Html what is base tag


Specify a default URL and a default target for all links on a page:

Definition and Usage

The tag specifies the base URL and/or target for all relative URLs in a document.

The tag must have either an href or a target attribute present, or both.

There can only be one single element in a document, and it must be inside the element.

Browser Support


Attribute Value Description
href URL Specifies the base URL for all relative URLs in the page
target _blank
Specifies the default target for all hyperlinks and forms in the page

Global Attributes and Events

Event Attributes

The tag does not support any event attributes.

Default CSS Settings

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The tag has recently become part of HTML5. It defines an absolute (base) URL for all the relative URLs in the HTML document. This tag also determines how links in the current document must be opened (in a new window, in the current window, etc.).

You can access the used base URL of a document from scripts with document.baseURI. If the document doesn’t contain any element, baseURL will default to document.location.href.


The tag is empty, which means that the closing tag isn’t required. But in XHTML, the () tag must be closed ().

If you use multiple elements, only the first href and target attributes will be obeyed. The rest will be ignored.

Example of the HTML tag:

html> html> head> title>HTML base tag title> base href="" target="_blank"> head> body> a href="/css3-maker/border-radius">Try CSS Maker Tool a> body> html>


base exemple

In this example, the tag defines the base URL — «», and the relative link «/css3-maker/border-radius» will use that URL as a starting point.

Copy the above-mentioned code into our editor, and you will see an active link, which, when clicked, opens in a new window. Although the link itself does not contain the target _blank attribute, it will open in a new window, since we have set the target _blank attribute to the absolute URL in the tag.


The tag must necessarily contain either href or target attribute. If necessary, you can use both attributes.

Attribute Value Definition
href URL Specifies the base URL for all relative URLs of the page. The default base address is substituted before all relative addresses on the page.
target _blank Opens the link in a new window.
_self Opens the link in the current window.
_parent Opens the link in the parent frame.
_top Opens the document in the full width of the page.


HTML Base tag

HTML provides the benefits of different tags in different ways. The important point is that developers need to choose the right HTML tag at the right time. In this tutorial, you will learn how HTML base tag works.

What Is HTML Tag?

The tag in HTML specifies the base URL for all relative URLs in an HTML document. It allows the developer to set a default URL that will be used to resolve any relative URLs that appear in the document.

The base tag should be placed in the head of the HTML document and only occur once per document.

Here is an example of how to use the base element in an HTML page:

In this example, the base element specifies that the base URL for the document is Any relative URLs in the document (e.g., /img/logo.png) will be resolved relative to this base URL (e.g.,

HTML Tag Attributes

  • href : This attribute specifies the base URL for the document. Any relative URLs in the document will be resolved relative to this base URL.
  • target : This attribute specifies the default target for all links in the document. It can be used to control where linked documents will be displayed (e.g., in the current window, in a new window or tab, etc.).

Here is an example of how a base element can be used with both attributes in an HTML page:

In this example, the base tag specifies that the base URL for the HTML document is and that all links in the document should open in a new window or tab when clicked.

It’s worth noting that the base tag’s target attribute is deprecated in HTML5, and its use is not recommended. Instead, it would be best if you used the element’s target attribute to specify targets for individual links.


What is the element in HTML for?

I am learning how to code on There is an explanation on what is for but it’s not very helping. All it says is «Defines a default address or a default target for all links on a page» why do we even need to do this?

When using in your you cna define the path of the for example, image folder. so you dont have to use them everytime with and just only the image name.

Your first mistake is in trying to learn from; it is widely considered to be of poor quality (see and there are better sources out there. Your second mistake is in assuming that you will ever actually need what is a rather obscure and old-fashioned bit of HTML.

@IMSoP, how did the OP make the «mistake» of assuming that he needed ? He asked if he needed it. He assumed nothing. Your comment was rude, and missed that the questioner was. asking a question. (The base element is quite handy for HTML files/pages that might be downloaded and saved, which should be encouraged, like articles, posts, ebooks, etc. That way the browser always knows the root path to various resources, since the site path won’t be in the URL bar when such files are opened.)

@LearningFast Since more than 7 years have gone by, I can only really guess at my own thought process, and on balance, you’re right that it comes across a bit blunt. I think the point I was trying to make is that looking through a reference book (or its online equivalent) at every possible HTML tag and wondering why you’d use them is not a great way to learn, since there will be a lot of cases where the answer is «you wouldn’t». It’s a bit like learning a foreign language by reading the dictionary A to Z and asking for usage examples of words that you’ll never use.


Html what is base tag

HTML-элемент определяет основной адрес (URL), используемый для всех относительных адресов (URLs) в документе. Может быть только один элемент в одном документе. Основной адрес (URL) документа можно запросить скриптом используя document.baseURI (en-US).

Категории контента Метаданные
Допустимое содержимое Отсутствует. Это пустой элемент.
Пропуск тегов Без закрывающего тега.
Допустимые родители , .
Допустимые ARIA-роли Нет
DOM-интерфейс HTMLBaseElement


К элементу можно применять глобальные атрибуты.

Базовый адрес (URL) для указания полного пути (основной, главный адрес). Если указан данный атрибут, значит этот элемент должен находиться до других элементов с атрибутами URLs. Разрешены абсолютные (внешние) и относительные (внутренние) адреса (URLs).

  • _self : загружает результат в текущем окне или вкладке. Если атрибут не указан, является значением по умолчанию.
  • _blank : загружает результат в новом окне или бланке.
  • _parent : загружает данные в родительском окне. Если значение _parent не указано, используется значение _self .
  • _top : загружает данные в контексте верхнего уровня (то есть, отображает полученный контекст без обратного перехода, если не имеет родительского значения). Если нет родительских данных используется как _self .

Примечание: если указано несколько элементов , будут использованы только первые href и target; все последующие значения проигнорируются.


base href=""> base target="_blank" href=""> 


Совместимость с браузерами

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