Html тег для формул

Html тег для формул

Элементом верхнего уровня в MathML является тэг . Каждый допустимый экземпляр MathML должен быть внутри этого контейнера. Он не допускает вложений, но внутри может быть произвольное число других дочерних элементов.


В дополнение к следующим атрибутам, тэг воспринимает любые атрибуты из .

При условии использования вместе с таблицами стилей .

Указывает направление формулы: ltr — слева направо или rtl — справа налево.

Используется для установки гиперссылки на указанный URI.

Цвет фона. Вы можете использовать #rgb , #rrggbb и названия цветов HTML (en-US) .

Цвет текста. Вы можете использовать #rgb , #rrggbb и названия цветов HTML (en-US) .

Этот атрибут определяет способ вывода. Возможные значения:

  • block — означает, что этот элемент будет отображаться за пределами текущего диапазона текста, как блока, который может быть расположен в любом месте без изменения смысла текста;
  • inline -означает, что этот элемент будет отображаться внутри текущего диапазона текста, и не могут быть перемещены из неё без изменения значения этого текста.
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Значение по умолчанию inline .

Устаревшие значение display attribute (en-US) . Возможные значения: display (который имеет тот же эффект, как display=»block» ) и inline .

Определяет, как выражение ведёт себя, если текст слишком длинный и не помещается в указанном диапазоне ширины. Возможные значения: linebreak (по умолчанию), scroll , elide , truncate , scale .


Теорема Пифагора

Обозначения HTML5

doctype html> html> head> title>MathML in HTML5title> head> body> math> mrow> mrow> msup> mi>ami> mn>2mn> msup> mo>+mo> msup> mi>bmi> mn>2mn> msup> mrow> mo>=mo> msup> mi>cmi> mn>2mn> msup> mrow> math> body> html> 

Обозначения XHTML

DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN" ""> html xmlns=""> head> title>MathML in XHTMLtitle> head> body> math xmlns=""> mrow> mrow> msup> mi>ami> mn>2mn> msup> mo>+mo> msup> mi>bmi> mn>2mn> msup> mrow> mo>=mo> msup> mi>cmi> mn>2mn> msup> mrow> math> body> html> 

Примечания: XHTML документы с MathML должны быть поданы как application/xhtml+xml . Вы можете легко добиться этого, добавив .xhtml расширение для локальных файлов. Для серверов Apache вы можете настроить .htaccess файл для этого расширения на правильный тип MIME. Поскольку мы сохранили наш MathML в виде XML-документа, необходимо быть уверенным в правильно оформленном XML-документе.


Совместимость с браузерами

BCD tables only load in the browser

Смотрите также

  • HTML-элемент верхнего уровня:
  • SVG элемент верхнего уровня:
  • Тест-браузер MathML: Для XHTML и HTML5

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Getting started with MathML

In this article, we will take a simple HTML document and see how to add MathML formulas into it, introducing a few elements along the way.

Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy, basic software installed, basic knowledge of working with files, and HTML basics (study Introduction to HTML.)
Objective: To understand the basic syntax of MathML and how to integrate it in HTML pages.

Inserting formulas in HTML via the element

MathML uses the same syntax as HTML to represent a tree of elements and attributes. In particular, each mathematical formula is represented by an element which can be placed inside an HTML page. In the following document, it is inside a paragraph of text:

doctype html> html lang="en-US"> head> title>My first math pagetitle> head> body> p> The fraction math> mfrac> mn>1mn> mn>3mn> mfrac> math> is not a decimal number. p> body> html> 

The element specifies a fraction with a numerator (its first child) and a denominator (its second child). This is how it renders in your browser:

Warning: If you just see «1 3» instead of a fraction, then your browser may not support MathML. Check out the browser compatibility table for further details.

The display attribute

Note that in the previous example, the formula is on the same line as the text of the paragraph. However, it is quite common to instead render large mathematical formulas centered on their own line as shown below. To achieve that, you need to attach a display=»block» attribute on the element.

doctype html> html lang="en-US"> head> title>My first math pagetitle> head> body> p> The fraction math display="block"> mfrac> mn>1mn> mn>3mn> mfrac> math> is not a decimal number. p> body> html> 

You may also notice some subtle change in the appearance: the text and vertical spacing of the fraction becomes a bit bigger. Without the display=»block» attribute, the height is minimized to avoid disturbing the flow of the surrounding text. With the display=»block» attribute, priority is instead put on legibility of the mathematical formula.

Note: This corresponds to the LaTeX’s concept of inline formulas (delimited by dollar signs $. $ ) and display formulas (delimited by \[. \] ).

Note: The appearance change mentioned above is actually controlled by the math-style property which is initially normal for and compact otherwise. In some MathML subtrees, this property can then automatically become compact but we will ignore this subtlety for this introductory tutorial. Again, this is similar to LaTeX.

