Html textarea fixed height

How to restrict max textarea width and height in chrome or how to disable textarea resizing

Chrome allowed to resize text area by drugging that on the bottom right corner, but some times this movement may break design of the page, so i am wondering how to restrict the max and min width for that action of how to disable that function at all with thml/javascript/css on the page?

You shouldn’t use resize: none unless you absolutely must. It’s really very annoying indeed not to be able to resize tiny little textarea s.

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6 Answers 6

resize: vertical; max-height: 200px; 

This should be the selected answer. Disabling the resizing completely is really frustration for the user, you should be able to at-least resize vertically to some extent/

You can also restrict to horizontal resizing only with:

and only vertical resizing with:

You can disable re-sizing it with the following css:

This is all a matter of CSS. To disable the resizing (drag thumb) just use resize: none; . To restrict size max(min)-width and height should do the trick.

textarea.vertical < resize: vertical; max-height: 130px; min-height: 80px; >textarea.horizontal

Horizontally resizable textarea

Vertically resizable textarea

You can set the resize property as horizontal and vertical or set it as default(the user can stretch in both ways).

If you are setting resize: horizontal then you need to add the additional property as max-width:200px;

If you are setting resize: vertical then you need to add the additional property as max-height:200px;


How to Set the Size of the Element

There are two ways of setting the size of the HTML element. You can use HTML or CSS.

In HTML, you can use the cols and rows attributes. Let’s see this solution in use.

Example of setting the textarea size with HTML:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> form action="/form/submit" method="post"> textarea name="textarea" rows="5" cols="40">Write something here textarea> br> input type="submit" name="submitInfo" value="Submit"> form> body> html>


In CSS, you need to use the width and height properties for the element.

Example of setting the textarea size with CSS:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> textarea < width: 250px; height: 100px; > style> head> body> form action="/form/submit" method="post"> textarea> textarea> br> input type="submit" name="submitInfo" value="Submit"> form> body> html>

How to make a textarea in HTML the same size as its contents?

To make a textarea in HTML the same size as its contents, you can use JavaScript to adjust the height of the textarea dynamically based on its content. Here’s an example of how to do it using jQuery:

html> html> head> title>Resizable Textarea title> script src=""> script> style> textarea < min-height: 50px; padding: 10px; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; resize: none; /* disable resizing */ > style> head> body> textarea id="myTextarea"> textarea> script> $(document).ready(function ( ) < $("#myTextarea").on("input", function ( ) < = "auto"; = this.scrollHeight + 10 + "px"; >); >); script> body> html>

In this example, we first define some CSS styles for the textarea to set its minimum height, padding, font size, line height, and to disable resizing. Then, we use jQuery to attach an event handler to the textarea’s input event. This event fires whenever the textarea’s content changes.

Inside the event handler, we first set the textarea’s height to «auto» to reset it to its default height. Then, we set its height to the scroll height (which includes the content height and any padding or borders) plus an additional 10 pixels of padding. This ensures that the textarea’s height is always large enough to fit its content.

By doing this, the textarea will dynamically adjust its height to match the height of its content as the user types or pastes into it.

How to set a fixed height and width for a textarea element in HTML?

You can set a fixed height and width for a textarea element in HTML by using the rows and cols attributes. The rows attribute sets the number of visible text lines in the textarea, while the cols attribute sets the number of visible characters per line.

To disable the resizing capability of the textarea, you can use the resize property in CSS and set it to none .

Here’s an example of how to set a fixed height and width for a textarea element:

html> html> head> title>Resizable Textarea title> head> body> textarea rows="10" cols="50" style="resize: none;"> textarea> body> html>

In this example, the textarea has a fixed height of 10 rows and a fixed width of 50 characters per row. The resize property is set to none to disable resizing.


How to Disable the Resizing of the Element?

Webkit-based browsers such as Chrome, Safari, have attached a new UI element to the bottom-right of text areas allowing the user to resize the textarea size just by clicking it and moving the mouse.

As we know, WebKit has a privilege over other browsers in page control and CSS features. One of these “hidden” features is the possibility to regulate the textarea resizing. Firefox has provided the same feature in Firefox 4.

How to control the textarea resizing with CSS3

In this article, we are going to learn how to make the HTML element have a fixed, unchangeable size.

To prevent a text field from being resized, you can use the CSS resize property with its «none» value.

Add this piece of code to your textarea style:

After it you can use the height and width properties to define a fixed height and width for your element.

