Html table with border and header

Html table with good header and border

Solution 2: What you want to use is a combination of border-collapse and left right borders: With css: Check it out: Then you can target all the td’s in that class with css for the td’s that are divided in half along the row, it may be easier to turn the borders off on those (maybe via inline styling), than it is to turn them on for all the other td’s.

Irregular table vs borders along table headers

If you give your table a class..

 Then you can target all the td's in that class with css

for the td’s that are divided in half along the row, it may be easier to turn the borders off on those (maybe via inline styling), than it is to turn them on for all the other td’s. That is, if I am understanding what you’re trying to do exactly. Hope this helps.

What you want to use is a combination of border-collapse and left right borders:

Header One Header Two Header Three Header Four
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table < border-collapse: collapse; >table thead tr < border: 1px solid black; >table tbody < border-bottom: 1px solid blue; >table tbody tr td

Check it out:

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To put text on table border as a header

You could create a table header, and set the text position: relative and move it up a bit. Though, this is not classy.

I would use a fieldset instead, which is 100% valid. You need to give the fieldset a border instead of the table though.

Html — put a border around header and paragraph, Alternatively, if you cannot or don’t want to change your markup, you could simply remove the bottom left and right border and border-radius for your h1 element, and also remove the top left and right border and border-radius for your p element. This will also yield the appearance you’re looking for.

Stray border in table column header

otherwise you will get not border on left

check this fiddle:

Please update your table style

Also add a left border to a TD tag so that there will be left order on td and not on th.

DEMO : Border Corrected I have added margin:20px; on table for clarity you can remove it later

Html — Stray border in table column header, I have the following CSS in my header: <style type=»text/css»> table, td < border-color: #600; border-style: solid; >table < border-width: 0

Table tr border width 100%

If you are complaining about the gaps you see in the border, that is because the default style of a table is to have a few pixels of space between the cells.
Solution: set the table’s border-spacing to 0 .

.disinves-table < border-spacing: 0; >th < border: 0 solid #581D74; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding: 15px; >tr, td, th < text-align: left; padding: 15px; >.add-btn < min-width: 0; color: white; >.add-icon < color: #581d74; >.total-row
 head 1 head 2 head3  first data 19%  Total 8654  

Creating beautiful HTML tables with CSS, For these, we want to do 3 things: Add a bottom border to each row for separation. Add a lighter background to every second row to help readability. Add a dark border to the very last row to signify the end of the table. .styled-table tbody tr < border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; >.styled-table tbody tr:nth-of …


How To Create Tables in HTML

A table is a set of data organized by rows and columns. Tables are useful for displaying connections between data types, such as products and their cost, employment and dates employed, or flights and departure times. In this tutorial, you will create a table using HTML, customize it by adding a desired amount of rows and columns, and add row and column headings to make your table easier to read.


  • Familiarity with HTML. If you are not familiar with HTML or need a refresher, you can review the first three tutorials of our How To Build a Website With HTML tutorial series.
  • An index.html file to practice creating HTML tables. If you do not know how to create an index.html file, please follow the instructions in our brief tutorial How To Set Up Your HTML Project.

Fundamentals of HTML tables

As an example, here is a table that has two rows and three columns:

table> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> tr> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> tr> table> 

To explore how HTML tables works in practice, paste the code snippet above into the index.html file or other html file you are using for this tutorial.

Save and reload the file in the browser to check your results. (For instructions on loading the file in your browser, please visit this step of our tutorial on HTML Elements.)

Your webpage should now have a table with three columns and two rows:

3 columns, 2 rows table

table> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> tr> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> tr> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> tr> table> 

Save your results and check them in your browser. You should receive something like this:

3 Columns and 3 Rows Table

table> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> td>Column 4td> tr> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> td>Column 4 td> tr> tr> td>Column 1td> td>Column 2td> td>Column 3td> td>Column 4td> tr> table> 

Save your results and check them in your browser. Your webpage should display a table with three rows and four columns:

Webpage displaying table with three rows and four columns

Adding a Border To a Table

table border="1"> tr> td>Row 1td> td>Row 2td> td>Row 3td> tr> tr> td>Row 1td> td>Row 2td> td>Row 3td> tr> table> 

Add the highlighted border attribute to your table and checking your results in the browser. (You can clear your index.html file and paste in the HTML code snippet above.) Save your file and load it in the browser. Your table should now have a border surrounding each of your rows and columns like this:

Webpage displaying table with border

Adding Headings To Rows and Columns

Headings can be added to rows and columns to make tables easier to read. Table headings are automatically styled with bold and centered text to visually distinguish them from table data. Headings also make tables more accessible as they help individuals using screen readers navigate table data.

Clear the index.html file and add a row of column headings with the following code snippet:

table border="1"> tr> th>th> th>Column Header 1th> th>Column Header 2th> th>Column Header 3th> tr> table> 

Save the index.html file and reload it in your browser. You should receive something like this:

Webpage displaying HTML column headings

Your webpage should display a single row of column headers. Note that the first column header is empty. You may add a column header here if you like.

table border="1"> tr> th>th> th>Column Header 1th> th>Column Header 2th> th>Column Header 3th> tr> tr> th>Row Header 1th> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> tr> tr> th>Row Header 2th> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> tr> tr> th>Row Header 3th> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> td>Datatd> tr> table> 

Save the index.html file and reload it in your browser. You should receive something like this:

Webpage displaying table with column and row headings

You should now have a table with with three column headings and three row headings.


In this tutorial, you have created an HTML table, added additional rows and columns, and created headings for rows and columns.

If you are interested in learning more about HTML, you can check our our tutorial series How To Build a Website With HTML. To learn about how to use CSS to style HTML elements (including tables), please visit our tutorial series How To Build a Website With CSS.

Thanks for learning with the DigitalOcean Community. Check out our offerings for compute, storage, networking, and managed databases.


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