overflow and Data Loss in CSS
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This page was last modified on May 25, 2023 by MDN contributors.
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CSS word-wrap Property
Allow long words to be able to break and wrap onto the next line:
Definition and Usage
The word-wrap property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line.
Default value: | normal |
Inherited: | yes |
Animatable: | no. Read about animatable |
Version: | CSS3 |
JavaScript syntax: | object.style.wordWrap=»break-word» Try it |
Browser Support
The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.
CSS Syntax
Property Values
Value | Description | Demo |
normal | Break words only at allowed break points. This is default | Demo ❯ |
break-word | Allows unbreakable words to be broken | Demo ❯ |
initial | Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial | |
inherit | Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit |
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Свойство word-wrap указывает, переносить или нет длинные слова, которые не помещаются по ширине в заданную область.
Краткая информация
Значение по умолчанию | normal |
Наследуется | Да |
Применяется | Ко всем элементам |
Процентная запись | Неприменима |
Анимируется | Нет |
word-wrap: normal | break-word
Описание | Пример | |
Указывает тип значения. | ||
A && B | Значения должны выводиться в указанном порядке. | && |
A | B | Указывает, что надо выбрать только одно значение из предложенных (A или B). | normal | small-caps |
A || B | Каждое значение может использоваться самостоятельно или совместно с другими в произвольном порядке. | width || count |
[ ] | Группирует значения. | [ crop || cross ] |
* | Повторять ноль или больше раз. | [,]* |
+ | Повторять один или больше раз. | + |
? | Указанный тип, слово или группа не является обязательным. | inset? |
Повторять не менее A, но не более B раз. | ||
# | Повторять один или больше раз через запятую. | # |
normal Строки не переносятся или переносятся в тех местах, где явно задан перенос (например, с помощью
). break-word Перенос строк добавляется автоматически, чтобы слово поместилось в заданную ширину блока.
Результат данного примера показан на рис. 1.
Рис. 1. Перенос длинных слов
Объектная модель
Каждая спецификация проходит несколько стадий одобрения.
- Recommendation ( Рекомендация ) — спецификация одобрена W3C и рекомендована как стандарт.
- Candidate Recommendation ( Возможная рекомендация ) — группа, отвечающая за стандарт, удовлетворена, как он соответствует своим целям, но требуется помощь сообщества разработчиков по реализации стандарта.
- Proposed Recommendation ( Предлагаемая рекомендация ) — на этом этапе документ представлен на рассмотрение Консультативного совета W3C для окончательного утверждения.
- Working Draft ( Рабочий проект ) — более зрелая версия черновика после обсуждения и внесения поправок для рассмотрения сообществом.
- Editor’s draft ( Редакторский черновик ) — черновая версия стандарта после внесения правок редакторами проекта.
- Draft ( Черновик спецификации ) — первая черновая версия стандарта.
В таблице браузеров применяются следующие обозначения.
- — элемент полностью поддерживается браузером;
- — элемент браузером не воспринимается и игнорируется;
- — при работе возможно появление различных ошибок, либо элемент поддерживается с оговорками.
Число указывает версию браузреа, начиная с которой элемент поддерживается.
Справочник CSS
- !important
- ::after
- ::backdrop
- ::before
- ::first-letter
- ::first-line
- ::placeholder
- ::selection
- :active
- :blank
- :checked
- :default
- :disabled
- :empty
- :enabled
- :first-child
- :first-of-type
- :focus
- :focus-within
- :fullscreen
- :hover
- :in-range
- :indeterminate
- :invalid
- :lang
- :last-child
- :last-of-type
- :link
- :not
- :nth-child
- :nth-last-child
- :nth-last-of-type
- :nth-of-type
- :only-child
- :only-of-type
- :optional
- :out-of-range
- :placeholder-shown
- :read-only
- :read-write
- :required
- :root
- :target
- :valid
- :visited
- @charset
- @document
- @font-face
- @import
- @keyframes
- @media
- @page
- @supports
- @viewport
- align-content
- align-items
- align-self
- all
- animation
- animation-delay
- animation-direction
- animation-duration
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-name
- animation-play-state
- animation-timing-function
- aspect-ratio
- backdrop-filter
- backface-visibility
- background
- background-attachment
- background-blend-mode
- background-clip
- background-color
- background-image
- background-origin
- background-position
- background-position-x
- background-position-y
- background-repeat
- background-size
- block-size
- border
- border-bottom
- border-bottom-color
- border-bottom-left-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-bottom-style
- border-bottom-width
- border-collapse
- border-color
- border-image
- border-left
- border-left-color
- border-left-style
- border-left-width
- border-radius
- border-right
- border-right-color
- border-right-style
- border-right-width
- border-spacing
- border-style
- border-top
- border-top-color
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-top-style
- border-top-width
- border-width
- bottom
- box-decoration-break
- box-shadow
- box-sizing
- caption-side
- caret-color
- clear
- clip
- color
- column-count
- column-fill
- column-gap
- column-rule
- column-rule-color
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-width
- column-span
- column-width
- columns
- content
- counter-increment
- counter-reset
- cursor
- direction
- display
- empty-cells
- filter
- flex
- flex-basis
- flex-direction
- flex-flow
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-wrap
- float
- font
- font-family
- font-kerning
- font-size
- font-stretch
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- height
- hyphens
- image-rendering
- justify-content
- left
- letter-spacing
- line-clamp
- line-height
- list-style
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
- margin
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin-right
- margin-top
- marks
- max-height
- max-width
- min-height
- min-width
- mix-blend-mode
- object-fit
- opacity
- order
- orphans
- outline
- outline-color
- outline-offset
- outline-style
- outline-width
- overflow
- overflow-x
- overflow-y
- padding
- padding-block
- padding-block-end
- padding-block-start
- padding-bottom
- padding-inline
- padding-inline-end
- padding-inline-start
- padding-left
- padding-right
- padding-top
- page-break-after
- page-break-before
- page-break-inside
- perspective
- perspective-origin
- place-content
- pointer-events
- position
- quotes
- resize
- right
- scroll-behavior
- tab-size
- table-layout
- text-align
- text-align-last
- text-decoration
- text-decoration-color
- text-decoration-line
- text-decoration-skip-ink
- text-decoration-style
- text-emphasis
- text-emphasis-color
- text-emphasis-position
- text-emphasis-style
- text-fill-color
- text-indent
- text-orientation
- text-overflow
- text-shadow
- text-stroke
- text-stroke-color
- text-stroke-width
- text-transform
- top
- transform
- transform-origin
- transform-style
- transition
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-property
- transition-timing-function
- unicode-bidi
- user-select
- vertical-align
- visibility
- white-space
- widows
- width
- word-break
- word-spacing
- word-wrap
- writing-mode
- z-index
- zoom