Example of disabling the resizing of the element by using a fixed height and width:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .comment < resize: none; height: 100px; width: 350px; > style> head> body> h2>Textarea with fixed width and height h2> form action="/form/submit" method="post"> textarea class="comment">Send your comments to the author. textarea> br> input type="submit" name="submitInfo" value="Submit"> form> body> html>


Or you can provide your size just by setting the cols and rows attributes defining the fixed number of the columns and rows.

Example of disabling the resizing of the element by using the cols and rows attributes:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .comment < resize: none; > style> head> body> form action="/form/submit" method="post"> textarea class="comment" rows="10" cols="40">Send your comments to the author. textarea> br> input type="submit" name="submitInfo" value="Submit"> form> body> html>

You can also choose to allow users to resize your element only horizontally or vertically using the «vertical» or «horizontal» values of the resize property.

Example of disabling the resizing of the element only vertically or horizontally:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> .vertical < resize: vertical; > .horizontal < resize: horizontal; > style> head> body> h2>Resize the textarea only vertically h2> form action="/form/submit" method="post"> textarea class="vertical" rows="8" cols="50">Send your comments to the author. textarea> h2>Resize the textarea only horizontally h2> textarea class="horizontal" rows="8" cols="50">Send your comments to the author. textarea> form> body> html>

Textarea resizing is beneficial when you’re going to post a long text. Of course, often you may want to disable textarea resizing to keep your design, and it’s also remarkable. As a desired rule, however, you need to permit resizing.


Как для поля textarea HTML запретить изменение размера?

Как для поля textarea HTML запретить изменение размера?

Иногда, при верстке сайта, в частности, при работе с контактными формами возникает необходимость в HTML запретить изменение размера textarea. Вызвать такую необходимость могут разные причины. Например, вы хотите убрать уголок-индикатор, позволяющий растянуть текстовое поле из правого нижнего угла:

Как изменить размер текстового поля

Или же вы хотите ограничить возможности пользователя по изменению размера поля textarea по горизонтали или по вертикали, для того, что бы сохранить верстку от нежелательных искажений:

Текстовое поле выходит за пределы формы

Для поля textarea HTML запретить изменение размера можно несколькими способами.

Как в HTML полностью запретить изменение размера textarea?

Если вы хотите полностью заблокировать изменение размера текстового поля textarea, а так же убрать уголок-индикатор, то наиболее эффективным будет использование свойства resize со значением none.

Как видите, уголок-индикатор исчез, и для пользователя нет возможности растянуть поле.

Как для textarea HTML запретить изменение размера в одном направлении?

Но такой вариант не всегда удобен, так как по умолчанию для текстового поля может быть задана слишком маленькая высота, и пользователю будет неудобно вводить текст в это поле:

Текстовое поле маленького размера

В таком случае было бы намного разумнее для textarea HTML запретить изменение размера, в зависимости от верстки, только в одном направлении. Например, в моем случае, при растягивании поля по ширине, поле уходит за пределы формы, и это существенно портит внешний вид. Но если растянуть поле в низ, то с версткой ничего страшного не произойдет, просто форма станет немного больше по высоте, и в тоже время, для пользователя будет намного удобнее вводить текст:

Поле textarea растянутое по высоте

Чтобы добиться такого результата, нам нужно задать для свойства resize одно из этих значений:

  • vertical – разрешает изменение размера текстового поля по вертикали
  • horizontal— разрешает изменение размера по горизонтали


Textarea Autoheight CSS

I have a textarea that will hold data from a database. It will be disabled so that the user cannot interact with it. Is there a way to set the height via css so that it fits the area. IE: if there is only one line of text, the textarea height is only 1 row or if there is 3 lines of text, the textarea height is 3 rows? It’s part of an MVC application if that helps at all. I’m using the html.textareafor as well.

It sounds like a textarea isn’t the right fit. You don’t want it to be edited and you want it to automatically size. Why not make it another element ( div , p , ul , table , etc as appropriate).

Thanks Tim. I was so set on using some sort of Control that using a p element didn’t even enter in to my mind!

4 Answers 4

Simplest I can think of is this:

More Smart Solution Of Mine depends On Count of Chars 🙂 PHP Laravel


I do i similar in PHP but i use the rows and not the CSS Attribute:

I have spent the last hour reading sites, mostly SO, to find the answer to how to display HTML code on a page without it executing. The best answer I found was to put it in a textarea, but the textarea did not expand vertically to show the entire contents. style=’height:auto;’ and style=’height:fit-content;’ did nothing. So, my solution was (so simple it surprised me) — count lines (using ‘\n’, the linefeed character in my text):

height is now perfect! Add disabled to textarea if you don’t want it editable.


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