Grouping with the element

The element can actually contain an arbitrary number of children and will essentially render them in a row. For instance, the simple formula «1 + 2 + 3» would be encoded like this in MathML:

math> mn>1mn> mo>+mo> mn>2mn> mo>+mo> mn>3mn> math> 

The element is a generic container that performs similar layout but can be placed anywhere in the MathML subtree. It is helpful to group several elements together. For instance, the numerator of the following fraction (its first child) is «one plus two».

math> mfrac> mrow> mn>1mn> mo>+mo> mn>2mn> mrow> mn>3mn> mfrac> math> 

Active learning: nested expressions

As an exercise, figure out how to write the following expressions using only the MathML elements we’ve seen so far. If you are stuck or want to verify the solution, check the source code of the example.

ol> li> "one half" plus "two third": math> mfrac> mn>1mn> mn>2mn> mfrac> mo>+mo> mfrac> mn>2mn> mn>3mn> mfrac> math> li> li> "one plus two plus three" over "four plus five": math> mfrac> mrow> mn>1mn> mo>+mo> mn>2mn> mo>+mo> mn>3mn> mrow> mrow> mn>4mn> mo>+mo> mn>5mn> mrow> mfrac> math> li> li> "one quarter" over "two plus three": math> mfrac> mfrac> mn>1mn> mn>4mn> mfrac> mrow> mn>2mn> mo>+mo> mn>3mn> mrow> mfrac> math> li> ol> 


In this article, we have taken a look at how to use the element to insert a mathematical formula inside a HTML document. We have learned about rendering differences between elements that use display=»block» or not. In addition, we stumbled upon a couple of other MathML elements: for fractions, for grouping and finally a few text elements. We will analyze these text containers further in the next article.

See also

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This page was last modified on Jul 7, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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3 Ways To Write Math Equations In HTML

Welcome to a tutorial on how to write Math equations in HTML. The Internet has come a long way from the Stone Age, and HTML is now fully capable of handling various types of content, different languages, images, audio, and videos. But there is seemingly one mystery left unanswered… How do we write Math equations?

There are a few ways to write Math equations in HTML:

  1. Use HTML Math symbols and tags to build simple equations.
    • Refer to this list for the available Math symbols.
    • For example, ∛ 27 = 3 will display as ∛ 27 = 3.
  2. For the complicated equations, use a library to help – Check out MathJax.
  3. Lastly, use online generators to create images of equations – Check out Mathcha.

That covers the basics, but let’s walk through more examples in this guide – Read on!

ⓘ I have included a zip file with all the example source code at the start of this tutorial, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything… Or if you just want to dive straight in.


How To Write Math Equations In HTML



Firstly, here is the download link to the example code as promised.


If you spot a bug, feel free to comment below. I try to answer short questions too, but it is one person versus the entire world… If you need answers urgently, please check out my list of websites to get help with programming.


Click here to download the source code, I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.


All right, let us now get into the various ways and examples of writing Math equations in HTML.




1 + 1 ≠ 11


∛ 27 = 3


34 = 81

  • In short, there are a ton of HTML symbols available, and we can define them using &CODE; . For example, ≠ above “translates” to the “not equals” symbol.
  • HTML symbols are not restricted to only Math. There are also many other icons, smileys, arrows, etc…
  • I will leave a link to a complete list of Math symbols in the extras section below.
  • is but a simple superscript tag.
  • Not in the above example, but the other useful one is the subscript tag.


 /* (A) MATH SYMBOL "WRAPPER" */ .math < display: inline-block; >/* (B) SMALL FONT SIZE FOR SUPER & SUB SCRIPT */ .math .smol < font-size: 0.9em; height: 0.9em; >/* (C) BIG FONT SIZE FOR SYMBOL ITSELF */ .math .big 


  • We have created “3 layers” .math containers here.
  • For the first –
    • Both the top and bottom .smol layers are used to specify the upper and lower limits respectively.
    • The middle layer ∑ is the summation (sigma) symbol.
    • Both the top and bottom .smol layers are empty with a white space   .
    • The middle layer is the formula c = cn .

    Yep… This is kind of a painful way to do it, but it works.



    Following up on the above, there are thankfully libraries that we can use. This is a popular one called MathJax, and it supports multiple “Math Code Languages” – Tex, LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath. While this library is not the friendliest for beginners, this is still way better than manually creating formulas using raw HTML and CSS.

    P.S. I will leave links for the library tutorials in the extra section below.


        df  dx   =   df  du      du  dx   

    This is another example of the Mathjax library, but using the MathML “language”. I personally prefer this over the “less human” Tex and LaTeX – As you can see, this is a lot more similar to HTML and easier to understand.



    Just do a search for “latex online editor”, “Math equation online”, or “latex to image”, and there will be plenty.


    What’s next is to simply use one of these tools to create the equation, and download it as an image accordingly – Finally, insert this image into your HTML file. Captain Obvious to the rescue.

    That’s all for this guide, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.



    Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this guide. I hope that it has helped you with your project, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!

    5 thoughts on “3 Ways To Write Math Equations In HTML”

    1) If it is “going to”, the proper English sentence is “you will be hacked”.
    2) If it “already happened”, it should be “you have been hacked”.

    Since nothing happened, I take it that it is the former. I recommend you start with basic digital literacy first. Then follow up with networking, security, cryptography, Math, coding, cyber ethics, cyber ethnography, social engineering, read the book “hacking for dummies”, and research a bit more about “CEH”.

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